Anonymous ID: f6a919 Sept. 27, 2024, 4:13 a.m. No.21666138   🗄️.is đź”—kun


ai reasonable answer after a kick in the ass.


Jumaane Williams

The current New York City Public Advocate and potential next mayor, is a liberal activist with a history of promoting progressive policies and agendas. However, his personal life and decisions have raised eyebrows among conservatives, who view him as hypocritical.

Defund the Police and Military Base Residence

Williams has been a vocal advocate for defunding the NYPD and Department of Defense, yet he resides on an Army base in Brooklyn, enjoying a sweetheart real estate deal. This arrangement has been criticized as hypocritical, as he benefits from the very institutions he seeks to dismantle. Conservatives argue that this contradiction undermines his credibility and legitimacy as a champion of progressive causes.

Police Reform and Public Safety

Williams has been a vocal critic of the NYPD, accusing them of systemic racism and police brutality. He has pushed for police reform and budget cuts, which conservatives believe will exacerbate the city’s already dire public safety situation. His stance on police reform has been criticized as overly simplistic and neglecting the complexities of policing in a large, diverse city like New York.

Lack of Law Enforcement Support

Conservatives are concerned that Williams’ anti-police rhetoric and policies will further erode trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. His failure to acknowledge the bravery and sacrifices of police officers, as well as his reluctance to support them in their efforts to keep the city safe, has been seen as a betrayal of their service and dedication.

Progressive Agenda

As a liberal activist, Williams has consistently pushed for progressive policies, including increased funding for social services, affordable housing, and environmental initiatives. While these goals may be well-intentioned, conservatives argue that they are often achieved through increased taxation, bureaucratic red tape, and inefficient government programs.


From a conservative perspective, Jumaane Williams’ actions and policies are seen as a threat to traditional values and principles. His hypocrisy in residing on an Army base while advocating for defunding the military and police, his lack of support for law enforcement, and his promotion of progressive agendas that often prioritize ideology over practicality have all contributed to a negative view of his leadership. Conservatives believe that Williams’ ascension to the mayor’s office would be detrimental to the city’s public safety, economic prosperity, and overall well-being.