Jonathan Carty ID: 12633a Validation of Prophetic Message Comes True Sept. 26, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.21662271   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I was divinely guided to share real prophetic messages here, and there is ALWAYS a reason for it. This is another example of it and it's glorious.


This soul replied to the divine message with an insult ('filter' means an incorrect assumption):


"Anonymous 09/25/24 (Wed) 17:10:51 fd685f (28) No.21657652



you get a filter buddy, How you like it?"


A recap of the message.


"September 12th - Divinely urged to buy & drop off food/drinks at the library food bank. After, spiritual guidance communicates "Senate is mine" using my name twice.


September 13th - Official US Senate Twitter/X account publishes records for September 12th & includes opening prayer where 'Your Name' is said twice.


September 16th - The very next tweet/post by the US Senate account's URL ends in 410 which is a magic number and my birthday (April 10th).




Proof of US Senate account URL ending in 410:"


Gloriously, a news website 'Filter' publishes an article the same day as the Anon mentioned earlier here, September 25th, featuring a cover photo with a cop car with a license plate that starts with 410 (included as the photo for this post):