75 rump larp @$$trumpets played this loaf
so wut yur sayin is
jfk was so jealous an such a bitch back then
durh negros got him killed
they 125
jew 53
rump 78
I 154
think 24
ass 93
you 216
me 129
ASS+U+ME= assume
no time for that
jfk scoundrel is trying to kike flase light glory frum durty necro lucre droogs
forunurs frolicing in dimllly lit alleys gossipin bout drumpf larps an cuttin cheese
jfk berlinur tries to call up Xfayk twat jack froot
jfk berlinur is prol cravin gay niggas
jfk berlinur spam FiB bout FiB cause @$$hol lies to spaceship bout gay nigggas
jfk berlinur gits faggo unklfukka to frolic round pedovre criminal spree drumpf smear messs
queer hookur solicitations feels fillur
unlfuka hell sends fayk twat bout taintid luub relief an sandy thong cry
ancient pedophile ring wants to sell thing for yur kids mouth
whippin goy negro homo linked to jfk berlinur jealous
subversive forun scat flingur wants delicate toilet farts feelings
durty south wants to feel french too
panduring to zombies
alec baldwins butt baby mark might git clubbed lik a gahy seal
mausoleum uslims
mouse lemmi winks
jfk tranny kathlleeen
do not tRUST Kmart salad bar
ickey ouse