Anonymous ID: 035a72 Sept. 28, 2024, 6:30 a.m. No.21672613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One wonders in the FCC's sprint to allow the sale of stations to Soros if they bypassed their own rules process?


The airwaves are supposed to belong to the people. The government/FCC is a regulatory agency that is supposed to protect the public interest. This agency has a purpose due to the nature of frequencies, etc.


How the public interest is protected by allowing the sale of stations to an avowed enemy of the United States is somewhat puzzling. Didn't Soros say his life's work was the destruction of the US?


"…..Assignment and Transfer Applications. You can also file a petition or objection when a broadcast station is being sold (technically called an “assignment” of the license) or when the station’s licensee is undergoing a major transfer of stock or other ownership control change (technically called a “transfer of control”). When filing these types of applications, depending

on the type of station, the applicant is required to make six on-air announcements of the application filing over a four-week period, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday; and/or to post notice on its website, its licensee’s website, its parent company’s website, or on another publicly accessible website that is targeted to the station’s community of license, containing information similar to that described above regarding renewal applications. Once the application is received, the FCC will issue a Public Notice of acceptance and begin a 30-day period during which petitions to deny the application can be filed. (All FCC Public Notices are included in the Commission’s Daily Digest and are posted at All assignment and transfer of control applications for all services (DTV, LPTV, Class A TV, full-service AM and FM, LPFM, FM translator) are currently being filed in the Media Bureau’s Consolidated Database System (CDBS). A petition to deny or informal objection against astation’s assignment or transfer of control application must either be filed electronically in CDBS or by mail. To submit a pleading electronically in the CDBS database, see “How do I file a pleading or appeal in CDBS?” below. Please note that a complaint submitted through the “File a Consumer Complaint” link on the FCC’s website will NOT be treated as a petition to deny or informal objection against a station’s assignment or transfer of control application. If the Commission’s rules require you to serve your pleading on other parties to the proceeding, you must send a copy to them by mail or otherwise serve them as specified by the rules. Filing a pleading through CDBS does not satisfy the service requirements……


…..Petitions. Petitions are requests for relief, including challenges to applications. They include "Petition to Deny" and "Informal Objection." A petition should not be filed without good legal grounds to support it. For example, a Petition to Deny or Informal Objection should state facts

sufficient to raise a substantial and material question of fact as to whether grant of an application is in the public interest."