Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.21657286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7296 >>7297 >>7311

US house speaker demands Zelensky fire Ukrainian ambassador


The top House Republican has accused Ukraine’s envoy of meddling in US politics


“I demand that you immediately fire Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova,” Johnson wrote in a letter to Zelensky on Wednesday, noting that she organized the Pennsylvania event.


“The facility was in a politically contested battleground state, was led by a top political surrogate for Kamala Harris, and failed to include a single Republican because — on purpose — no Republicans were invited,” Johnson wrote. “The tour was clearly a partisan campaign event designed to help Democrats and is clearly election interference.”

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:15 p.m. No.21657309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541 >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

Four Months After Suffering Assassination Attempt, Pro-Trump Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Receives Anonymous Envelope Containing a Bullet


Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico received an envelope containing a bullet from an unknown sender, the government said Wednesday.


The threat follows an attempted assassination of Fico in May that shocked Europe and exposed Slovakia’s deeply polarized society.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:21 p.m. No.21657343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sonny Hostin: "I truly believe that Biden's legacy will be etched in the history books as Washington." 😂😂

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.21657392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

817 WikiLeaks documents referencing #DynCorp :


PDF Department of Defense Case Number H03L88433128 :


Pedophile Ring Investigators Arrest Top Army General :


Steemit Archive Project: DynCorp - DoD Inspector General investigation of crimes in Bosnia and Kosovo

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:36 p.m. No.21657443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

July 16, 2019


Huge Child Porn Sharing Discovered On Pentagon PCs – Hundreds of Employees Implicated


(Editor’s Note: A retired Army two-star general is connected to this investigation. He repeatedly raped his own daughter. A link to the Army Times article is at the bottom of the page.)


A bill to stop the sharing of child pornography on Pentagon computers is being contemplated by Congress. This is an issue that’s been known about for a decade or longer. Who is doing it? Where are the children coming from? Who is filming and how has this been allowed to continue?


Child pornography as well as the trafficking of women and children are some of the biggest issues in politics today.


These types of things have been happening for a very long time and seem to be continuing due to the fact that those involved hold tremendous amounts of power. One of the latest examples would be the NXIVM case, where Claire Bronfman and her sister were implicated in a company whose leader was charged with child pornography, raping a child, and sex trafficking. The Bronfman family is a powerful family that has ties to politics, is in business with the Rothschilds, and has many ties within the entertainment industry. NXIVM and Bronfman were also accused of illegally donating to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


When it comes to the Department of Defense, stories like this corroborate with a lot of other information out there. Take ex-Nebraska policewoman Kathryn Bolkovac, for example, who served as a UN peacekeeper and worked under DynCorp, a military contractor, where she learned about elite-level sex trafficking involving the UN, the State Department, and the Military. You can read more about her testimony here. This could be connected to the time when former U.S. representative Cynthia McKinney announced she was well aware of the corruption that was going on within DynCorp, addressing it in 2005. She grilled former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the government’s involvement and compliance with military contractor DynCorp’s child trafficking business of selling women and children. This further corroborates with the story of retired Army two-star General James Grazioplene, who worked in the Pentagon and as the Vice President of DynCorp, who is currently facing charges for raping minors as well as incest. (source)


This type of thing has been going on within the Department of Defense for a very long time. The latest example is that Congress is now looking at a bipartisan bill to stop employees from sharing child porn on Department of Defense computers. Yes, it’s a real problem, which begs the question: Where are these kids coming from? Who is making these kids ‘perform,’ who is filming them, and where are these high-ranking people getting this from?


“The notion that the Department of Defense’s network and Pentagon-issued computers may be used to view, create, or circulate such horrifying images is a shameful disgrace, and one we must fight head on.” – Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia), spoken in a statement on Tuesday as she and co-sponsor Mark Meadows (R-N. Carolina) introduced the End National Defense Network Abuse (END Network Abuse) Act in the House.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:47 p.m. No.21657501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7542 >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

May 7, 2018


Rothschilds Implicated In Elite Pedophile Ring Investigation


For centuries the Rothschild family have been at the center of conspiracy theories, but now an investigation has discovered evidence connecting the banking family to an Elite pedophile ring.

After analyzing the leaked Pedogate emails of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, investigator Carolyn Limaco has discovered a link between a Satanic Illuminati pedophilia network and the Rothschilds.


By using the code words used in the emails, Limaco has uncovered a dark web of child trafficking and pedophilia symbolism through the more public Rothschild social media accounts.


Not only has Limaco connected the dots between the Rothschilds and Pedogate, but she has also found links implicating the Rockefellers and the Clintons.


Elite Pedophile Ring

The Pedogate scandal first came to light when Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta’s emails were leaked to WikiLeaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich.


Seth Rich was shot dead near his home in Washington D.C. shortly after the emails were passed over to the whistleblowing organization and many now believe that this was the reason he was murdered.


Seth Rich’s death was officially recorded as a “robbery gone wrong”, but with recent revelations about him being the leak of the emails, truthers everywhere are demanding for the investigation into his death to be reopened.


The emails revealed mass corruption and criminality as well as a connection to a Washington D.C pedophile ring.


The email conversations appeared to used known food-based pedophilia code words that seemed completely out of context until crowd-sourced investigations exposed their true meaning.


John Podesta has denied the allegations of his connection to child trafficking, but has never explained the contents of the emails or offered an alternate meaning to the code words.


The Rothschild Dynasty

According to, the Rothschild family has amassed a family fortune estimated to be $500 trillion and that’s a low estimation.


They are so powerful that they have a family coat of arms that is recognized internationally.


In addition to that, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is the personal financial adviser to the Queen of England.


Some people say that this fortune was built using unscrupulous means.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:55 p.m. No.21657545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

February 19, 2017


DHS Insider: CIA And Mossad Behind DC Pedo Ring


A DHS insider claims that the CIA and Mossad are secretly behind the cover-up of a Washington DC pedophile ring, using their knowledge of politicians involved to blackmail and further their political agendas.


According to a new interview with a Department of Homeland Security agent, over one third of DC politicians are controlled by sexual blackmail, which the CIA and Mossad use to further the Deep State’s goals. reports:


Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate. Our insider prefers to call it PedoGate and what he told us blew our minds!


We are so fortunate that members of the Intel community like our work and feel they can trust us. We have been trying to get to the bottom of PizzaGate for months and the answers we got from our DHS insider.


Q. So, in the Intelligence community, how chaotic is the atmosphere now?


A. In my 34 years of Governmental service, I have never seen anything like it. It’s the bifurcation of the entire intelligence apparatus.


Q. It seems the intel community has it in for Trump – is this your feeling?


A. There are many Trump supporters within the FBI. The CIA, however, is against Trump because Trump threatens to ruin their game in the middle east.


Q. Can you elaborate?


A. CIA and Mossad work in tandem with British intel. The goal for the CIA was to replace Assad with a puppet and to topple Iran so we could access their oil. Israel works closely with it’s “sister”, Saudi Arabia, to help this dark cause.


Q. So it seems like the intel community has it in for Trump. How can he protect himself?


A. Trump has a tremendous opportunity here, but needs to circle wagons. The travel ban included 7 countries chosen by both Jared Kushner and Rudy. Why did it not include Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, or Turkey or other countries that hate us? The seven nations mentioned were chosen by Israel, that’s why. And the unspoken alliance of Israel and Saudi Arabia should be exposed. They are brother and sister. Jared Kushner needs to be careful with what he says and to whom. But, the biggest thing Trump can do is expose PedoGate via Sessions. Big names will go down hard, and it gets the blood suckers drained from the swamp. There are as many pedophiles on the Republican side as there is with democrats, but Trump is in a unique position to truly “clean up Dodge”, so to speak. I can tell you that what is in Anthony Weiner’s hard drive, and what videos exist via Jeffery Epstein, WILL BRING massive arrests – in time. Trump’s legacy could be truly great if he was to purge the CIA, stop the extortion, prosecute the pedophiles and reinstate the death penalty for pedo’s convicted a second time. Pedogate is his path to greatness.


Q. How does Russia fit into all this?


A. The CIA and Israel are responsible for the creation of Isis. Isis was created specifically to weaken Iran and destabilize Syria. It worked for awhile until Putin shored up Assad and bolstered Iranian Qud forces. The real reason you see such anti-Russian fever from both Schumer and McCain, Graham and Feinstein, is because the operation has blown up in our faces.


Q. Is Israel behind the anti Russian sentiment?


A. Yes. Israeli intelligence is furious with Trump, and will do anything to keep Trump from working with Putin. Understand that if Trump and Putin work together to defeat Isis, they are actually defeating a CIA/Mossad creation, and furthermore, Syria and Iran grow stronger, which the Saudis and the Israeli’s fear. Their goal was to divide Syria and ultimately destroy Iran’s regime. It is not just an oil grab, but a much bigger attempt at moving the chess pieces to allow Israel and Saudi Arabia to dominate the entire Middle East.


Q. So they demonize Putin and try to tarnish the Trump administration?


A.The Deep State is at war with both Trump and Putin. Understand that when Israeli intelligence hears “America first” from Trump, they go apeshit. Israel has bribed, extorted and intimidated our politicians for decades and suddenly this upstart billionaire threatens to ruin everything.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 4:59 p.m. No.21657570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

Aug 23, 2018


Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov't Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later


Nine days after a former police detective published a book exposing a high-level government pedophile ring that murdered children, he was shot in the head.


Mark Minnie, author of the controversial book 'The Lost Boys of Bird Island' devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective. Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 5:05 p.m. No.21657609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616 >>7883 >>7993 >>8031 >>8052



We tracked down some of the 320,000 illegal alien children lost by the Biden-Harris administration.


During the course of our investigation, we discovered:

  • The federal government is sending children to strangers.

  • A CIA contractor is moving children across America.

  • Children are being sent to labor trafficking rings.

  • Traffickers use deportation as a threat to exact "debt" payments from sponsored children.


This report reveals the cold, hard truth about the reality of the Biden-Harris administration's open-border policies, which have resulted in the trafficking of untold numbers of children.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m. No.21657625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Enforcement of San Diego's Offensive Speech Ordinance


“Those terms are subjective and can only be defined by comparison to a norm of ‘acceptable’ or ‘normal’ conduct and speech,” the Southern District of California judge stated.


“But Section 56.27 does not give people fair notice of how far they may or may not deviate from those norms to fall within the ordinance, and thus the violation of Section 56.27 ‘may entirely depend upon whether or not a policeman is annoyed.’”

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 5:44 p.m. No.21657893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7993 >>8031 >>8052

Watch the water


Neon green water was spotted in the harbour at Kirribilli on Wednesday.


Mysterious neon green water appears in Sydney Harbour


The sudden appearance of fluorescent water in Sydney Harbour has authorities scratching their heads as mystery surrounds the unknown substance.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 5:46 p.m. No.21657908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MP Gareth Ward denies being 'drunk, naked' outside parliament at 4am


NSW MP Gareth Ward has denied being drunk outside Parliament House at 4am on July 21, saying he was trying to retrieve his spare key after accidentally locking himself out of his apartment.

The Daily Telegraph reported on a parliamentary security report which alleged Ward smelled of alcohol, was wearing a "t-shirt, underwear and socks" and had a gash on his head when he arrived at the building that morning.


The Independent MP for Kiama, who is before the courts on a series of alleged sex offences, said the imputation that he was drunk was both wrong and defamatory.

Anonymous ID: 331425 Sept. 25, 2024, 6:02 p.m. No.21657991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

27 Individuals Indicted for Buying and Selling Wholesale Quantities of Misbranded and Diverted Prescription Drugs Resold to the Public Through Retail Pharmacies in Puerto Rico