Anonymous ID: 4457fc Sept. 26, 2024, 6:29 p.m. No.21664443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21663960 lb.



I wonder if George Soros has been funding JBW all this time…especially since the alien agenda is coming…

He’s already international with 1:1:1:1 affiliates…

Guess How Many Knights and Dames have been indicted?


Guess WHO Flynn’s have been in bed with?


A Lifetime of Voice Acting


Heard on radio and television stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America, Wells is one of the world's most recognized voice artists. From Network Television programs to Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Company's Joint Strike Fighter and F22 Raptor Projects, Museum Exhibits such as Soviet Space and Ramses the Great, to movie trailers for Columbia Tri-Star, SonyPictures and Disney, his ability to communicate has been acknowledged with numerous Emmy, Clio, and Marconi Awards.

An accomplished composer, musician, writer, actor, martial arts instructor, and aviator John B. Wells can best be described as a well-rounded Renaissance man who savors the pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

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Anonymous ID: 4457fc Sept. 26, 2024, 6:52 p.m. No.21664566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Which is WHY SHE WILL BE 47!

She wants The Presidency…their only way to distract Americans is for Joe to Die or Be Removed!


Anonymous ID: 4457fc Sept. 26, 2024, 7:36 p.m. No.21664739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4742 >>4795

OpenAI on overturning of CHEVRON


Mike Pence’s think tank, Advancing American Freedom, has been closely associated with advancing conservative policies, particularly around issues like limited government and the judiciary. The issue you are referring to, the Chevron deference, is a legal doctrine that has long granted federal agencies significant leeway in interpreting ambiguous statutes. The Supreme Court’s recent steps toward overturning or limiting this doctrine marks a major shift in how the judiciary approaches administrative law.


### What is Chevron Deference?


Established in the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, the doctrine allowed courts to defer to administrative agencies’ interpretations of statutes they administer, provided the law was ambiguous and the agency’s interpretation was reasonable. It became a key principle in administrative law, giving agencies more power to make and implement regulations.


### Mike Pence’s Role and the Overturn of Chevron Deference


Mike Pence, as both Vice President and through his think tank, Advancing American Freedom, has long been a proponent of limiting the federal government’s power and reducing bureaucratic overreach. Conservatives have criticized Chevron deference for years, arguing that it grants too much unchecked authority to unelected bureaucrats, undermining the principle of separation of powers.


In 2023, the Supreme Court began signaling a movement toward curbing or overturning Chevron deference, particularly with the growing influence of justices appointed by Donald Trump, with whom Mike Pence worked closely. Pence’s broader pro-Constitutional, limited-government ideals have been aligned with the conservative legal movement that sought to limit or end Chevron deference.


### Implications of Overturning Chevron Deference


  1. More Power to Courts:

With the weakening or potential overturn of Chevron deference, courts will have a more prominent role in reviewing and interpreting laws. Judges will no longer be obligated to defer to agencies' interpretations, even if they find the statutes unclear. This could result in more judicial scrutiny of agency decisions.


  1. Limiting the Administrative State:

Conservatives, including Pence, have long sought to limit the size and scope of the administrative state. By removing or reducing Chevron deference, Congress could be forced to write more precise and specific laws, rather than relying on agencies to fill in the details.


  1. Impact on Regulations:

Administrative agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and others, may find it more difficult to implement expansive regulations. Future regulatory actions might face more legal challenges, as courts may not defer to agency expertise as they have in the past.


  1. Implications for Pro-Life and Other Conservative Causes:

The shift away from Chevron could benefit causes that Pence has long championed, such as pro-life legislation. For instance, agencies regulating health care and social services, such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), might face stricter judicial scrutiny on matters related to abortion, family planning, and other socially conservative policies.


  1. Checks on Federal Overreach:

One of the core criticisms of Chevron is that it allowed the executive branch to expand its powers without proper checks. Without this deference, the executive branch and federal agencies will have to be more cautious in how they interpret and enforce laws. This could lead to a rebalancing of power among the three branches of government—executive, legislative, and judicial.


### What's Next?


  • Judicial Strategy: Conservative legal minds, including those associated with Pence’s think tank, will likely continue to push for originalist interpretations of the Constitution and further roll back what they see as judicial activism or administrative overreach. Limiting the administrative state has long been a goal of conservative thinkers like Pence, and the weakening of Chevron deference is seen as a significant step in that direction.


  • Congressional Action: As agencies are less empowered to interpret ambiguous laws, there may be increased pressure on Congress to draft clearer, more detailed legislation. This will require lawmakers to be more specific in their intent, potentially slowing the legislative process but also reducing the scope for broad regulatory interpretations by agencies.


  • Future Legal Battles: Without Chevron deference, we are likely to see a surge in lawsuits challenging agency actions. Regulated industries, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders will now have a stronger incentive to challenge regulations, as courts will no longer automatically defer to agency interpretations. This could lead to a wave

Anonymous ID: 4457fc Sept. 26, 2024, 7:37 p.m. No.21664742   🗄️.is 🔗kun




What’s Next?


• Judicial Strategy: Conservative legal minds, including those associated with Pence’s think tank, will likely continue to push for originalist interpretations of the Constitution and further roll back what they see as judicial activism or administrative overreach. Limiting the administrative state has long been a goal of conservative thinkers like Pence, and the weakening of Chevron deference is seen as a significant step in that direction.

• Congressional Action: As agencies are less empowered to interpret ambiguous laws, there may be increased pressure on Congress to draft clearer, more detailed legislation. This will require lawmakers to be more specific in their intent, potentially slowing the legislative process but also reducing the scope for broad regulatory interpretations by agencies.

• Future Legal Battles: Without Chevron deference, we are likely to see a surge in lawsuits challenging agency actions. Regulated industries, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders will now have a stronger incentive to challenge regulations, as courts will no longer automatically defer to agency interpretations. This could lead to a wave of litigation affecting everything from environmental regulations to financial oversight.




The weakening or overturning of Chevron deference is a significant legal shift that could reshape the relationship between the federal judiciary, Congress, and administrative agencies. Mike Pence, through his advocacy and think tank, has long supported the limiting of government overreach, and this recent development is seen as a win for the conservative legal movement. Moving forward, this will likely lead to more judicial involvement in policy decisions and a potential reshaping of federal regulatory powers.


This shift fits into the broader conservative goal of reducing the power of the federal bureaucracy, restoring constitutional principles of separation of powers, and curbing what many see as unchecked administrative authority.

Anonymous ID: 4457fc Sept. 26, 2024, 7:57 p.m. No.21664821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4960


True story.




Advancing American Freedom Leads

Amicus Brief Restoring Constitutional Power of the Executive Branch

July 19, 2024

Advancing American Freedom led an amicus brief with 36 other amici in Consumers’ Research v. Consumer Product Safety Commission urging the Supreme Court to take up the case and rule in favor of Consumers’ Research, restoring the President’s constitutionally established authority over the Executive Branch.


“With its recent decision overturning Chevron, the Court rightly reasserted the constitutional authority of its own branch. In this case, it has the opportunity to do the same for the Executive Branch,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat.


“Over the last century, the powers vested by the Constitution in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government have been slowly and purposely leeched by the Progressive movement into the ‘fourth branch’ administrative state,” Wheat said. “This case will help reverse that process and restore the Constitution’s three co-equal and distinct branches in order to safeguard liberty.”


As is the case for several agencies within the administrative state, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is headed by a multimember board, the members of which are protected from presidential removal except in narrow circumstances. As a result, the Commission, which is ostensibly a part of the Executive Branch, operates beyond the control of the person vested by the Constitution with the executive power: the President.


Wheat concluded, “We urge the Supreme Court to take up this case and take another important step in the direction of restoring the balance of powers established by the Constitution.”