Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 9:43 p.m. No.21671513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1521 >>1565



beware of new whistle blowers and experts coming out stating they were on the inside all along..

Watch the body language, how they talk, the eyes are the give away.

it is coming close to the reveal, this means the rats will try to fit into the picture.

not anons by the way,

anons are anonymous for a reason.

anon is talking about new faces not see before doing the rounds who inorganically are getting the interviews via podcast circut especially the intellectual dark web morans like matt walsh, shapiro, benstein, jordan peterson circuit.

anons can listen to them and watch them lie in real time,

especially those who claim to work for the c.i.a and those writing books.


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:03 p.m. No.21671565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1569 >>1572 >>1589 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061


Multiple speeches with notes. anon will try to separate them out, but one dough to rule the all - for archive purposes


Note:dough below

full dough on all below.


LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.


>>21668874 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [President Trump event]: The democratic party sued me to keep me off the ballot here in Michigan, and the day that I announced for Donald Trump, they pivoted, and sued me to keep me on the ballot. And so far, they've won that lawsuit, so my name is going to appear on the Michigan ballot, but I don't want you to vote for me, I want to you vote for Donald J. Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: This was a war that we lied to from day one. We were told that it was an unprovoked invasion. We weren't told that Vladimir Putin, and every other Russia leader, told us for thirty years, if you go into Ukraine, we're going to have a military reaction. It is a red line for us…If we put Aegis missile systems in Ukraine…those missiles Tomahawk missiles, which can be nuclear tipped, will be three miles from Moscow. We can decapitate the entire Russian leadership in three minutes. My uncle, when the Russians tried to put missiles in Cuba, was going to go to war, and if Putin tried to put missiles in Canada, or Cuba, or Mexico, we would go to war…two days before the invasion, Kamala Harris went to Germany and said, definitively, for the first time by any US leader, we are moving NATO into Ukraine. And that is something that we all need to understand, that provocation.

>>21668341 RFK JR mp4 vid.>>21668341 i was born in the middle class

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: When my uncle was president, we spend zero on chronic disease. Now we spend 4.3 trillion dollars, and our children are so sick, and so obese, that seventy-seven percent of them do not qualify for military service. Our fertility levels have dropped to the lowest in the world. Teens today have fifty percent of the sperm count, fifty percent of the testosterone, as American teens two decades ago. Little girls are now hitting puberty at eight years old because all the estrogen that's generated by the poisons in toxic food…the average girl in this country is now reaching puberty between ten and thirteen years old. That is six years younger than a couple generations ago, and it is the youngest of any nation in the world. We are destroying our children.


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:04 p.m. No.21671569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1572 >>1589 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061


2nd trump rally - walker michigan

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24


President Trump: The small number of jobs they created were all taken by illegal immigrants in the last short period of time, and we're gonna make that change.

President Trump: We're gonna use tariffs very, very wisely. You know, our country in the 1890's was probably the wealthiest it ever was, because it was a system of tariffs. We had a president, McKinley…he was really a very good business man, then he took in billions of dollars at the time…we were a very wealthy country, and we're gonna be doing that now.

President Trump: Energy's coming way down, and when energy comes down, everything else follows. That's what started this onslaught of inflation, the greatest we've ever had in our country. We had almost no inflation, and that carried on for two years into their; I used to say his, now I say their, but nobody even really knows who our president is, if you wanna know; who is our president? Who is he? We're not sure who the president is.

Crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!

POTUS: ' You dont want inflation at zero, … deflation is as bad or worse than inflation.. the ideal number is between 1 percent and 2 percent '

President Trump: Mexico's a big threat now. Mexico's taking a lot of your business, and we're not gonna let that happen. We need a smart series of tariffs and taxes. It's very simple business.

President Trump: It's so easy to solve. Were gonna need the help of the Senate, we're gonna need the help of the House, and if they won't do it, I have the authorization and the power to do it myself [tariffs], and we'll have to do it.

President Trump: You know what they do, they dump the product cheaply, then everybody goes out of business, then they take over the businesses and they sell it for two and three times what it was selling for before. Rockefeller, in the old days, he used to open a gas station; he used to underprice it by fifty, a hundred; he'd give the gas away. He'd drive the people out of business around him. Then he'd buy up the gas stations or close 'em, and he'd make a fortune. That's exactly what they do on an even bigger scale.

POTUS: ' Thank you to the teamsters… i got 60 percent of the vote, thank you '

POTUS: ' Years ago in this area.. i was honored in this area as Man of The Year… the fakers back there.. you see the fake news.. ohh they said it never happened.. i was Man of The Year… why do you allow them to take away your car industry away from you… they said it never happened.. and lo and behold… it did happen… '

President Trump: We can't let them take your car business away. You know, it's an important business even in times of war where they switch over [war effort]…We can't let them take our businesses, and we're not gong to let them take our businesses. And you can control that so easily through good policy.

POTUS: The people that like me the best are the steel companies.. i put a 50 and a 100 percent tax on the dumping on steel and the steel companies thrived… dont worry about it… you just have to do one thing…. vote for Trump

POTUS: ' (Todd says you and your family are in me and my wife's prayers) Where is the plant going to move.. do you know?… Is the plant closing? (no, the people will probably be dispersed between the other plants… what is your all time favorite American cars?)… my father loved cadillacs, hed get a brand new dark blue cadillac… i love it.. its a great car.. its come a long way.. its come through some problems… my father liked cadillacs and thats good enough for me… ill take care of your situation..what would you call that, pretty much a car… you have one thing to do.. you have to elect a person with business talent and common sense'

POTUS: ' Thank you very much everybody, Marcia, thank you very much, beautiful '

POTUS: ' (Todd says you and your family are in me and my wife's prayers) Where is the plant going to move.. do you know?… Is the plant closing? (no, the people will probably be dispersed between the other plants… what is your all time favorite American cars?)… my father loved cadillacs, hed get a brand new dark blue cadillac… i love it.. its a great car.. its come a long way.. its come through some problems… my father liked cadillacs and thats good enough for me… ill take care of your situation..what would you call that, pretty much a car… you have one thing to do.. you have to elect a person with business talent and common sense'

POTUS: ' Thank you very much everybody, Marcia, thank you very much, beautiful


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:05 p.m. No.21671572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1589 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061



kamala harris speech at border 27th Sept 2024 - runtime 25 mins

LIVE: Kamala Harris visits southern border first time as Dem presidential nominee


Vice President Kamala Harris makes her first visit to the southern border since she jumped into the 2024 race, with plans to attack former President Donald Trump on an issue that's central to his campaign. A campaign aide said she will highlight Trump's role in sinking a bipartisan border deal on Capitol Hill this year. Her campaign is looking to highlight her earlier work on the issue while also painting Trump as "dangerous."


Harris [campaign event]: There are consequential issues at stake in this election. And one is the security of our border. The United States is a sovereign nation, and I believe we have a duty to set rules at our border and enforce them. And I take that responsibility very seriously. We are also a nation of immigrants…we must reform our immigration system to ensure that it works in an orderly way, that it is humane, and that it makes our country stronger.

[the person responsible for opening the border to invasion calling for 'reform', which means keeping the border wide-open and mass-amnesty]

Harris: It is about an enterprise that is making a while lot of money in the trafficking of drugs, duns, and human beings. And my knowledge of how they work, comes from the fact that I have prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who traffic in drugs, guns, and human beings.

[the Biden/Harris administration has purposely allowed the largest drug, gun, and human smuggling operation in US history]

Harris: Those who cross our borders unlawfully, will be apprehended and removed, and barred from reentering for five years. We will pursue more severe criminal charges for repeat violators. And if someone does not make an asylum request at a legal Port of Entry, and instead, crosses our border unlawfully, they will be barred from receiving asylum. While we understand that many people are desperate to migrate to the United States, our system must be orderly and secure, and that is my goal.

[laughable coming from the person directly responsible for the most insecure border in the history of the countr

Harris: I reject the false choice that suggests we must either chose between securing our border, or creating a system of immigration that is safe, orderly, and humane. We can, and we must do both. And we need clear legal pathways for people seeking to come into our country,and we must make our current system work better…it can take years for asylum claims to be decided. Well this is a problem we can solve, including by hiring more asylum officers, and expanding processing centers in people's home countries.

[the system is fine, just follow the law; expansion of 'processing centers' means sustaining her invasion, making it even easier]

Harris: He [President Trump] separated families. He ripped toddlers out of their mother's arms, put children in cages, and tried to end protections for dreamers. He made the challenges at the border worse, and he is still fanning the flames of fear and division.

['families are separated' when the parents are arrested, Hussein built cages, and dreamers are illegals]


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:10 p.m. No.21671589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1592 >>1602 >>1605 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061




djt first speech in walker, michigan

LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks in Walker, Michigan - 9/27/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.75M subscribers

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT in Walker, Michigan.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 12 p.m. ET.


djt takes the stage at 2.57pm e.t

djt; 13,099 convicted murderers have crossed the border. somebody just released the figures, brand new figures.

President Trump: According to this brand new data, never seen before, over thirteen thousand and ninety-nine convicted murderers have crossed the border, and are free to roam and kill in our country, These are convicted murderers, these are people that were in jail.

President Trump: In total, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty one, non-detained, meaning they're no longer in detention, meaning prison, non-citizens, convicted criminals from all over the world, are right now, at large, in the United States of America, with another two hundred and twenty-two thousand, one hundred and forty-one illegals with pending criminal charges, and these are serious criminal charges. For murder, for drugs being sold all over the world where many people have been killed…that's over six hundred and forty-seven thousand, five hundred and seventy-two, migrant criminals are in our country. It's a killing machine.

President Trump: If I lose; I'll tell you what, it's possible, because they cheat. That's the only way we're gonna lose, because they cheat. They cheat like hell.

President Trump: [Harris] should resign in disgrace for what she's done to our country, not run for president.

President Trump: [Harris] will fully and deliberately erase her own nation's borders, a crime so wicked as to defy description.

djt: i can finally look at the fake news and tell the, ITOLDYASO


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:11 p.m. No.21671592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1602 >>1605 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061


President Trump: They are working full-time to sign these people [illegals], many of them murderers, to vote, so they can cheat on the election , 'cause that's what they do. And they vote against bills; any bill that wants to secure the vote, the democrats in congress fight like hell so they can't get passed.

President Trump: Kamala Harris betrayed her oath. She let our cities fail to violent gangs. She let our American sons and daughters be raped and murdered at the hands of vicious monsters. She let American communities be conquered. They're conquering your communities…and Kamala turned cherished small towns into blighted refugee camps.

POTUS: ' Theres no greater act of disloyalty than to distinguish the sovereignity of a nation'

POTUS: ' ISnt it nice to have a President who doest need a teleprompter'

POTUS: ' They didnt ask for a name, they didnt ask for a registration number… shes responsible for every crime scene, every bloody funeral every orphaned child'

POTUS: ' So I ask you that question… i give that to the fake news.. cuz shes right at the border.. blood is on her hands at a level probably at a level never seen before in this Country'

President Trump: What Kamala Harris has done is unforgivable; it's a crime what she did. It's gotta be criminal. There's no greater act of disloyalty than to extinguish the sovereignty of your own nation, and that's what she's done. She's ruined our nation. She's ruined our nation…Kamala is directly responsible for the tens of thousand of crimes committed by illegal migrants that she set free into our country…she's responsible for every bloody crimes scene, every funeral, every orphaned child.

POTUS: ' We are going to send kamala back to California'

POTUS: ' 63 million… we got many millions more votes than that.. and they beat us by a whisker.. theyre good at nothing else.. theyre only good at cheating.. there were 15 policies she changed'

POTUS: ' VISA crashed because the government went after VISA… Nancy Pelosi sold her stock the day before… why dont we get AG to do a little investigation… theyre probably turning off the cameras (fake news)… its amazing isnt it.. im proud to say, ive lost billions, … i couldve been given hundreds for painting like Hunter… ive lost i dont know how much.. and i dont care.. this is a much bigger Calling'

POTUS: ' I didnt want to go off on a tangent… but we are really here to bring back jobs to the great state of michigan.. i want to thank… met me in 2017… hes a big guy and his beautiful wife… goood looking couple… (cant spell his name)… he came to the country because of me'

POTUS: ' It only takes one bad executive at the top '

POTUS: ' We are going to get the senators to let us go… i dont think we need the senators as PResident… im pinpointing you for greatness… im pin pointing you'

POTUS: ' We will put a 100-200 % tariff on every car coming over the Mexican border.. the only way youre going to get rid of that tariff, youll have to build the car in America '

POTUS: ' Unless you people disagree… im going to get elon to be our cost cutter… cuz hes good at it… hes so much into that.. the waste in this country is so crazy… he wants to see this country be great '

POTUS: ' Its going to be incredible how much he can do and hes not going to hurt anyone… hes going to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse '

POTUS: ' We have a thing called liquid gold under our feet.. and we are going to use our liquid gold for our cars and our plants.. we have more liquid gold than russia, than saudi arabia.. its in alaska, one of the biggest finds ever.. maybe bigger than saudi arabia who knows '


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:12 p.m. No.21671602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605 >>1657 >>1677 >>2061



POTUS: ' We coulda paid down our debt, i gave you the biggest tax cuts in history, i coudlve given you more tax cuts, and i will '

POTUS: ' Foreign nations will be worried about losing their jobs to America '

POTUS: ' I want Asian electronics companies to become Michigan Electronics companies.. here is the deal to every major company in the world.. cuz we will be the pot of gold… we will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest regulatory, we will give you free access to the biggest and best market in the world, here, … if you dont make it here. … you will pay tariffs.. we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs into our Treasury '

POTUS: ' Mr Wall would you please stand up… hes a successful guy,… hes been to 293 rallies.. have i dont a good job?.. you better say yes '

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in '

anon opine: trump has got to put some made in america safety and quality checks or this could backfire, the last thing usa wants is shoddy goods.

POTUS: ' You know the pick-up trucks is where the car companies make the most of their money… because of the tariffs we put on foreign countries… i stood up to china like never before putting a 27.5 percent tariff on vehicles coming in

POTUS: ' North Carolina was the furniture capitol of the world… id buy chinese furniture and theyd sit on it and the chair would break and theyd sue me '

POTUS: ' They sit down at the beautiful dining table and the chair would break and we have a problem… we will have a 17 percent Maid in America tax break '

POTUS: ' So i brought thte business tax break from 39 percent down to 21 percent… it was actually over 50 percent in some places.. '

POTUS: ' We did more business and created more jobs with a 21 percent rate… we took in much more money because we had more business than ever before '

POTUS: ' Im going to go a step further.. im going to bring down the 21 percent down to 15 percent '

POTUS: ' If you manufacture your product you get it down to 15 percent… then im imposing tariffs on your competition… so now you wont be able to worry about having someone come in and steal your business '

POTUS: ' Your car industry will be as big as it was 60 years ago… this is why everyone is after Trump… the only one who has shots fired at them.. that throbbing feeling… but thats i have to put it mildly.. in particular Iran.. they were the sponsor of terror like no one else… they were broke under Trump administration… i was only looking for one thing.. i didnt want them hurt.. the iranian people are wonderful people… you can be strong and be beautiful but you cant have a nuclear weapon.. the power of nuclear is just too monumental '

POTUS: ' Including republican presidents.. they go in and blow up the middle east and come back and you get nothing '

POTUS: ' i blew up 100 percent of the isis caliphate… i was told it would take 5 years.. i did it in 4 weeks… '

POTUS: ' I dont have the time to tell the story.. because i have to be somewhere else giving the same gddm speech '

President Trump: If Kamala Harris gets in, every single manufacturing job in this state is going to Mexico or going to China, and Mexico's a very big threat, by the way.

POTUS: ' The tax queen is demanding 39 percent tax increase.. wants capital gains tax on this country and asset confiscation act on unrealized gains…

POTUS: ' Unrealized gains tax… it will cause a depression like 1929.. other than that its a good idea.. her father is a professor of marxist ideas… we are not ready for a marxist or communist president '

POTUS: ' When you see we are leading by 2 points, 3 points.. we should be leading by 50 '

POTUS: ' What she did on the border… in business you always want to figure out your opponent.. here you cannot figure it out.. why do they want open borders.. why do they want men in women sports.. why do they want sex change operations for those in detention centers and shes willing to do that … are we crazy? '


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:13 p.m. No.21671605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1657 >>1677 >>2061




President Trump: And you know, we're leading in the polls; we're doing great, but, you know, when you see we're leading by two points, three points; we should be leading by fifty points. How the hell; no really, you would really say, 'why would anybody vote for her?'

[internal polls showing a fifty-point landslide?]

POTUS: ' No state in America will be able to ban gasoline cars… a lot of the things we have have been stopped because of the environment..this country has never been laughed at like a couple of dopes as we are now '

President Trump: The only good thing that happened with this four year disaster, is that the people will understand when we fix our country, they'll be much more understanding than they would have been if we just went straight ahead and did it.

POTUS: ' She was totally in favor of confiscating your guns.. until she saw that it didnt poll well… but she will revert back quickly and shell take your guns '

President Trump: Getting a Kennedy to endorse a Trump republican, that was a big deal, right?

POTUS: ' I think we have somebody here that ive know and liked… is robert f kennedy jr here? where is he? i know he if here someplace… rfk jr… getting a kennedy to endorse a Trump Republican that was a big deal.. hes a good man and he has amazing views.. esp on health '

POTUS: ' Next to her is a giant, a giant, a reach like Wilt Chamberlain, Wilt the Stilt… they says on yuor mark, get set, and you know she got badly injured and she got hurt.. windburn.. she got horribly hurt… no men playing womens sports.. very very degrading for women '

POTUS: ' No tax on tips… no tax on overtime… and no tax on social security for seniors… '

POTUS: ' The people that you see leaving, because no one ever leaves… so what they do, they come up and are in the back waiting for me to take a picture with me.. and we are going to be late for something, but who cares.. '

POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine.. i met with president zelenskyy, she met with him yesterday… i will prevent ww3, something i can do that no one else can do… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency '

POTUS: ' Unleash safety and prosperity.. we are going to do it and we are going to do it fast '

President Trump: We will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, and right now, with these really stupid people we have running our government, it is under tremendous threat from losing it's status as the world's reserve currency.

POTUS: ' You know whos occupying Baghram now? China, china is occupying that base now '

POTUS: ' We are going to make our elections safe and secure '

POTUS: ' Early absentee voting is under way right now… '

POTUS: ' We will make America safe again… we will make America Free again… GOD bless you… go out and vote… '

djt ends speech at 4.11pm e.t

Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:21 p.m. No.21671624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1630


Note: This is a show a force and a humiliation ritual for zelensky and a warning to the deep state, they have run out of time. zelensky is a dead man walking.


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 27, 2024, 10:25 p.m. No.21671630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

trump is the hardest working man on the planet, all this below including a dinner with kier starmer behind closed doors

notes for baker and note collector in a way which anons can understand.



>>21671565 RFK Jr. speaks at Michigan Trump rally: FULL SPEECH - youtube source and notes.

>>21671572 Kamala Harris visits southern border first time as Dem presidential nominee -kamala speech and notes, youtube (25 min runtime)

>>21671569 President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in Warren, Michigan - 9/27/24 - youtube with marsha (q and a) notes and source.

>>21671589, >>21671592, >>21671602, >>21671605 djt first speech in walker, michigan - sources, notes bun.

Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 28, 2024, 12:48 a.m. No.21671928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1933







Note: This Q thing should not be ignored, it could be the Q pysop of the clown agencies to delay, comms and inside info to anons or boths.


28th Sept - 21 posts FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT 28TH SEPT 2018 - 6 YEARS DELTA.

Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 28, 2024, 1 a.m. No.21671943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1955


think anon might watch this movie again

the physicalists are the real problem of the brain washed.

even seen adverts on the tube now offering a.i treatments of those who are questioning suffering from mental health issues.


Anonymous ID: 6b6323 Sept. 28, 2024, 1:06 a.m. No.21671947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1954


and there are 325, 000 plus children missing.

anon has had a thoughts that the women are being used for breeding kids who are being trauatimised and brainwashed after being abused who will be mass shooters of false flags triggered soon.

there is a ton of shit coming down the pipes.

so much evil.

eyes on swivel.

Put on the Full Armour of God.