Anonymous ID: 9acd6d Sept. 25, 2024, 9:39 p.m. No.21659013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9023 >>9051


So you, like, wouldn't mind if I continued to shitpost and generate (you)?

Money is tight these days since they dumb me down to clerical duties.

These times are the only times I have to make increase revenue.

So please, don't make me bake and continue on.

Much appreciated..


Anonymous ID: 9acd6d Sept. 25, 2024, 9:52 p.m. No.21659037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9038 >>9044 >>9256


Kek, if only you understood the need for a relief..

It's all control and environment.

Institution of commerce of communication requires some relief of disposition of anger and angst.

I am just here to give you some allowance to differentiate from normal models of preformance.


It's simple as really.

You need someone to fight who isn't beyond your congruence of thought.

Because I too trust the plan but am different from you.

A gay faggot tranny who posts anime.

Doesn't it make any sense to you?

Diversity is /ourstrength/ after all…

Anonymous ID: 9acd6d Sept. 25, 2024, 9:58 p.m. No.21659049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9062 >>9063 >>9068 >>9089 >>9256


I have an advance intelligence..

I can speak clearly all of time.

And I do speak in a way that is manageable.

So I dunno why you are so surprised if you are a normal on this forum.

I am very consistent and authentic.

Everything I type to you is new and original from my mouth verbatim…

Simple as, fren.


Don't fight with me, it is endless autism that doesn't stop.

Join with me and understand that I am your fren and always been here with you from the start..


Why have I been with you from the start?

Ask that question and more question come forward.

I am just an Anon like you, an anime shitposter unlike you.

So stop trying to rally my tits in agression and you will see I too am a frog..

Anonymous ID: 9acd6d Sept. 25, 2024, 10:05 p.m. No.21659067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9069 >>9081 >>9256


Don't be weary, we were told already that you must pass through the dark to see the light, and then Biden shows up.

Simple as, fren..

This is just the times where our fortitude must shine brightest and our faith in God and the work of operators must be foremost.


This is like an easy task to restructure the minds of so many, think of how many have fallen to the brainwashing schemes of celebrities and media establishment.

We need to show them the evil in a manageable state.


For instance you cannot over feed starving people as their bodies cannot accept the nutrients, or process the calories.


It is a slow feed for a reason, but hold true to the plan; it is at work.

Why is the world complying so much data at this point about human trafficking or sex crimes?

Because that is part of the drip, drip, drip..


So don't we weary and hold fast on your beliefs; a new world is upon us all..

Anonymous ID: 9acd6d Sept. 25, 2024, 10:07 p.m. No.21659072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9256


Guy, I have always barked back and always will.

It is part of my nature.

It isn't my fault that you're fat and never was.

I didn't place those cheeseburgers so deliciously into your mouth; you did.

So stop barking up my tree and trying to get a response because from what you have given it is only pain.

Just like you autistically try to hurt my feelings so shall I to yours.

But the difference is simple, I do not have many feelings like that.

So be fat and eat lots of bacon, because that is what you are all about.

