Dialectician terrorism getting exposed.
Who's sourcing their own negations really?
Where the opposites are given warp boost to reveal a long term pattern of 5thG psychological warfare of seeing one's own opposite FROM exclusively solely a "different movement" unexplained dependency view of people that does not afford the same ability to see the moments as some are trying to make it by persuading others to choose extinctionism absolutism that conveniently excludes the source of that very same peonouncement as another echo of a new "movement" that conveniently apologizes for its own desire to control how every other moving moments of consciousness occurs.
With dialectic of power, Nothing and Being, their own moments are aupposed to replace and not occur in any other conaciousness?
"A desire to negate past self"
What would it look like if it had looked as though there exists a pattern of practise of sacrificing younger consciousnesses so that the beliefs and practises of one subset incomplete set of people among all people, wanted their extreme self negation in thought was to be taken for granted as the "acceptable" pattern of a wokethink self introducing crimes against children as a ritual praise to a "thought" of the self just going along as if the world must tolerate self contradictions from the same people?
Whoever is writing the vp scripts, they're just going along as if every receiver were stupid and wrong for knowing what they themselves saw from vp in own past.
Sublation of thesis, antithesis happening from same people and same people also demand to be seen as the authority on the synthesis as well?
"If my predictions turn out wrong, I will just fall back on a little dialectic and be proved right either way." - K. MARX.
Nothing inherently wrong with having thoughts and making speech about one's thoughts that are more about self than others, or others more than self, or an attempt to speak for most people, or all people.
When those thoughts are put into praxis, and it looks like gods seeing everything not themselves as a supreme enemy to destroy, then name destruction sublation, what is destroyed vanishes and the destroyer preserves both as the future continues, and control the descriptions of descriptions of meanings, all by any means necessary.
Who are pulling the money strings of the dialectic seen out of middle east nations?
Is there a dark nobility that is practising a dark art of genocide.
Morality is and ought to be equivalent for 100% of children. No young consciousness carries the projections of the extreme negaters of life. In time, if a thought occurs, it right there occurred at that time and could not have driven the past to the present as exclusive handler of all syntheses including past own bad actitivity