Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
The leftard narrative is that Trump can't be trusted alone with Putin because Trump may sell out America if nobody is watching him … you know, like Jugears 0bama did with Iran, China, North Korea, and likely Russia (Jugears is on hot mic telling relaying a message to Putin "Tell Vladimir that after the election I can be more flexible.").
Projection. It's a distinguishing characteristic of the left.
Watch Trump video tape the entire summit and keep the tape for a later date, just to BTFO the leftard narrative.
Remember, Trump tapes ALL his meetings.
^People like ~~this~~ need to fucking die.
Bannon is a patriot.
You are a ShariaBlew cocksucking cunt.
>Enjoy looking like a fucktard because of it.
Oh no. Not look bad on an anonymous board. Not that …
Fuck you.
Be more accurate.
Nobody has time to read all your fucking posts, asswipe.
You're not remotely important enough, no matter what your mommy tells you.
>thank you james woods
We could say this daily and still not be grateful enough.
James Woods has a presence and a following, which he uses to red pill the masses in brilliant ways.
Thank you James Woods, indeed.
>You folks are not well.
I've put my dick in a lot worse than that horse face.
pic not related
So, Mueller is now going to use information from a foreign spy agency to build a case involving a dossier produced using information from that same spy agency?
Have I got that correct?
It's now the foreign spies investigating themselves in an attempt to bring down the duly elected President of the United States?
What the fuck kind of world is this?
Time to pull the plug on herr Mueller and hang him for corruption/treason.