Anonymous ID: b23920 Sept. 25, 2024, 6:52 p.m. No.21658302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395 >>8473 >>8487 >>8785 >>8806 >>8942 >>8995 >>8999

B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing, from Minot AFB, flying on the down low by not broadcasting aircraft type. Hex code returns as 60-0004. "Unforgotten".

Anonymous ID: b23920 Sept. 25, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.21658606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8609 >>8798


It takes a special kind of retarded hubris to come to a place such as this board, with it's reputation, formerly well enforced code of conduct, and visibility, and then think that (you) are so fucking special that it's okay to adopt a board persona and prance around like a total faggot bread after bread. Making sure that everyone knows who it is that is posting. You need to ask yourself if in reality you actually hate this board. Or yourself. Because from where I'm standing it looks like it must be one or both. Hope they give you hell. Because you deserve it.

Anonymous ID: b23920 Sept. 25, 2024, 8:11 p.m. No.21658710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your MO would have been less obvious if you had started out with your lousy pig memes being as opinionated back then as they are today. But that's not how you did it. You started out low key. Almost timid. Never an opinion. Just seemingly pro US patriotic images with that stupid white cat. Then slowly, over time, you evolved into an opinionated asshole who slides in the occasional sublime subversive message. And the all caps stuff when posting actual big mad replies. So kek. You ramped it up over time. This shows you were seeking acceptance and wanting to use the boiling frogs strategy. Well guess what buddy? This frog hopped out of the pot. And don't mistake my replies as some form of flattery. Although your ego clearly needs it. Anon replies to you this way to educate the other anons. Many are hip to your shit pig. But there are always newfags and new eyes. And they need to see past your bullshit. Anon will help them do this. Go ahead now and call me names. It's all you have, so do it.