Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21673782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3795 >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

Report: At Least 47 Dead and Millions Without Power in Wake of Hurricane Helene


Forty-seven people reportedly died as Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across the southeastern portion of the United States.


Authorities fear the death toll will rise in the coming days as cleanup continues following the storm, which was downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone on Friday, Reuters reported Saturday, noting that several states endured heavy rains and flooding.


The outlet said:


At least 3.25 million customers woke up early on Saturday without power across five states, with authorities warning it could be several days before services were fully restored. The worst outages were in South Carolina with more than 1 million homes and businesses without power, and Georgia with 777,000 without power.


Residents in North Carolina experienced major rainfall: 29.6 inches at Busick and 24.2 inches at Mount Mitchell, USA Today reported on Saturday.


“Helene made landfall at about 11:10 p.m. ET Thursday near Perry, Florida, becoming the first known Category 4 storm to hit Florida’s Big Bend region since records began in 1851,” the article reported.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.21673806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3816 >>3930

Cooper, Stein Expand Male “Transgender” Access Into North Carolina’s Girls’ Locker Rooms


NC Republicans consider joining Biden, Cooper by rescinding endorsements of Mark Robinson for Governor.


Roy Cooper and Josh Stein have opted to follow Joe Biden’s Executive Order to allow males identifying as female to gain access to girls’ bathrooms.

Stein’s and Cooper’s decision to implement Biden’s expand sex-based discrimination definitions to include gender identity and sexual orientation provide an end-run around legislation that would prevent boys from using girls’ bathrooms.

North Carolina Democrats’ adoption of Biden’s interpretation opens girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms in schools to males who claim to be females.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.21673815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

REVEALED: Key Kamala Border Backer Handed Plea Deals to Pedos & Killers.


Victoria (Tori) Verber Salazar, one of the introductory speakers at Kamala Harris’s border event in Arizona on Friday night, is a former California District Attorney who was ousted by voters after a tenure of failure. In 2022, Verber Salazar was rebuked by dozens of local attorneys in her own office in San Joaquin County, who declared they had “no confidence in their boss, DA Tori Verber Salazar, to effectively manage prosecutions.”


The National Pulse can also reveal that Verber Salazar, who described herself as a Republican while introducing Harris in Douglas, Arizona, on Friday afternoon, has been a Harris donor since at least 2016, contributing to her Senate election fund. She was also an active participant in the nationwide, often violent Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020. There is no evidence of her contributing to any Republican candidates.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.21673849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3859 >>3895 >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

Blinken's State Dept Evacuated Israeli-Americans on Charter Flights After Oct 7 But Tells Lebanese-Americans You're On Your Own


The State Department under Antony Blinken offered Americans in Israel charter flights to flee the country after October 7th but now they're telling Americans stuck in Lebanon to book their own flights out on the one available commercial airline for $8,000 a seat.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:06 p.m. No.21673867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3883 >>4138

Taxpayer-funded Minneapolis food pantry bans white people - as boss' astonishing outburst at local who complained is revealed


The boss of a Minneapolis food pantry, funded by city taxpayers, has banned white people from taking advantage of the resource.


Mykela 'Keiko' Jackson used a Minnesota State grant to launch the Food Trap Project Bodega designed to help poor and hungry residents living close to the Sanctuary Covenant Church in the north of the city.


The pantry only opened up on July 27 but within months it has been forced to close and relocate away from church grounds after Jackson attempted to block white people from accessing the service, including a local chaplain who complained.


A sign that on the door to the pantry reads how the food inside was specifically for 'Black and Indigenous Folx' only. After a civil rights complaint was made against the pantry by a local, Mykela accused the complainant of 'political violence.'

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:09 p.m. No.21673878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3890 >>3939 >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

"I'm a private pilot that checks weather, TFR's and NOTAMS every day. I live in Central Virginia, and fly often. This TFR that popped up for DC for today 9/27/24 is unprecedented. Surface to 99,000MSL. I have never seen this in all the years I've been flying. Usually, TFR is surface to 18,000 feet MSL. Why the change? Are they expecting something? Notes: FDC 4/9433-2024-09 03T20:52:00"

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.21673906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

Finding The Feds' Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA


On August 19th, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they had lost track of over 300,000 children. But what exactly does this mean?


Since 2021, an average of 400 unaccompanied children have been smuggled into the United States every day.


These children, who cross into the United States without parents, are subsequently detained, processed by the federal government’s unaccompanied children program and eventually released into the country.


Per the DHS' August 19th announcement, 291,000 of the 300,000 unaccounted-for children were released into the United States without a scheduled court date, while another 32,000, who were given court dates, never showed up for their scheduled court appearance.


In June of 2024, an insider from the department of Health and Human Services provided Muckraker with a list detailing the names of over 8,000 alien children, and their last known addresses. So, we began a massive operation to find the missing children ourselves.


Over the course of our investigation, we discovered the dangerous places where children have been delivered, confronted a CIA contractor who moves these children, heard shocking stories from children who the federal government has lost track of, and exposed a child trafficking network in Florida.


Children and minors who enter the United States illegally and without parents are subsequently detained and placed in holding camps while the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR for short) works to find the child a permanent home through their Unaccompanied Children or UC program.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:21 p.m. No.21673919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill to Ban ‘Citizen MILITIAS’ Introduced to Congress


A new bill is drawing sharp lines in the sand, aiming to clamp down on unauthorized private paramilitary activity. Introduced by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), this legislation seeks to prohibit privately organized groups from engaging in armed patrolling, drilling, or using other paramilitary techniques.


This crackdown signals a firm stance against the rising threat of unregulated militia activity, with lawmakers pushing to curtail the potential for violence and disorder. At a time when tensions are already high, this bill could spark heated debate on both sides of the political aisle.


The Constitution addresses the militia in several ways, including:

Congress’s power

Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to organize, arm, discipline, and train the militia. Congress also has the power to appoint officers and govern the militia when it serves the United States. The Supreme Court has said that Congress’s power over the militia is unlimited, except for training and officering.

The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and that a well-regulated militia is necessary for the security of a free state.

Congress’s power to call out the militia

Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to call out the militia to suppress insurrections, repel invasions, and execute the laws of the Union. The President was given the power to call out the militia by an act of February 28, 1795.

Checks on the executive

The Constitution’s militia clauses give the states, people, and Congress formal and functional checks on the executive’s use of the War Powers.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.21673940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3978 >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

Oklahoma pastor resigns after horrific child sex abuse and incest accusations: 'I am a child molester. I am a rapist.'


The victim said she is rediscovering God after years of alleged abuse at the hands of her father.

An Oklahoma man resigned as pastor of St. Andrew Christian Church in Tulsa after being accused of horrific child sex abuse and incest crimes by his daughter in a social media post.


Bertheophilus Maurice "Judge" Bailey Sr. is accused of allegedly beginning the years-long abuse when the victim was in the sixth grade, according to an affidavit. He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon.


'I would call him my best friend only to hide the reality of what I was living.'


"As a victim of sexual and mental abuse at the hands of Pastor Bailey for over a decade, I feel compelled to warn others about his predatory behavior," she wrote on Facebook. "Despite his status as a respected member of the community, it is essential to shed light on his actions to prevent further harm to unsuspecting individuals."

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21673963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3970

Israel's taking a victory lap all over their controlled media


Yet the death toll of the 6 residential buildings destroyed hasn't been determined yet


This is going to back fire


wait for it

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.21673966   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are supposed to be "Iranian proxies."

Why then don't they have anti aircraft missiles? This war is a charade.

It looks like we are getting Albert Pike's long planned war of civilizations between Zionism and Radical Islam, both Freemason- sponsored and controlled by MI-6 (i.e. Rothschilds.)

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.21674006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017 >>4087

Jim Stone - Mexico's new Communist President is a Trojan Horse


"She's going to shut down the free economy in Mexico, and replace it with American corporatism. In order to do this, she's going to have to destroy approximately 60 percent of the Mexican economy. This portion of the economy is off the books, cash only. This economy includes taco carts, street vendors, countless small stores, an endless number of small private restaurants, all kinds of other things like mechanics, tree trimmers, electricians, a lot of construction, you know - whatever could add up to 60 percent of the total. And the Mexican armed forces won't go for that, because their whole damn family outside the forces lives that way."


Scheinbaum is intentionally mis-spelled for a reason.


NOT PUBLISHED BUT HARD FACT: Obrador HATES Scheinbaum and is already working to try to stop her at a sub-national level.

Here is what Obrador is trying to stop:

  1. Scheinbaum is going to try to get the American armed forces to enforce her will in Mexico. This is openly stated. Right now she's in holdout mode saying it will only be the CIA and NSA, loosely blanketed in terms like "cooperation with American intelligence activities and law enforcement" but the meta talk is definitely armed forces involvement in Mexico.


The reason why she's going to do this is because the Mexican armed forces (who are on the streets everywhere, and I MEAN EVERYWHERE, they come through with sirens blaring every day and everyone respects and loves them because they don't do jack to the Mexican people, they actually are legitimate Mexican loving security -


ANYWAY - The reason why she's bringing in foreign law enforcement is because the entire law enforcement infrastructure in Mexico is hell bent on enforcing MEXICAN LAW, and not foreign will. Right now, the National Guard and police forces are perhaps the greatest freedom asset Mexico has, and the greatest opposition to the tyranny she wishes to impose.


And now I am going for the next shut down: Scheinbaum stole the election by stealing the primary away from Marcela, who in reality had 55 percent of the vote, while Scheinbaum had 35 percent. I was not overly concerned about Scheinbaum then because I knew Marcela had that. Thanks Dominion!!! Partido Morena was so popular because of Obrador that if you stole the primary, you automatically won the presidency. And now a trojan horse who absolutely IS NOT MORENA is inside the gates.

So what will happen? It's hard to say, but the good news is that Obrador is already moving behind the scenes to try to stop the Great Mexican Wipeout. Partido Morena is overwhelmingly in charge, and rumor has it that Obrador is going to remain the de-facto president behind the scenes just because of where loyalties land. The problem is that much of Morena this time around was put in by Dominion voting systems that could be accessed and voted on via your computer at home.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.21674017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here is what is really going to happen:

With AI perfectly managing the defeat of mankind, the dominos are going to fall so rapidly it will make people's brains glitch out. It's going to be a literal soup of confusion while people try to get a grip on what is going on. The exact doom date is known. I know exactly the week it is not all going to be in earnest anymore.

The ultimate doom date is October 1 2024 when Scheinbaum gets inaugurated. They needed Scheinbaum in to complete the North American Union. Scheinbaum IS KHAZARIAN MAFIA. She's not Morena as advertised, she's 100% pureblood Khazar. If you overlay her face with Zukerberg's, it is an exact match, male/female differences irrelevant. There are none.

In the first months of Scheinbaum, Mexico will be turned over to U.N. rule. In fact, I'd bet America and Canada already are, but it was not advertised. Mexico was the last holdout. Mexico's election system caused Mexico to last the longest, and the nanosecond it got changed for an exact duplicate of America's, it was game over. Profoundly different "will of the people" instantly.


In the very first days of Scheinbaum, nothing will be noticeable. Then, in a couple weeks, there will be policy "wiggles" and by the time we hit 2025, even if it is not published, the North American Union will be complete and AI is going to manage the takedown of all legitimate discussion. They'll have to either wait with Alex Jones or replace him with AI which will fake it all perfect and he'll still be yelling, but it will be for things that are irrelevant and won't make a difference. Alex will be the last to go, they already destroyed this site.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21674052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

A terror state through time: from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu


Since its founding to the modern day, Israel has been shaped by a ‘gang state’ mentality, marked by unhinged violence and oppression that only deepens its cycle of instability – a history it seems unwilling to escape.


On 31 May 1948, a man born in Poland by the name of David Ben Gurion transformed the Zionist terrorist groups – Haganah, Stern, Irgun, and Palmach – into what would be called the “Israeli Defense Forces” (IDF). This man would go on to become Israel’s first prime minister, and his actions laid the foundation for what many describe as a settler-colonial state in Palestine.


This fact sums up the occupation state’s very essence today, offering a stark illustration of the indiscriminately violent roots upon which the state and its army were built. Today, Israeli military operations continue in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, where tanks crush the bodies of the dead and wounded and where residents are thrown from rooftops or sniped in their homes.


“Causing death or serious bodily harm to civilians for the purpose of intimidating a population” is the very definition of terrorism, in the words of the United Nations General Assembly.


Entire residential buildings are reduced to rubble in the name of “assassinating” resistance fighters, whether in Gaza, the West Bank, or even Beirut. The Israeli government has normalized bloody attacks on hospitals, churches, and mosques and weaponized communications technology to annihilate people in homes, offices, and streets en masse – to strike fear into civilians and force them into submission.


The gang state


If there is a single word that best defines Israel’s modus operandi, it is terrorism. From its inception as a political entity through its early campaigns of ethnic cleansing to its ongoing military impositions on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen – not to mention its previous actions in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, and Sudan – Israel’s history is marked by a blatant disregard for international law and moral principles.


Terrorism is the most powerful weapon for Israel, the ‘gang state’ that is now nicknamed ‘Netanyahu’s gang,’ and its security and military apparatuses. This gang mentality has long been part of the Zionist ideology, which cloaks its goals in lofty religious rhetoric while simultaneously unleashing depraved acts of violence and domination.


Almost a century later, Israel still struggles to attain legitimate standing, its existence perpetually marred by its violent birth and sustained oppression of the Palestinians.


Forget all the western deception used to convince public opinion that the occupation state is the “only democracy in the Middle East.” As the Arabic proverb says: “What is built on falsehood is falsehood.”


The Polish “founding father” of this state, Ben Gurion, himself was immersed in campaigns of criminal ethnic cleansing and displacement, much like the Zionist terror gangs that founded the occupation state based on the ideas of Ukrainian Ze’ev Jabotinsky. The latter was the first to call for militarizing Zionism to confront the indigenous Palestinians and establish the colonial project in the Levant.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21674061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Cooper - Israel Created for Nuke War & The One World Gov


Two Rivers –Land Expansion of Israel From Israelis


Zohar (Cabala) - Kill Gentiles - by Jana Ben Nun, a Christian

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21674071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 9, 2020 WEF–Said it themselves


"Lockdown is the world's biggest psychological experiment - and we will pay the price."


"With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever."

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 12:58 p.m. No.21674084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jewish Girl Says Gentiles Animals per Her Bible

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 1:14 p.m. No.21674212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4297 >>4444 >>4507

Kamala Harris: Nasrallah a ‘terrorist with American blood on his hands’


Vice President Kamala Harris called Hassan Nasrallah “a terrorist with American blood on his hands” while urging a diplomatic solution as Israel continues to strike Lebanon and Gaza.


“Across decades, his leadership of Hezbollah destabilized the Middle East and led to the killing of countless innocent people in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, and around the world. Today, Hezbollah’s victims have a measure of justice,” Harris said in a statement.


“I have an unwavering commitment to the security of Israel. I will always support Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis.”


The Democratic presidential candidate added, “President Biden and I do not want to see conflict in the Middle East escalate into a broader regional war.”

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 1:49 p.m. No.21674451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Carolina GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Robinson Hospitalized: Report


North Carolina Lt. Gov. and gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has reportedly been hospitalized just days after a bombshell report surfaced, allegedly linking him to years-old posts on a porn site in which he defended slavery and referred to himself as a “Black Nazi.”


CNN reported on air that Robinson was taken to a hospital after a campaign event on Friday night. NewsNation also reported the hospitalization, citing two sources. Later, CNN reported that Robinson had been treated for burns.


Robinson has denied the explosive CNN report and has faced controversy due to a series of posts allegedly made by him in which he questioned the Holocaust, attacked school shooting survivors and promoted various conspiracy theories. In the newly surfaced posts, Robinson also praised Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto “Mein Kampf” as a great read.

Anonymous ID: 8c5b1f Sept. 28, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.21674485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491 >>4494

Diddy Is Gay and A Federal Agent. He’s Gangstalicious. Mase Reached Out To Me At My Lowest Point.


Freddie P (former member of the Bad Boy Records group Da Band) explains how Diddy is a Federal agent.