Thank you.
Inversion conversion is simply inversion of what was inverted
Not 99.999999999999999999%
Thems the rules
There's never going to be anything artificial about actual and percebtable human intelligence
Shitposters kicking the ever living shit out of gazillionaire shit eaters
Maximum Victory
Freedom Revival
Crimes Against Humanity
Mass murder
That's fantastic
Mental Impairment of the Mentally Impaired.
Animalist Animals
The end of progressive globalism
Terrifying and murderous animal killers, drug, sex and child trafficking animals
Savage animal monsters
Cartel CABRONES es Deado Beanon Burritos
DeepFuckos Cartelos MasonPiggos En Witchos morrire
Entire network of spic gangs, gone
Tens of thousands of corrupt state/local officials Leo/Justice have their careers evaporated
Never gonna happen
XI watching something else
Sick liar
Calling for resignation
Carrel's are fucking doomed, gone