>>2166343 POTUS' schedule for Putin summit
>>2166343 POTUS' schedule for Putin summit
back to your thread Rfaggot
we have been digging on that chick that died in weiners building, U1, spygate, and a lot of other side topics
but you wouldn't know because you're a Rfaggot who should take your larp-praising to reddit
back to your thread Rtard
forgot the pic..
you shit post the same nonsense daily
even though there a thread for your nonsense
last night you were legitimately begging/pleading with anons to go to your Rlarp thread (which is what the baker of it calls it)
blah blah blah, one post is moar important than Q
we get it already
how we doing?
been here for a few hours now today
gonna leave the night shift earlier to be able to wake up earlier for the summit
I only watch FOX when I watch news, and even FOX makes me curse at muh TV sometimes