I was led to believe the charges would be serious. This is nothing more than trading a piece of bubble gum so can sit in the front of the bus, a nice bus even.
Who gives a fuck?
I thought there were actual crimes.
I was led to believe the charges would be serious. This is nothing more than trading a piece of bubble gum so can sit in the front of the bus, a nice bus even.
Who gives a fuck?
I thought there were actual crimes.
Yeah, this is just a distraction to show that they go after Democrats also.
If he was trading state secrets, things that compromised nat sec, that would be something.
When the FBI starts getting arrested by the military, that's when it is habbening.
Oh yeah.
Hold the mayo, if that's what all the sealed indictments are, they aren't worth knowing about.
>Trump more popular than he has ever been.
Even after the first lines of shit, that clears it up.
Would be better if he just handed him to Putin.