Anonymous ID: a76e8c Sept. 25, 2024, 7:59 p.m. No.21658660   🗄️.is đź”—kun


However, fact-checkers have found this claim to be mostly false, as Harris grew up in an affluent neighborhood in Montreal, Canada, far from the modest life she suggested she knew, as Breitbart reports.

Harris made the comment while sidestepping a direct question about whether Americans were better off now than four years ago.

However, a closer look at Harris’ background reveals that her claim of being raised in a middle-class environment may not reflect reality.

Breitbart News politics editor Emma-Jo Morris fact-checked Harris’ statements and reported that Harris grew up in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada. Westmount, the area in question, is described by Jo-Morris as not only the most affluent area in Montreal but also one of the richest neighborhoods in all of Canada.

Harris’ home during her teenage years was located on Grosvenor Avenue, a prestigious street lined with Victorian homes. According to Harris’ high school friend, these homes often sell for over $1 million CAD. This stands in stark contrast to Harris’ portrayal of a modest, middle-class life.

An op-ed written by Harris’ former high school friend further contradicts the vice president's claims of a struggling background. According to this source, Harris enjoyed a stable and comfortable upbringing, complete with family dinners and a secure home life. This depiction of her youth seems to conflict with the narrative of hardship and struggle that Harris implied during the debate.

Morris also pointed out that Harris’ childhood was far removed from the urban struggle she hinted at in her statements. Instead of growing up on the "streets," as Harris suggested, she lived in an elite neighborhood with little connection to the challenges she described.