Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.21662236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2260 >>2301 >>2658 >>2736 >>2874

To say this publicly shows his lawyer also wants him epsteined


Diddy's lawyer says he 'can't wait' to testify in court as speculation mounts over who he'll bring down with him


Marc Agnifilo, a former Manhattan Assistant District Attorney, gave TMZ a glimpse into how Diddy's trial might play out as part of the outlet's upcoming documentary on the case.


'I don't know that I could keep him off the stand. I think he is very eager to tell his story. And I think he will tell every part of his story,' Agnifilo said.

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:24 p.m. No.21662250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2281 >>2307 >>2343 >>2355

Berlin, Germany’s, Mayor Declares Why He Flies Israel’s Flag Outside His Office


The mayor of Berlin, Germany, gave a no-nonsense answer when asked why his office had Israeli flags flying in front of it.


The questioner claimed Israel was perpetrating a “genocide,” asking Mayor Kai Wegner, “The genocide taking place in Palestine does affect us, even if geopolitics is now perhaps more important than the office of a small mayor, I say. Nevertheless, we cannot duck away from a genocide. But why, why, for example, are there Israeli flags hanging in front of our Berlin town halls?”


Wegner decried those who have called Israel’s actions “genocide,” firing back, “So it’s not happening. Period. And I won’t allow it, either.”

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.21662277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2826 >>3032

Covid-Vaccinated Children Have Damaged Immune Systems, Study Warns


A disturbing peer-reviewed study has found that children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” have damaged immune systems.


A group of leading researchers in Germany analyzed a group of children aged 5-11 after they received a second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA injection.


They found that the kids had heightened levels of a type of antibody that indicated they had an “altered” immune system response.


The issue meant the children were facing a greatly increased risk of cancer and other deadly diseases.


Researchers hoped the altered immune system was a temporary response to the second dose of the shot.


The researchers analyzed the same group of children again one year after the second shot in the hope that their immune systems had recovered.


However, the researchers found that the children still had heightened antibody levels, suggesting their immune systems may have suffered long-term damage, or even be permanently altered.


The new peer-reviewed study was conducted by a team of German researchers led by Dr. Robin Kobbe with the Institute for Infection Research and Vaccine Development at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany.


A year after the second dose, they found increased levels of IgG4 antibodies in the children’s blood.


Delayed Induction of Noninflammatory SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific IgG4 Antibodies Detected 1 Year After BNT162b2 Vaccination in Children

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21662292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2502 >>2705 >>2826 >>3032

International Governments Are Criminalising Free Speech Through Global Coordination; New Files Expose Plot


In a chilling assault on free speech, newly obtained documents reveal how international governments are collaborating to silence dissent and criminalise those who dare to question the official narrative. Spearheaded by the Biden-Harris administration in the US and the Counter Disinformation Unit (“CDU”) in the UK, these revelations highlight a disturbing global effort to suppress free speech and control the flow of information.


The new files, uncovered through America First Legal’s Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requests, show how the US and UK governments, in partnership with powerful non-governmental organisations (“NGOs”) like the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (“CCDH”) and international bodies like NATO and the G7, have formed a global alliance to label and criminalise dissent. This global coordination is not just theoretical but has already manifested through Big Tech censorship, legal frameworks like the UK Online Safety Act 2023 and government pressure on social media platforms to de-platform people who challenge dominant narratives, especially those relating to health policies and vaccines.


These revelations should alarm everyone who values free speech and civil liberties, as they outline a sophisticated and systematic effort to de-platform and silence dissent worldwide. From the rise of AI-driven censorship systems to the targeting of specific individuals like the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” this global crackdown represents an unprecedented threat to open discourse.


This breaking story was first brought to our attention through Reclaim the Net‘s report ‘Behind Closed Doors: The UK and US Plot Global Speech Crackdown’, published on 13 September 2024.


As Reclaim the Net’s report highlights, the UK and the US, along with 20+ powerful nations, have orchestrated a global effort to suppress dissent under the guise of combating disinformation.

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21662303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2382 >>2459 >>2467

Israel Ramps Up Propaganda Campaign To Justify Murdering Civilians


Israel is killing 3,636 civilians per month while the Russia figure is 329 per month. These figures show that Israel is killing more than 10 times the number of civilians as Russia.


The Israeli press is trumpeting the smashing success of the Israeli Occupation Force in destroying Hezbollah missiles and leadership. Only one little problem, it may not be true. My understanding is that most of the Hezbollah personnel and arsenals are underground. It also appears that Hezbollah is placing “dummy” munitions — e.g. fabricated rocket tubes — in locations the Israelis can see and bomb. Also, Israel is reportedly using AI software, i.e. Lavender, to select targets. The problem with these AI systems is they have no way to sort out garbage from gold.


Despite what Israel has announced as devastatingly successful airstrikes, Hezbollah continues to rain rockets on northern and central Israel. Hezbollah appears to be having some success because the Israeli Government imposed an immediate blackout in Haifa, the site of the last Hezbollah attack. If Hezbollah’s attack had been thwarted and no damage done, why would Israel want to cover that up?

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.21662308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331 >>2439 >>2445

FDA Greenlights ‘Take-Home’ Flu Vaccine Previously Pulled From Market For Not Working


“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved FluMist for self- or caregiver-administration. FluMist is approved for the prevention of influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and B in individuals 2 through 49 years of age. FluMist is sprayed into the nose and has been used safely and effectively for many years. It was initially approved by the FDA in 2003 for use in individuals 5 through 49 years of age, and in 2007, the FDA approved the use of FluMist to include children 2 through 5 years of age. It is the first vaccine to prevent influenza, more commonly known as the flu, that does not need to be administered by a health care provider.”

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:51 p.m. No.21662352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2531 >>2556 >>2913

"The mainstream media is not who you think it is…" Cuban explained to a confused Joe Kernen, before dropping the ultimate untruth hammer:


"the mainstream media truly leans right."

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21662373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Navy Secretary Crosses Legal Line With Biden Endorsement During Official Duties


Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro has come under scrutiny for violating the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activity while performing official duties. Del Toro’s endorsement of President Joe Biden for re-election, made during a taxpayer-funded trip to the U.K. in January, led to his citation by the Office of Special Counsel.


Just one day prior to the citation, Del Toro had issued a warning to Navy personnel to avoid any political activity during the 2024 election season. In the memo, Del Toro stressed that the Navy must remain apolitical to maintain public trust and confidence. This message, however, was overshadowed by his own violation of federal law.


Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger explained that Del Toro’s comments during an interview conveyed electoral support for one candidate, thus breaching the Hatch Act. Dellinger noted that Del Toro had “crossed a legal line” by expressing partisan opinions while representing the Department of the Navy.


Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) criticized Del Toro and the broader Biden-Harris administration, accusing them of allowing political ideology to seep into military and national security institutions. Banks argued that such actions erode trust in the military, which has reached a “record low” under this administration.

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.21662397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2407 >>2419

Israeli settlers publish map of south Lebanon with Hebrew names


Jewish settlers in Israel advocate conquering, stealing, and settling territory in southern Lebanon as Israel now does in the West Bank and Gaza


Jewish Currents reports that in the movement's worldview, “the Israeli settlement of southern Lebanon will begin with a war with Hezbollah– which they view not as a last resort barring a diplomatic solution, but as the only reasonable path forward.”


Political analyst James Dorsey notes that the movement claims a Biblical justification for the conquest of Lebanon in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 3, verse 25. As Moses appeals to God to allow him to enter the Promised Land, he asks, “Let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan – that fine hill country and Lebanon.”


Uri Tzafon (“Awaken North”), an Israeli group demanding the conquest and Jewish settlement of Lebanon, sent drones and balloons into southern Lebanon in June carrying eviction notices to the region's residents.


“The announcements make clear to the residents that they are in the Land of Israel, which belongs to the Jewish people, and that they are required to evacuate immediately,” the group said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.21662402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hostage’s dad attacked with eggs, berated as ‘cancer’ as he protests outside Likud event


accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Eggs are thrown and insults are hurled toward the father of a Gaza hostage as he demonstrates outside a festive event in Netanya hosted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party and attended by ministers and MKs.


“[Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar is funding you,” one reportedly says.


“You are cancer in the country,” another is said to shout.


Albag then tells reporters that he regularly gets threatening messages, is cursed and even beaten due to his struggle to reunite with his daughter.


“It’s one thing to throw at me, I’m used to it… I have very thick skin. But why throw eggs at the police? That disturbed me more,” Albag tells the Kan public broadcaster, before right-wing counterprotesters start berating him again on live television and disrupting the broadcast.

Anonymous ID: 362fb5 Sept. 26, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.21662406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Times Repeats U.S. Government’s Evidence-Free Claim That Gaza Protests Are Part of Iranian Plot


Where is the actual evidence that Iranian operatives “posing as students” are helping organize and fund campus protests over the war on Gaza?


On September 4, the New York Times did something it has a long and sordid history of doing: laundering extremely loaded and consequential ​“U.S. intelligence” claims without providing an ounce of skepticism — or evidence. The report, headlined ​“Iran Emerges as a Top Disinformation Threat in U.S. Presidential Race,” begins with fairly boilerplate hand wringing about foreign influence operations, followed by authors Steven Lee Myers,Tiffany Hsu and Farnaz Fassihi casually tossing out a government claim that, by implication, has the effect of smearing hundreds of thousands of student protesters:


“Across the United States this spring, Iran also used social media to stoke student-organized protests against Israel’s war in Gaza, with operatives providing financial assistance and posing as students, according to American intelligence assessments.”


The Iranian government is not only funding U.S.-based Gaza student protests, but using ​“operatives” to ​“pose as students”? Certainly, if U.S. authorities had evidence of this explosive claim, they would be rolling out indictments, as they did on the same day against several Russian entities that had worked to pay rightwing online influencers to spread their message about supporting Ukraine being weak and liberal, right?


In These Times also reached out to the Department of Justice to see if the agency could provide any evidence of this alleged financial assistance or provide details of the extent of these alleged ​“operatives” that have been ​“posing as students” –  – online or otherwise –  – but we received no response. So far, neither the U.S. government nor the New York Times has provided any evidence to support either of these claims.


The New York Times giving liberal sanction to the claim that Iranian agents are funding and participating in Gaza protests invariably contributes to a broader campaign to smear Gaza protests.

The New York Times giving liberal sanction to the claim that Iranian agents are funding and participating in Gaza protests invariably contributes to a broader campaign to smear Gaza protests. This has potentially violent consequences for a protest movement increasingly targeted by university officials, District Attorneys, the federal government, police and right-wing pro-Israel vigilantes. It’s a claim that should be made with great care and even greater evidence. Instead, it’s just tossed out in the paper of record based entirely on an unsourced government assertion.


The Times isn’t alone: This claim and variations of it have been made by far-right media outlets and think tanks for months –  – all without verifiable evidence. On Sunday, former Secretary of State and current Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, Hillary Clinton, appeared on Fareed Zakaria GPS and alluded to similar allegations. In reference to the Gaza campus protests, she said, ​“we have now seen evidence of foreign money” without saying what specifically she was referencing or citing any of this alleged evidence.