Anonymous ID: 244aa9 Sept. 26, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.21663633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ble? There is nothing holding you back. Stop doing what does not resonate with you, breathe, go within, shift your vibration, and then jump onto the 5D timeline.


5D beings know they are the creators of their reality, and there are no limits to what one can create. Are you ready to follow your intuition and start making awe-inspiring lives? There are no external circumstances, and there never have been, besides the 3D illusionary ones. Now that you are stepping out of that mindset, learn to take full control over your mind so you can focus on that which positively touches your heart.


Be ready to experience a life where there will be no one to blame anymore. Be ready to take full responsibility because as a sovereign being, you always had full responsibility, and now you are truly awakening to who you truly are.


It is time to step out of your comfort zone, stop consuming more than you truly need, and nurture your planet with your attention and care. You are meant to make wise decisions, and we are here to support you, along with so many other galactic brothers and sisters.