anons been saying that for a long while now. Either Kash is repeating anon talking points, or he is in the know of what their next possible moves are. IDark Winter possibly.
well he is not really running it a team of advisors and fuck maybe obama are running it. A potato can pretend to be president but it can not be it.
I know you are stupid.
why you tell anons what to do, or what is psyop or not psyop. I say you are psyop and they should just shit post at you till you cry.
of course they are getting tax cuts under Kamala. They will be unemployed and replaced by a cannibalistic haitians. Once unemployed they enter no taxes paid, instant cut thanks faggot.
why hebrew and not greek? Greek is a more complicated language than Hebrew.
which was mark I believe and I heard something about how there was an addition at the end about the resurrection, that did not exist in the earliest recorded mark only appears in later additions.
christians will latch on to the idea that it is true because first off there were two witnesses and that was some legal precedent back then and women needed at least two I think to confirm her story to one mans statement. Saying someone is a witness is not actually being a witness. This is further helped by the addition of Revelation at the end with the talk of witnesses. Part of the council of Nicea was to even determine in their new religion if Jesus was even divine, son of god or man, did Jesus shit? yes it was discussed. But if the message was so clear why were there councils formed to determine the meaning of it.
what is wrong with this picture?
answer the question you waterbrain nigger.
shut up
you are a fag
they trust consensus of dead people
tradition is a lie
your thoughts don't matter. Scholars place Mark around 70ad plus minus. It does not mean nothing existed but no proof has been discovered in that period of anything about this group and yet things were being written down.
nato nation issue as well as the israel thing you mentioned. My guess is they just need to look like they are a functional group of impartial law enforcement. So they pinch the one causing the most trouble for them.
trips of truth and illumination kek
I thought the dead sea scrolls were released and you could view the individual fragments virtually and there was some website also I thought that had the translations as well. The guy who translated the babylonian stuff in the 18th century was cancelled because he pointed out the similarity between that and the OT.
why is it satans language. Who is satan exactly.
obvious christian troll.
the way they address accuracy is in terms of gluing it especially in the smaller fragments is trying to use measurements and spacing to see what is on the back and front and where it might be. By the time you even get excepted gospels by the so called holy church, it has already gone through multiple edits away from source document. Some call this Q at least for the new testament that there is some tie. This is also why so many anons latch on to the idea of Jesus vs the division of religion line. OMG THE MISSING GOSPEL IS CALLED Q, cum, cum cum. It seems like it may exist the problem is you have gnostic shit also at the same time intermixed and that is totally ignored. The pagan origins of christianity and the continuing paganism disguised as monotheism to direct them to a certain pantheon lets say is direct and obvious. Catholic church still revels in these transmogrified gods into angles and stuff like that.
some words are not even translatable, however the translators have inserted a interpretation in which is not what you are supposed to do. It is a word or it is not a word. Just look at the debate over the word Eloheim.
Vudu lol.
see its fair.