Anonymous ID: d1e154 Sept. 27, 2024, 7:18 a.m. No.21667033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050 >>7063 >>7120 >>7134 >>7157 >>7183

Plugged in all the text for the first 10 Q drops back in 2017 into a single passage. Then pasted to ChapGPT with the instructions to analyze and interpret the narrative. Here is what ChatGPT has to say:


"The text discusses a series of conspiracy theories and speculative claims surrounding a supposed operation involving Hillary Clinton (HRC) and various high-profile political figures. It suggests that an extradition process is underway for Clinton, with predictions of widespread unrest in the U.S. and military involvement. The narrative touches on themes of corruption within the government, the role of military intelligence versus established agencies, and questions the integrity of numerous political leaders. It emphasizes a belief in a larger, unseen battle for control involving both Democratic and Republican figures, while calling for vigilance among supporters, suggesting that many in power are corrupt but that there remain good people working to address these issues. The piece ends with a call to "follow the money" and hints at a broader global context of corruption."


Not surprising that a leftist fed app like ChatGPT would label this a conspiracy theory, but the analysis itself is spot on. Think of this analysis through a "then vs now" lens. Back in 2017 where only a few of us were awake this made sense, but not to normies. Now in 2024, if you were to share this analysis (minus any Q references or hints at conspiracy theories) with We The People, there would be widespread acceptance. Just food for thought.

Anonymous ID: d1e154 Sept. 27, 2024, 7:41 a.m. No.21667120   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I might go deeper and do more segments. I believe there is a character limit, so might be a series of these over time, then string together the analysis paragraphs. Wonder what the output would be if specific names (Clinton, Trump, Huma, Soros, Comey, etc.) were omitted and substituted with code words.

Anonymous ID: d1e154 Sept. 27, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.21667157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183


Chat GPT analysis of Q posts 11-20.


"The text outlines a complex narrative centered on the idea that Military Intelligence (MI) operates outside of conventional oversight from agencies like the FBI, CIA, and NSA, suggesting that the President can leverage MI to bypass corruption within these organizations. It raises questions about the roles of various political figures and events, insinuating that significant corruption exists at high levels of government, particularly involving figures like Hillary Clinton and George Soros. The author claims that MI will play a crucial role in addressing these issues and posits that a major reckoning is underway, with impending indictments and a broader effort to clean out corrupt elements in government. The piece frames this situation as a battle between good and evil, emphasizing a belief in a strategic plan led by the President and supported by military officials."

Anonymous ID: d1e154 Sept. 27, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.21667183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chat GPT analysis of Q posts 21-30


"The text suggests a conspiracy theory regarding the role of Military Intelligence (MI) in the U.S. government, proposing that MI operates without oversight from other agencies like the FBI, CIA, or NSA, and is being used to maintain control over dissent within the country. It posits that recent National Guard activations are part of a broader strategy to manage civil unrest and prevent corruption from influencing the executive branch. The author hints at historical precedents for military involvement in domestic affairs and claims that current events are part of a larger plan to expose and dismantle networks of corruption, including those tied to child trafficking and political dissent. The piece emphasizes a belief in a secretive, coordinated effort led by the President and military, portraying this as a fight against a pervasive evil while urging supporters to remain calm and vigilant."