Fag cheering other fags playing a fag sport.
Thank you Baker.
>Elon is a shady faggot. Would not trust one word out of his mouth.
Elon gave to the GOP to hedge his bets.
All corporations do this.
And Elon is the biggest tax payer leech in the history of the world.
Of course he gave to both parties. That's where his slimy ass makes his billions.
>He's [Musk] a traitor.
Likely trying to get in good with Trump now, knowing he's about to get fucked.
>Tesla signed an agreement last week with the government of Shanghai to open what is being billed as the first foreign wholly-owned manufacturing plant in China.
If US tax payers are subsidizing this cunt, why in the fuck is he building cars in China?
>an now all those customer who are waiting on their M-3 to be delivered will have to pony up that additional cost themselves.
This makes me fucking happy.
>Gowdy rules out Rosenstein impeachment
But But But … muh rowdy Gowdy is /ourguy/
Gowdy is all talk and NO ACTION.
Always has been … Always will be.