Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 2:54 p.m. No.21663208   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3241 >>3254 >>3259 >>3306 >>3621 >>3773 >>3858 >>4056 >>4095 >>4123



Note:dough below


LIVE: President Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in New York - 9/26/24


djt youtube channel (runtime 35 minutes)


djt takes the mike at 4.41pm e.t

djt: kamala harris is going to the border now, why would you play into your opponents hands, why did she not do it four years ago,

President Trump: For nearly four years, we've been living through the worst border crisis in the history of the world. There's never been anything like it. Which has brought untold suffering, misery, and death upon our land. The architect of this destruction is Kamala Harris.

President Trump: On her first day in office, Kamala Harris terminated every single Trump policy that sealed and secured the border. She ordered an immediate stop to the completion of the border wall…she suspended all deportations. She instituted catch and release across the entire southern border, and we had catch and release also, but we released in Mexico. Her catch and release was to release in the United States and never see them again. She sent congress a bill demanding amnesty for all illegal aliens, every single illegal alien, even if they're criminals, even if they're murderers, even if they're drug dealers, human traffickers. She wanted amnesty for everybody.

djt; there are 325.000 children missing. they are either dead, or sold in sex trafficking or in the slave trade.

President Trump: [Harris] ordered ICE to halt the removal of virtually all criminal aliens, including MS-13 gangmembers…she ended all of our programs that we instituted to stop child and woman trafficking. The trafficking is at a level now that it's never been before…it's the worst it's been in thirty-two years plus.

President Trump: [Harris] ripped up every single reform we put in place to stop asylum fraud.

djt: remember they are flying people over, they never thought they would be caught, but they did, they flying in terrorists and mental patients.

POTUS: ' Phone app for migrants, where migrants call in, highly sophisticated migrants.. press a button schedule a meeting with the border authorities and be released into the Country'

POTUS: ' There policies are so wrong and so evil and so unfair, three reasons they want to do that, 1. they are so incompetant, 2. they want the votes… 3.. you know what that is , we arent going to talk about that one'

POTUS: ' We only have border states now"

President Trump: Kamala created a brand new program to fly in migrants from Venezuela, Haiti, and Nicaragua, and resettle them in American communities, including small towns all across our nation, but in particular, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. These towns have been destroyed, and the mayors of the towns, and the governors of the states can't talk about it because they're embarrassed that they allowed it to happen…they're invading our towns. It's an invasion of our country like no country has ever had to suffer before. And this was purposeful. They did this on purpose.

POTUS: ' You have a town of 50,000 and almost instantly you have a town with 30,000 more immigrants from Haiti'

President Trump: Importantly, as part of this con job; it's a con job, none of the illegal aliens she is smuggling in through the ports or on the airplanes; think of it, big jet planes loaded up with migrants, flying into the middle of our country, and going to Iowa, and lots of other states. They've all become border states. We only have border states now.

POTUS: ' Weve lost 1.3 million jobs last month… weve gained 635,000 jobs but every single one of them was an illegal migrant.. 818,000 jobs were fraud'

POTUS: ' The 818,000 was a false fraud, a fraud.. should be investigated btw… they were going to release the real figures out after the election"

POTUS: ' To that whistleblower, … thank you very much"

President Trump: Americans have watched their communities destroyed by this sudden suffocating inundation of illegal aliens. It's an inundation, it's an invasion. This influx has overwhelmed our schools; they're taking the seats of students that can no longer go there, and they don't even speak English.

POTUS: ' She never worked at McDonalds, it was a lie"

POTUS: ' David Muir, a real lightweight… 1 against 3… David Muir of ABC, fake news… he corrected me and she was never correct… he corrected me on crime… he said crime has not gone up, id like to state for the record that crime has not gone up…. they are bad people and they are fake news… they violated the deal…. they take anything and try to make up stories about it… he did it in total violation of what are agreement was… a lot of people right over there could tell you what it was… '


Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 2:56 p.m. No.21663241   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3254 >>3259 >>3306 >>3621 >>3773 >>3858 >>4056 >>4095 >>4123


POTUS: ' His ratings deserve to go down.. over 60 percent of the arrests in Queens are illegal aliens… these are some of the worst criminals in the world.. they come from all over the world, the congo, asia. middle east.. they do come from south america but not all.. '

President Trump: Now you don't know this, but we had a deal with ABC [debate] that there will be no corrections of any kind, and they violated the deal. Why? Because they're bad people and they're fake news

POTUS: ' Two 13 year old children' They caught him, because he put it on tape"

President Trump: Here in New York City, and estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in midtown Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

POTUS: ' Theyve taken their street gangs, theyve taken their criminals.. theyve emptied their jails… their crime rate is the lowest its been… caracas has become a safe and wonderful city….'

POTUS: ' She will be out there tomorrow prob right in front of the wall that i built… and the fake news will believe her'

POTUS: ' In Albany last may that was caught and released by kamala,… abducted a girl with a metal pipe and assaulted her over and over'

POTUS: ' In Albany last may that was caught and released by kamala,… abducted a girl with a metal pipe and assaulted her over and over'

POTUS: ' Lets find out to kill her… she threw herself out of a moving vehicle… they didnt mean to assault me, they meant to kill me'

POTUS: ' The people who deal with phone app, are the heads of the cartels… and you call it and it tells you where to take the people theyve abducted.. i hope the news looks into that'

djt: reading out real horror stories which the media buried. shocking,, and these are the ones that are known. imagine how many are not.

POTUS: ' Despite of all of this, kamala intends to stand in front of everybody and lie just like she did about working at mcdonald… our country is in trouble.. without borders and without fair elections we have no country'

POTUS: ' A third world country would use sticks and stones to keep people out… not let millions and millions in….'

POTUS: ' She keeps talking about this law that they tried to put through congress, but fortunately congress was too smart for her'

POTUS: ' Two million people. thats peanuts compared to what is coming in now, the damage was done over the first three years… theyre trying to do anything to make it look better cuz it doesnt poll very well'

POTUS: ' Two million people. thats peanuts compared to what is coming in now, the damage was done over the first three years… theyre trying to do anything to make it look better cuz it doesnt poll very well'

POTUS: ' This border, they unfixed it… btw 25 times worse than the border in 2016… '

POTUS: ' Anybody who wants to defund the police for even one day should not be the leader of the United States of America'

POTUS: ' The only way to secure our border is to fire radical border czar kamala harris this november… they say 48 years and thats bad too… its the worse ever'

President Trump: You will Kamala claim that the reason the border is not secure, is that congress has refuse to pass her atrocious border bill. It's the worst bill you've ever seen. It would allow people to come in here at levels that would be incredible, and would allow them to get citizenship. But it was not a border bill, it was an amnesty bill…it would give her the power to put all newly entering illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship, it would enshrine and expand catch and release, and it would give a permanent feature of federal laws that are absolutely unacceptable…two million people per year, at a minimum, would have been, under this ridiculous bill, would have been allowed into our country.


Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 2:57 p.m. No.21663254   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3259 >>3306 >>3621 >>3773 >>3858 >>4056 >>4095 >>4123



POTUS: ' People want the drug dealers out, they want the murderers out… like i said before i was interrupted by lightweight david muir… crimes rates are up… the numbers are unbelievably, shockingly high,.. and i never got an apology, i want an apology from abc'

President Trump: [Harris] called for abolishing immigration detention centers. She wants to have detention centers, but detention centers that you can get out of. Remember in 2014, Obama built cages, and the fake news tried to say I built them.

POTUS: ' Shes called the grandmother of sanctuary cities… you can go to SF where she ruined san francisco… now its hardly an unlivable place.. i have property there.. Bob Tish was in SF and in Chicago… he used to tell me SF was the greatest city in the country… it prob was and she destroyed it when she was DA… along with Gavin Newscum, when she was AG'

POTUS: ' Youre not allowed to say under any circumstance: illegal alien…. btw she fired everyone, she cant get along with anybody… her staff hated her beyond belief.. she couldnt get people to work for her…she wasnt going to be chosen, no way she was going to be chosen to replace joe biden… everyone knows they threatened him with the 25th amendment… and nancy pelosi led the charge.. and nancy pelosi has a little trouble.. she sold vast amounts of visa stock one day before the big lawsuit was brought against visa…she should be prosecuted for that and for J6 because she turned down soldiers and NG… i hope you read what john soloman wrote 2 days ago… Donald Trump did nothing wrong, its a scam, its a scam'

djt: nancy pelosi sold vast amounts of visa stock, one day before a case was bought against visa. and she should be prosecuted for jan 6th. i hope what he wrote a few days ago.

>>21662927, >>21663001, >>21663011, >>21663018, >>21663045 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 - john solomon article on j6 called out by djt.

POTUS: ' im going to tell Mexico thank you very much, youre putting it back (catch and release) and they will … i will liberate Aurora colorado.. the gov of colorado is a coward, hes a afraid to do what he has to do…'

POTUS: ' I will go these towns in the next couple weeks, you will see whats become of them… theyve been destroyed'

President Trump: Nancy Pelosi has a little problem because her husband sold their VISA stock; they had a lot of VISA stock, one day before VISA, it was announced that VISA is being sued by the Department of Justice. Think of that, Nancy Pelosi sold vast amounts of VISA stock, one day before the big lawsuit that we all read about a few days ago, was brought against VISA. You think it was luck? I don't think; she should be prosecuted. Nancy should be prosecuted for that, and she also should be prosecuted for J6, because she turned down ten thousand, or any number she wanted, soldiers or National Guard.

POTUS: ' You can go and ask the people of california: Do you want sanctuary cities? they will answer and the democrats too: We dont want them'

POTUS: ' We will get rid of the drug dealers, the human traffickers, the murderers and those from mental institutions… we know their names and their serial numbers we know everything… i want to make this statement before kamala goes down tomorrow…….. to the border… i will be meeting with zelenskyy tomorrow at 945 am at trump tower'

POTUS: ' As you know, the europaen nations as an economy is about the same size as ours,… they should be equalizing and paying the same we are paying, … you gotta pay… if you dont pay we arent going to be there'


Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 2:57 p.m. No.21663259   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3306 >>3621 >>3773 >>3858 >>4056 >>4095 >>4123




DJT meeting with Zelensky tomorrow in Trump Tower?

DJT has to be the CIC, otherwise, he could be prosecuted under the Logan ACT?

POTUS: ' We were paying for nato… im going to see president zelenskyy tomorrow'

POTUS: ' These are bad people. they cheat, we need an honest justice dept'

President Trump: I don't know the mayor well [Adams], but he's been fairly generous to me in his statements for a while. I thought you had the worst mayor ever prior to him [de Blasio]. I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city, and the federal government should pay us, and we shouldn't have to take them, and I said, you know what? He'll be indicted within a year, and I was exactly right. Because that's what we have. We have people that use the Justice Department and the FBI at levels that have never been seen before. I wish him luck; I don't know anything about what he did.

POTUS: ' You know during my term.. i never mentioned the word Nuclear.. we are very close to ww3… whether its the middle east or that… only a consequential president wouldve had this happen… iran cannot have nuclear weapons… they wouldve made a deal and they woulda been happy, and they woulda had a wonderful civilization… but they had that thing, … the election… I would make a deal with Iran.. i have. a great memory, but its a memory that wants to serve people…

POTUS: ' There was no money to hamas, to hezbollah, now iran has 3 billion dollars.. they made it all in the last 3 and half years… they have 600 to 650 billion dollars including iraq… they really are a subsidiary… you had two powerful forces… one force got knocked out, after a thousand years… iran now is a big force because it is very rich'

POTUS: ' You have to have that ended one way or another… the world is going to be able to take it… the whole thing over there is unacceptable… oct 7 woulda never happened, ukraine and russia woulda never happened… inflation never woulda happened'

POTUS: ' We walked away from a military base that we built to the highest standards… it is one hour from where china makes their nuclear weapons.. weve had four years of incompetant leadership, we cannot sustain another four years… thank you"

leaves podium, answering question off mike, "we need to stop death and destruction' says it kinda biblically….


Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 3:09 p.m. No.21663363   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4052


Anon is praying for djt and maga.

save yourself and you will save the world.

it is a pleasure.

after nov 5th.

thats it for this anon.

will try to pick up what is left of anons life.

no one even knows how many sacrifices and losses djt, maga and the anons have made.

it does not matter.

At least anon was not found wanting.

In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead.


Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.21663440   🗄️.is đź”—kun


the media are panicking.

they are trying to save their skins.

they should be done for treason along with the banksters.


>"Three weeks before the 2020 United States presidential election, the New York Post published a front-page story that presented emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee and Hunter Biden's father."

Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 3:33 p.m. No.21663527   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Note: for those who do not want to read the article, watch this instead

>>21662927, >>21663001, >>21663011, >>21663018, >>21663045 Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 - john solomon article on j6 called out by djt.


Leticia's $493 Million in TROUBLE! Trump EXONERATED by Milley; First Assassination Hearing


Trump EXONERATED by Gen. Milley Transcripts (THEY REDACTED THE TRUTH!)

Newly released transcripts provided by the House Oversight Subcommittee reveal the Biden-Harris administration buried exculpatory evidence related to Trump's alleged "role" in January 6th.

#Trump #Transcripts #Oversight

Trump's $454 Million Verdict in TROUBLE! (LETITIA JAMES NOT HAPPY!)

Leticia James' office had a rough start during Trump's appeal of his $454 million dollar judgment.

#Trump #NewYork #Appeal

Trump Assassination Task Force Holds First Hearing on Butler, PA Attack (LOCAL COPS REVEAL TRUTH)

The bipartisan Trump Assassination Task Force, comprised of 7 Republicans and 6 Democrats, held their first hearing on the assassination attempt in Butler, PA.

#Trump #Butler #SecretService

Anonymous ID: 65c29c Sept. 26, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.21663903   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3914 >>4056 >>4095 >>4123


Note: just one small favour for the u.k anons.


Starmer to meet Trump for the first time

Chris Mason

Political editor


Reporting from

New York

Isabella Allen

Senior political producer

Reporting from

New York


26 September 2024, 22:00 BST

Updated 1 hour ago

The Prime Minister will meet former US president Donald Trump later.

It will be the first time Sir Keir Starmer has met the Republican candidate for US president.

Sir Keir is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, but will make time to meet Trump at his New York base - Trump Tower.

The prime minister said it was “good” he had the opportunity to meet the Republican presidential nominee and that it was “really to establish a relationship between the two of us”.

Speaking ahead of their meeting, Mr Trump said of the PM: "I actually think he’s very nice. He ran a great race, he did very well, it’s very early, he’s very popular."

Sir Keir will not meet the Democratic presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, on this trip.

They have not met before either.

He has previously said he would like to see both candidates ahead of the US presidential election on 5 November.

The prime minister said he “obviously” still wants to speak to Vice-President Kamala Harris, but that there were the “usual diary challenges”.

He added: “I'm a great believer in personal relations on the international stage. I think it really matters that you know who your counterpart is in any given country, and know them personally, get to know them face to face.”

Harris is in Washington for talks alongside President Joe Biden with President Volodymyr Zelensky, as a row between the Ukrainian leader and the Trump campaign escalated.

Republicans have reacted angrily to the Ukrainian president's decision to visit an arms factory in the US president's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, with several top Democrats, and it now appears Zelensky will not meet Trump as had been expected.

When asked by reporters if a Donald Trump presidency would leave the UK more exposed on the global stage when it comes to support for Ukraine, the prime minister said: “The first thing I think is important to say in relation to this is we've obviously had a special relationship with the US for a long time, forged in really difficult circumstances.

"That always sits above whoever holds the particular office, either in the US or the UK.”

He said the relationship was probably as "as strong now as it's ever been" in relation to the Middle East and Ukraine".

Starmer added: "The US people will decide who they want as their president, and we will work with whoever is resident, as you would expect. I’m not going to speculate on what any particular issues may be the other side of the election.”
