Saving for now was last is now is last is now is last is now.
Sublate and Retain.
Is not is also.
Cycle of 'endless' [targeting] of revenge for revenge "self-sublating' … 'through looking glass'…
Saving for now was last is now is last is now is last is now.
Sublate and Retain.
Is not is also.
Cycle of 'endless' [targeting] of revenge for revenge "self-sublating' … 'through looking glass'…
Flynn moab
Also, in unrelated but related news:
To the scriptshill webscraping using bot to mimick a copy paste user from undisclosed website…
And pasted with "/" appended to every line?
This: /
Is the copy paste from an agg, aqg site that includes X drops
you can see the this not thqt is this but saying what isnt and what is and declaring ownership over words when they are also within the same bodies as both sets of ultimate opposites as all owned everything not itself is fetter.
Let the endless endless end.
"Indeed, many other concepts or determinations can also be depicted as literally surrounding earlier ones"
So a peraon can negate their own past selves? Believe this opposite then believe that opposite?
What would it look like if it had looked as though a ultimate negation in praxis against the people's young?
DHS: ^320,000 children trafficked most are dead or in sex slavery.
Non detained 15000 convicted murderers?
Assets humans used as assets to destabalize a population of families to "aufheben" by a finite claiming infinite when it self sublates
Did UN just get wound down or is it just anon?