Mmmm, fresh bread. Thank you baker.
Mmmm, fresh bread. Thank you baker.
Memes25 is full. Memes26 >>2163922 is open for deposits and withdrawals. An edit near the end of your batter?
ThankQ memeanons!
They each have a file name that you can reference.
I often say pic 1, pic 2 etc. and everybody knows in what order the pictures are appended.
I am loathe to waste bread when dumping a pile of memes. Some anons are very touchy about what they see as wasting bread. I do post a lot of memes and planefag screencaps, it's what I do, and I almost always post groups of 5 out of long habit.
You get to pick which one is "best" because I do not make value judgments about others' memes (other than refraining from collecting ones that strike me as really useless or unreadable).
Which one is "best" depends partly on YOUR audience and what point YOU are trying to make.
It's an excellent article filling in a lot of blanks that people not directly involved in national security do not know. Recommended reading.
First time I learned about Hillary's email being on an unsecured server I knew this, worst crime on the books, was in play.
Maybe they HAVE indicted her (Q said so last November), but are waiting to unseal the details so that others still under investigation will not get a chance to escape.