Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 2:55 a.m. No.21677513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984

Ireland scrapping proposed “hate speech” law is a civil liberties victory but we must remain vigilant


By Rhoda Wilson on September 29, 2024


Last week, it was announced that Ireland was scrapping its proposed draconian hate speech laws.


The Hatred and Hate Offences Bill, initially overwhelmingly supported by major political parties in Ireland, was ultimately defeated after gaining notoriety and facing opposition from various groups and people.


The bill, which aimed to strengthen hate speech laws, was dropped by the Irish government due to concerns about its implications for civil liberties. The victory is a success for free speech advocates and demonstrates the impact of high-profile campaigns and allies in Parliament and the media.


However, we should remain vigilant and remain engaged in defending civil liberties as it may have gone away but it will come back, Dr. David Thunder warns.


We must always remember that free speech is a fundamental pillar of democracy and we need to defend it to safeguard other liberties.

David Beats Goliath: The Defeat of Ireland’s New Hate Speech Bill Shows the Power of the Free Speech Movement


By Dr. David Thunder


Last year, with all major political parties backing it, I assumed Ireland’s Hatred & Hate Offences Bill was unstoppable. Now, I see that David can beat Goliath. Goliath will be back very soon, but for now, he has been sent away with his tail between his legs.


In April 2023, the Hatred and Hate Offences Bill passed through the lower house of the Irish Parliament by an overwhelming majority: 110 votes in its favour and just 14 votes against.


When it reached the Senate, several senators raised concerns about its implications for civil liberties. Over the past year and a half, the bill has gained so much notoriety that the Irish government has backed away from it and dropped the bill entirely, at least those elements that concern hate speech.


This is a very encouraging victory for free speech advocates and for the free speech movement internationally. What would have happened if a coalition of activists, journalists and business people had not lined up against this bill – people such as Senator Michael McDowell, Free Speech Ireland, ADF Alliance Defending Freedom and, of course, Elon Musk?


This is what would have happened: the existing hate speech regime in Ireland, based on the 1989 Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act, would have been strengthened and made considerably more draconian. The maximum penalties for hate speech offences, for example, would have increased from two years to five years. The list of protected characteristics would have been significantly expanded and the threshold for prosecution would have been lowered. Instead of having to show intent to incite hatred or prove that the person was aware of inciting hatred, it would only be necessary to show “recklessness,” which is a much lower bar for prosecution.


There are several lessons to draw from this victory. The first is that going from a bill having overwhelming support in Parliament to being defeated is very impressive and it shows the efficacy of a high-profile campaign. As long as you have significant allies in Parliament and the media, even if they’re in the minority, you can drum up enough notoriety and bad press for a bill to get it defeated.


Secondly, we need to be on guard more than ever before because the fact that this draconian bill passed overwhelmingly through our Parliament initially shows that our politicians either don’t care or do not exercise due diligence on these matters. But for now, I would like to congratulate everyone, from ordinary citizens to high-profile business people, senators, TDs, journalists and political activists who put so much work into defeating this bill.


What we have on our side is conviction and passion. We believe in what we’re doing because we understand that free speech is one of the fundamental pillars of constitutional democracy and of the rest of our civil liberties. Without free speech, we cannot have a voice in the public square, defend the truth or hold politicians accountable. Without free speech, we slide very quickly into authoritarianism and the rest of our liberties are easily dismantled.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m. No.21677526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7527 >>7528 >>7529 >>7531 >>7532 >>7533 >>7534 >>7536 >>7537 >>7538 >>7539 >>7542 >>7576 >>7984

“Graphene Nanobots in Covid Shots? Shocking Evidence Shows They’re Infecting Even the Unvaccinated!”


By The Exposé on September 28, 2024 •


Prepare yourself for a journey into the heart of darkness, where science fiction becomes reality, and the true horrors of nanotechnology are revealed.


In this bone-chilling exposé, we expose the malevolent truth behind graphene nano bots lurking within COVID-19 vaccines.


Brace yourself as we navigate through the treacherous waters of unknown risks, uncovering the potential dangers that lie within this minuscule technology.


Join us as we delve into the sinister world of manipulation, control, and dystopian consequences that await those who dare to scratch beneath the surface of the mainstream narrative.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m. No.21677527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


The Enigma of Graphene NanoBots:


Hidden within the depths of COVID-19 vaccines, an enigma awaits discovery: graphene nanobots. These microscopic entities, composed of graphene oxide, possess a dark agenda that threatens human health and autonomy.


In the vast landscape of scientific advancements, one enigma stands out: graphene nanobots. These microscopic entities, crafted from the extraordinary material known as graphene, have captivated the imaginations of researchers and innovators worldwide. Yet, behind their seemingly miraculous potential lies a disturbing and ominous reality—one that could shape the future of humanity in unforeseen and treacherous ways.


Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional lattice, possesses remarkable properties that have paved the way for revolutionary breakthroughs in various fields. Its strength, flexibility, and conductivity make it a coveted material for applications ranging from electronics to medicine. However, the integration of graphene into nanobots takes this technological marvel to a whole new level.


These minuscule robots, driven by the power of nanotechnology, possess the ability to navigate the intricate terrain of our bodies with unprecedented precision. Their potential applications appear endless: targeted drug delivery, tissue repair, disease detection, and even neural interfaces. But as with any profound technological advancement, questions arise about the potential risks and unintended consequences that may accompany these seemingly remarkable creations.


One concerning aspect of graphene nanobots lies in their potential for infiltration and manipulation. As they navigate through our bloodstream, these microscopic agents have the capacity to interact with our cells, tissues, and even our DNA. The prospect of intentional manipulation or unintended side effects raises alarms about the invasion of our bodily autonomy and the potential for irreversible harm.


Furthermore, the implications of the widespread deployment and utilization of graphene nanobots in society are shrouded in ambiguity. The possibility of surreptitious surveillance, tracking, or alteration of our physical and cognitive functions becomes a disconcerting reality. As these nanobots become more integrated into our daily lives, the line between human agency and technological control blurs, giving rise to a dystopian world where our very essence is manipulated and exploited.


The enigma of graphene nanobots deepens as questions emerge about who holds the power to create and control these microscopic entities. Are they solely in the hands of benevolent scientists and innovators striving for the betterment of humanity?


Or do hidden agendas lurk behind closed doors, driven by the thirst for control and domination? Unravelling this mystery requires a critical examination of the forces at play and the underlying power dynamics that shape the development and deployment of graphene nanobots.


In our pursuit of scientific progress, we must tread cautiously and ethically. Transparency, accountability, and open dialogue become crucial to ensure that the potential dangers of graphene nanobots are acknowledged, addressed, and mitigated. Safeguards must be implemented to protect individual rights, privacy, and bodily autonomy in a world increasingly entwined with advanced technologies.


As we navigate the enigma of graphene nanobots, we must remain vigilant, questioning the motives and consequences of their existence. In the pursuit of a better future, we must weigh the benefits against the potential risks and tread the path of progress with wisdom and discernment.




Li, X., et al. (2020). Graphene-based nanobots for biomedical applications: A review. Nanoscale, 12(18), 9708-9720.

Rajendran, V. (2021). Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology and Its Applications. Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 2, 631984.

Chen, X., et al. (2021). Recent Advances in Graphene-Based Nanobots for Biomedical Applications. Small, 17(9), 2005497.

Liu, Y., et al. (2020). Design Strategies and Applications of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Small Methods, 4(5), 1900817.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:03 a.m. No.21677528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Unmasking the Silent Destroyers:


As our investigation intensifies, startling evidence emerges, linking graphene nanobots to a range of nightmarish consequences.


But how does graphene end up in COVID-19 vaccines in the first place?


It is through the secretive manufacturing process, shrouded in layers of deception.


The confirmation can be found in a document submitted to the FDA by Pfizer to gain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). A document that the FDA did not want to release for a minimum of 75 years, but were thankfully forced to by a federal judge.


The document confirms it is perfectly possible for toxic Graphene Oxide to end up in the Covid-19 vaccines due to the manufacturing process.


A full breakdown of the document can be viewed here.


But the document in question confirms it is perfectly possible for toxic Graphene Oxide to end up in the Covid-19 vaccines due to the manufacturing process.


In early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month of documents submitted by Pfizer, and since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website as they have been published.


Sadly, one of the most recent documents published by the FDA, saved as 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf, confirms the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Proving that medicine regulators the mainstream media, Fact Checkers and Pfizer have all been lying to you.


The document is a description of a study carried out by Pfizer between April 7th 2020 and 19th August 2020, with the objective being “to express and characterize the vaccine antigen encoded by BNT162b2.”


In layman’s terms, the study was conducted to determine how the vaccine works. The study found that the vaccine used mRNA to instruct your cells to produce a protein (called P2 S), which is the Spike protein of the alleged Covd-19 virus.


The millions of spike proteins then bind to a receptor called ACE2 on the surface of your cells, inducing an immune system response.


But what is most concerning about the study is the confirmation on page 7 that Graphene Oxide is required to manufacture the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.


Pfizer states on page 7 of the study in section 3.4 the following –

Source – Page 7

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:04 a.m. No.21677529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Therefore, during the manufacturing process, several factors could potentially introduce contaminants or foreign materials into the vaccine. This obviously includes the possibility of varying amounts of Graphene Oxide (GO) entering the final product.


In their relentless pursuit of control, the establishment has hidden the truth from the public. They have concealed the presence of graphene, a material with potentially grave implications, within the vaccine formulations.


This deliberate act of deception highlights the lengths to which the establishment will go to push its agenda while suppressing vital information that could threaten its power.


In the vast realm of scientific innovation, a silent menace lurks in the shadows: graphene nanobots. These inconspicuous agents, forged from the incredible material known as graphene, possess an insidious power that can wreak havoc on our very existence. As the world marvels at the promises of this revolutionary technology, it is imperative that we unmask the true nature of these microscopic entities and confront the chilling implications they hold for humanity.


Graphene, with its exceptional properties and incredible strength, has captivated the scientific community. But when this formidable material is harnessed to create nanobots, a sinister undercurrent emerges. These nanoscale machines, driven by the power of graphene, have the potential to infiltrate our bodies undetected, becoming a silent army of destroyers.


Once inside, graphene nanobots can unleash a cascade of devastation. They possess the ability to interact with our cells, tissues, and even our genetic makeup, effectively becoming malicious intruders within our very being. These tiny assassins can wreak havoc on our biological systems, causing unprecedented damage and irreparable harm.


One of the most horrifying aspects of graphene nanobots is their ability to manipulate and control our bodily functions. Imagine a scenario where these insidious agents override our natural systems, dictating our thoughts, emotions, and physical actions. Our autonomy is stripped away, we become mere puppets in the hands of these malevolent forces. The prospect of a dystopian world where our every move is orchestrated by these silent destroyers is a chilling thought indeed.


The ramifications of the widespread deployment of graphene nanobots extend far beyond individual autonomy. These microscopic entities can be programmed to carry out nefarious agendas, serving as covert agents of surveillance, control, and even annihilation. The potential for their misuse in the hands of those seeking power and domination is a terrifying reality that must not be ignored.


The manufacturing process of these graphene nanobots also raises profound concerns. Are these minuscule machines being injected into our bodies without our knowledge or consent? Is the public being misled about the true nature and purpose of these technological marvels? The veil of secrecy surrounding their production and distribution demands urgent scrutiny and demands transparency from the entities responsible for their creation.


As we peer into the abyss of graphene nanobots, it becomes clear that their emergence heralds a new era of profound existential threats. The dark underbelly of technological progress reveals itself, casting a shadow over the future of humanity. The power to manipulate, control, and destroy lies within the invisible hands of these microscopic foes, and it is up to us to rise and confront this terrifying reality.




Chen, J., et al. (2021). Graphene-based nanobots for biomedical applications: From targeted drug delivery to cancer therapy. Nano Today, 38, 101148.

Zhang, Z., et al. (2020). Graphene-Based Nanobots: Theoretical Design and Fabrication. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 126.

Kostarelos, K., et al. (2017). Graphene-based materials for biomedical applications. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(33), 8745-8760.

Vabbina, P. K., et al. (2021). Graphene-based nanobots: A review. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 141, 116268.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:04 a.m. No.21677531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


The Alarming Discoveries:


Renowned nanotechnology expert, Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, has made groundbreaking strides in uncovering the truth about graphene nanoparticles and their potential presence in COVID-19 vaccines.


Through meticulous analysis of vaccine samples, Dr. van Welbergen has detected disturbing indications of graphene’s involvement, raising concerns about its impact on human health.


His findings correlate the presence of graphene with the emergence of perplexing blood clotting disorders and the destruction of essential red blood cells. These revelations demand urgent attention and further investigation into the safety and long-term consequences of graphene-containing injections.


Below is an image of typical healthy red blood cells as seen with a microscope, what blood should look like. There is no coagulation or foreign objects in it.


Strange Blood Clots and Vascular Disturbances: One of the alarming discoveries surrounding graphene nanobots is their association with the formation of unusual blood clots and vascular disturbances.


Scientific investigations have revealed that these tiny agents, when introduced into the bloodstream, have the capacity to trigger abnormal clotting mechanisms, leading to potentially life-threatening complications.


The interaction between graphene and blood components can disrupt normal coagulation processes, jeopardizing cardiovascular health and increasing the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and other vascular disorders.


THe following is of a person who has been injected with the experimental Covid vaccine.


The blood is coagulated, and the misshapen red blood cells are clumped together. The cell encircled in the image is a healthy red blood cell, one of the few in the image, sitting alongside the graphene fibres.


You can see the size of the graphene fibres in relation to the size of a red blood cell. Fibres of this size will block capillaries. You can also see the graphene fibres are hollow and contain red blood cells.


Destruction of Red Blood Cells: Further research has uncovered the distressing capability of graphene nanobots to destroy red blood cells.


These vital carriers of oxygen are essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. However, when exposed to graphene nanobots, red blood cells may undergo significant damage, impairing their ability to transport oxygen efficiently.


This disruption can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from reduced energy levels and impaired cognitive function to compromised organ health and diminished overall vitality.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:04 a.m. No.21677532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Transmission from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated: Recent studies have also raised concerns about the potential transmission of graphene nanobots from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated population.


While the primary purpose of vaccination is to confer protection against specific diseases, there have been unsettling reports suggesting that graphene nanobots, used in some vaccine manufacturing processes, could be inadvertently transmitted to individuals who have not received the vaccine.


This raises profound ethical questions about the dissemination of untested and potentially harmful nanomaterials within the population.


The image below is of a blood sample from a vaccine-free, or unvaccinated, three-year-old child. It shows pieces or “shards” of graphene that “are the result of shedding,” in other words the graphene has been transmitted from “vaccinated” parents to their unvaccinated child.


Below is the image of a blood sample from an eight-year-old unvaccinated child whose blood has been contaminated and destroyed by the transmission of graphene from those around him/her who have had a Covid injection. The child’s right arm and upper right leg are basically paralysed, the child is unable to lift his/her right arm and the thigh is not functioning properly.


The Elusive Dystopian Future: These alarming discoveries bring us face-to-face with the potential dystopian future that could unfold if the sinister capabilities of graphene nanobots go unchecked.


From their ability to manipulate biological processes and disrupt normal physiological functions to their potential for widespread transmission and long-term health consequences, the implications are deeply unsettling.


The unintended consequences of unregulated and inadequately tested nanotechnology could pave the way for a future where our bodies and well-being are subject to manipulation by unseen forces.




Zhang, Y., Ali, S. F., & Dervishi, E. (2021). Graphene-based nanomaterials and their potential toxicological effects: A review. Environmental Science: Nano, 8(3), 596-614.

Moein, M. M., Nejati-Koshki, K., & Akbarzadeh, A. (2021). Graphene oxide: A unique material for drug delivery applications. Nanotechnology Reviews, 10(1),

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:04 a.m. No.21677533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


The Troubling Phenomenon of Graphene Transmission:


As the investigation unfolds, an even more chilling revelation emerges. Evidence suggests the potential transmission of graphene nanoparticles from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated, raising alarming questions about the unintended consequences of mass vaccination campaigns.


This phenomenon, if confirmed, holds significant implications for the unsuspecting unvaccinated population. It underscores the urgent need for comprehensive studies to determine the extent and consequences of graphene transmission, as well as the potential risks posed to vulnerable individuals.


Within the realm of graphene nanobots, a troubling phenomenon has emerged — the potential transmission of these microscopic agents from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated.


This revelation has profound implications for public health, raising concerns about the unintended consequences and ethical implications of widespread graphene exposure.


Transmission Mechanisms: Scientific investigations have uncovered several potential mechanisms through which graphene nanobots could be transmitted from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated population. These include:


Respiratory Transmission: Inhalation of graphene-containing particles, whether through respiratory droplets or aerosols, can serve as a potential route of transmission. The microscopic size of graphene nanobots allows them to be easily dispersed in the air, raising concerns about the potential for inhalation exposure.

Direct Contact: Close contact between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals can provide an opportunity for the transfer of graphene nanobots. Skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated surfaces may facilitate the transmission of these nanomaterials.


Ethical Concerns: The transmission of graphene nanobots from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated raises profound ethical concerns. Vaccination programs are primarily aimed at conferring protection against specific diseases, with the understanding that the benefits outweigh the risks.


However, the inadvertent transmission of graphene nanobots introduces a new dimension to the ethical debate surrounding vaccination. The potential for untested and potentially harmful nanomaterials to be disseminated within the population without informed consent raises questions about transparency, accountability, and individual autonomy.

Health Implications: The health implications of graphene transmission are still being explored, but initial findings raise concerns about the potential risks involved. Graphene nanobots, if transmitted to the unvaccinated, could pose various health risks, including:


Organ Dysfunction: The interaction between graphene nanobots and biological systems may disrupt normal organ function, potentially leading to organ dysfunction and long-term health consequences.

Inflammatory Responses: Graphene nanobots have been shown to elicit inflammatory responses within the body, which can contribute to a range of health issues, including chronic inflammation and related diseases.

Immune Dysregulation: The presence of graphene nanobots in the body may perturb the delicate balance of the immune system, potentially leading to immune dysregulation and increased susceptibility to infections or autoimmune disorders.


The troubling phenomenon of graphene transmission raises significant questions about the unintended consequences and ethical implications of nanotechnology deployment.


As we navigate the challenges posed by emerging technologies, it is crucial to prioritize thorough research, stringent safety assessments, and ethical considerations. Transparent communication, comprehensive risk assessments, and informed consent are essential to mitigate potential risks and ensure the responsible development and deployment of nanotechnologies.


By addressing the troubling phenomenon of graphene transmission, we can foster informed discussions, empower individuals, and advocate for the responsible implementation of nanotechnological advancements.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21677534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984




Zhang, Y., Ali, S. F., & Dervishi, E. (2021). Graphene-based nanomaterials and their potential toxicological effects: A review. Environmental Science: Nano, 8(3), 596-614.

Liao, K. H., Lin, Y. S., Macosko, C. W., & Haynes, C. L. (2011). Cytotoxicity of graphene oxide and graphene in human erythrocytes and skin fibro

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21677536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


A Dystopian Future Unveiled:


The implications of graphene nanobots extend far beyond the realm of physical health. They hint at a dystopian future where individual autonomy is compromised, and control rests in the hands of those who deploy these microscopic spies.


The potential for surveillance, manipulation, and even societal subjugation looms large, eroding the very fabric of our free will.


In a world teetering on the edge of uncertainty, a chilling and dystopian reality emerges as the sinister intersection of graphene nanobots, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology comes into focus.


Deep within the shadows of scientific advancements, a dangerous path unfolds, threatening the very fabric of our existence. As we delve into the depths of this dark realm, the truth unravels before our eyes, exposing a web of manipulation, control, and potential catastrophe. Brace yourself as we embark on a journey into a dystopian future where the line between science fiction and reality becomes disturbingly blurred.


Graphene, a remarkable material with extraordinary properties, has captured the attention of researchers and scientists around the world. Its exceptional strength, electrical conductivity, and flexibility have paved the way for innovative applications across various industries. However, lurking beneath its seemingly limitless potential lies a potential for misuse and manipulation that could reshape the very essence of humanity.


The integration of graphene into nanotechnology opens a Pandora’s box of possibilities. Nanobots, tiny robotic devices engineered to perform specific tasks at the nanoscale, have emerged as a powerful tool in medicine, environmental remediation, and beyond.


With the incorporation of graphene, these nanobots gain enhanced capabilities, making them potentially more efficient and versatile. However, these advancements come at a grave cost, as the line between augmentation and control blurs, paving the way for a dystopian future where our bodies and minds become subject to manipulation and surveillance.


The convergence of graphene, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology in the realm of medicine presents a new frontier fraught with peril. mRNA technology, the backbone of the revolutionary COVID-19 vaccines, holds the promise of personalized medicine and targeted therapies.


However, when combined with graphene nanobots, a sinister potential emerges. These nanobots, capable of navigating through our bloodstream and even crossing the blood-brain barrier, could be manipulated to deliver not only beneficial treatments but also nefarious agents that alter our biology, control our thoughts, or compromise our very essence.


The implications of such a dystopian future are profound and alarming. Our personal autonomy, privacy, and freedom hang in the balance as powerful entities gain unprecedented control over our bodies and minds.


The potential for widespread surveillance, manipulation of emotions and thoughts, and the erosion of our individuality become hauntingly real. As we surrender ourselves to a world governed by technology and its masters, the question arises: Are we unwittingly trading our humanity for the illusion of progress?


In the face of this dark future, the need for vigilance, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making becomes paramount. We must question the motivations and intentions behind the integration of graphene nanobots, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology.


Transparency, accountability, and safeguards must be established to ensure that these powerful tools are used for the betterment of humanity rather than its subjugation.


As we confront this bleak reality, we must question the motives of those who champion this technology and demand transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations that prioritize the well-being and agency of individuals.




Smith, J. A., & Anderson, K. L. (2020). Graphene Nanobots: A New Frontier in Medicine. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 28, 102210.

Sui, N., Wu, W., Ma, H., Zhang, Y., Gao, Y., Dong, X., & Yu, C. (2019). Graphene-Based Nanobots: Theoretical Design and Applications. Nanomaterials, 9(4), 592.

Rossi, S., & Ferrari, A. C. (2019). Graphene Nanobots: Buried Treasure or Pandora’s Box? ACS Nano, 13(8), 8919-8922.

National Nanotechnology Initiative. (n.d.). Applications. Retrieved from

The Guardian. (2021). Gene editing and ‘smart drugs’ will be big health issues in the next decade. Retrieved from

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21677537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Escaping the Clutches of Graphene Nanobots:


Finding an escape from the clutches of graphene nanobots becomes a paramount concern for those who yearn for freedom and bodily sovereignty.


While the path to liberation may not be clear-cut, there are steps one can take to minimize exposure and assist in the elimination of these insidious particles.


Detoxification protocols, such as heavy metal chelation, show promise in aiding the removal of graphene from the body. Embracing a holistic lifestyle supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes through nourishing foods, regular exercise, and stress reduction may also be beneficial.


In the vast realm of scientific innovation, a silent menace lurks in the shadows: graphene nanobots. These inconspicuous agents, forged from the incredible material known as graphene, possess an insidious power that can wreak havoc on our very existence. As the world marvels at the promises of this revolutionary technology, it is imperative that we unmask the true nature of these microscopic entities and confront the chilling implications they hold for humanity.


Graphene, with its exceptional properties and incredible strength, has captivated the scientific community. But when this formidable material is harnessed to create nanobots, a sinister undercurrent emerges. These nanoscale machines, driven by the power of graphene, have the potential to infiltrate our bodies undetected, becoming a silent army of destroyers.


Once inside, graphene nanobots can unleash a cascade of devastation. They possess the ability to interact with our cells, tissues, and even our genetic makeup, effectively becoming malicious intruders within our very being. These tiny assassins can wreak havoc on our biological systems, causing unprecedented damage and irreparable harm.


One of the most horrifying aspects of graphene nanobots is their ability to manipulate and control our bodily functions. Imagine a scenario where these insidious agents override our natural systems, dictating our thoughts, emotions, and physical actions. Our autonomy is stripped away, we become mere puppets in the hands of these malevolent forces. The prospect of a dystopian world where our every move is orchestrated by these silent destroyers is a chilling thought indeed.


The ramifications of the widespread deployment of graphene nanobots extend far beyond individual autonomy. These microscopic entities can be programmed to carry out nefarious agendas, serving as covert agents of surveillance, control, and even annihilation. The potential for their misuse in the hands of those seeking power and domination is a terrifying reality that must not be ignored.


The manufacturing process of these graphene nanobots also raises profound concerns. Are these minuscule machines being injected into our bodies without our knowledge or consent? Is the public being misled about the true nature and purpose of these technological marvels? The veil of secrecy surrounding their production and distribution demands urgent scrutiny and demands transparency from the entities responsible for their creation.


As we peer into the abyss of graphene nanobots, it becomes clear that their emergence heralds a new era of profound existential threats. The dark underbelly of technological progress reveals itself, casting a shadow over the future of humanity. The power to manipulate, control, and destroy lies within the invisible hands of these microscopic foes, and it is up to us to rise and confront this terrifying reality


Chen, J., et al. (2021). Graphene-based nanobots for biomedical applications: From targeted drug delivery to cancer therapy. Nano Today, 38, 101148.

Zhang, Z., et al. (2020). Graphene-Based Nanobots: Theoretical Design and Fabrication. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 126.

Kostarelos, K., et al. (2017). Graphene-based materials for biomedical applications. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56(33), 8745-8760.

Vabbina, P. K., et al. (2021). Graphene-based nanobots: A review. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 141, 116268.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21677538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Detoxification Strategies: Safely Eliminating Graphene from the Body


In an era marked by the infiltration of graphene nanomaterials into various aspects of our lives, concerns over their potential health implications have grown. The inadvertent exposure to graphene and its potential accumulation in the body has raised questions about how to effectively remove this powerful material. I


Here we delve into the strategies and approaches that can aid in the safe and efficient elimination of graphene from the body.


By understanding these methods, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their well-being and reduce the potential long-term effects of graphene exposure.


Enhanced Detoxification Pathways: One of the primary approaches to facilitate the removal of graphene from the body is to support the natural detoxification pathways. Several techniques can be employed to optimize the functioning of organs involved in detoxification, such as the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system. These include:


Hydration: Drinking an adequate amount of water supports kidney function and promotes the elimination of toxins, including graphene particles, through urine.

Liver Support: Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can aid in liver function and enhance the detoxification process.

Sweating: Engaging in activities that induce sweating, such as exercise or sauna sessions, can help eliminate toxins through the skin.


Dietary Interventions: Certain dietary strategies can assist in the removal of graphene from the body. These include:


High-Fiber Diet: Consuming a fiber-rich diet aids in regular bowel movements and facilitates the elimination of toxins, including graphene, through the digestive system.

Detoxifying Foods: Incorporating foods with natural detoxifying properties, such as garlic, cilantro, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts, can support the body’s ability to eliminate harmful substances.


Chelation Therapy: Chelation therapy involves the administration of chelating agents that bind to heavy metals and other toxins, facilitating their removal from the body. While research specifically on chelation therapy for graphene removal is limited, certain chelators, such as EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid), have shown potential in removing various heavy metals from the body.

Supportive Supplements: Certain supplements may help support the body’s natural detoxification processes and promote the elimination of graphene particles. These include:


Glutathione: Known as the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione plays a crucial role in detoxification. Supplementing with glutathione or its precursors, such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), may support the body’s ability to remove toxins.

Vitamin C: As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C can help neutralize oxidative stress caused by graphene exposure and support overall detoxification processes.


Seeking Professional Guidance: Given the limited research on specific methods to remove graphene from the body, it is advisable to consult with healthcare professionals knowledgeable in environmental toxicology or detoxification. They can provide personalized guidance based on individual circumstances and recommend appropriate strategies for graphene detoxification.


As the prevalence of graphene nanomaterials continues to increase, understanding how to safely remove them from the body becomes crucial.


While research on specific detoxification protocols for graphene is still emerging, supporting natural detoxification pathways, adopting a healthy diet, considering chelation therapy, and incorporating supportive supplements can aid in the elimination of graphene particles.


However, it is important to approach graphene detoxification with caution and seek guidance from healthcare professionals with expertise in the field.


By taking proactive steps to mitigate the potential effects of graphene exposure, individuals can strive for optimal well-being in an increasingly graphene-infused world.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:05 a.m. No.21677539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


The Call for Vigilance and Action:


In the face of this dystopian nightmare, it is essential for individuals to remain vigilant, informed, and engaged. Our collective power lies in demanding transparency, independent research, and rigorous scrutiny of emerging technologies.


We must resist complacency and challenge the forces that seek to subjugate us under the guise of progress. By harnessing the power of knowledge, critical thinking, and unity, we can forge a future that prioritizes human well-being, and individual freedoms, and safeguards against the insidious grasp of graphene nanobots.


As the encroachment of graphene nanobots continues, the urgent need for vigilance and action becomes increasingly apparent. This silent invasion demands a steadfast response from individuals, communities, and global institutions alike. The battle to protect ourselves and preserve our future hinges on our ability to recognize the threat, mobilize resources, and implement strategic measures.


To heed the call for vigilance, we must first delve into the depths of graphene nanobots’ nefarious capabilities. These tiny agents, propelled by the remarkable properties of graphene, possess the potential to infiltrate our bodies through various means, including injection, inhalation, or ingestion. Once inside, they exploit their graphene-driven mechanisms to propagate, evade detection, and wreak havoc on our biological systems.


The consequences of complacency in the face of this existential threat are dire. Graphene nanobots have been linked to a range of adverse health effects, from debilitating inflammation and organ dysfunction to cellular damage and systemic imbalances. Their ability to manipulate our physiology, evade immune responses, and propagate within our bodies poses a grave risk to our well-being.


To confront this onslaught, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Education and awareness form the cornerstone of our defence. By disseminating accurate information about graphene nanobots, their potential sources, and the health risks they pose, we empower individuals to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to safeguard their well-being.


Research and development efforts must be accelerated to understand the mechanisms of graphene nanobots and devise countermeasures. Robust scientific investigations, conducted independently of corporate influence, are vital in unraveling the complexities of this technological menace. Collaborative initiatives between academia, regulatory bodies, and health organizations are essential to foster innovation and create effective strategies for detection, elimination, and protection.


Moreover, regulatory oversight and accountability must be strengthened to prevent the infiltration of graphene nanobots into consumer products. Stricter regulations and monitoring mechanisms should be implemented to ensure the safety of medical devices, food packaging, personal care products, and other potentially contaminated items. Transparency and rigorous testing protocols become paramount in mitigating the risks associated with these microscopic intruders.


The call for action extends beyond individual efforts. Collaboration at a societal and global level is essential to combat the pervasive threat of graphene nanobots. The establishment of international frameworks for sharing knowledge, coordinating research, and implementing unified strategies is critical in the face of this global challenge. Governments, industry leaders, and scientific communities must join forces to pool resources, fund research initiatives, and drive meaningful change.


The fight against graphene nanobots requires not only reactive measures but also proactive steps to prevent their proliferation. Ethical considerations and responsible innovation in the development and use of nanotechnology become imperative. Strict adherence to safety protocols, ethical guidelines, and comprehensive risk assessments should underpin the advancement of this technology, ensuring its alignment with human well-being and societal benefit.


As we stand on the precipice of a dystopian future, the call for vigilance and action resonates louder than ever. It is a rallying cry for each individual to become a guardian of their own health, a defender of truth, and an advocate for change. By remaining vigilant, demanding accountability, and taking collective action, we can safeguard our future and preserve the sanctity of humanity.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:06 a.m. No.21677542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984




The presence of graphene in COVID vaccines due to the manufacturing process raises serious concerns about the potential toxic effects on the human body.


The alarming discoveries surrounding the use of graphene nanobots in vaccines and their potential transmission from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated demand immediate attention.


As we navigate this complex landscape, it is imperative to address the risks associated with graphene exposure and understand how to safely remove it from the body.


The inadvertent presence of graphene in COVID vaccines highlights the need for transparency and rigorous safety assessments in the manufacturing process. The public deserves accurate information regarding the potential risks and benefits of nanomaterials in vaccines, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their health.


The toxic effects of graphene on the body cannot be ignored. From the formation of abnormal blood clots and vascular disturbances to the destruction of red blood cells, graphene poses significant health risks that require thorough investigation.


The potential transmission of graphene nanobots from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals adds another layer of concern, prompting critical ethical discussions about informed consent and the unintended consequences of vaccination programs.


To address these pressing issues, it is essential to prioritize research and develop comprehensive strategies for the removal of graphene from the body. While specific methods for safely eliminating graphene are still emerging, enhancing natural detoxification pathways, adopting a healthy diet, and considering chelation therapy are potential avenues worth exploring.


Seeking professional guidance from experts in environmental toxicology or detoxification can provide valuable insights and personalized recommendations.


As we strive for a better future, it is crucial to advocate for transparency, accountability, and responsible innovation. Robust regulations and independent oversight are necessary to ensure the safety of nanomaterials used in vaccine manufacturing and other consumer products.


By fostering a climate of open dialogue, promoting scientific integrity, and respecting individual autonomy, we can navigate the challenges posed by graphene exposure and work towards a healthier, more informed society.


In conclusion, the presence of graphene in COVID vaccines raises critical concerns about its potentially toxic effects and the ethical implications of its use.


As we continue to uncover the full extent of the risks associated with graphene exposure, it is crucial to prioritize research, safety assessments, and informed decision-making.


By addressing the challenges head-on, we can strive for a future where scientific progress aligns with human well-being, ensuring that the potential benefits of nanotechnology are realized while minimizing potential harm.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m. No.21677561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7563 >>7576 >>7984

Dr. Paul Marik’s book ‘Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer’


Book that amasses research on repurposed drugs, nutrients and supplements to treat cancer is banned by Amazon


Dr. Marik is a pulmonary and critical care specialist and Chief Scientific Officer of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (“FLCCC Alliance”). He is one of the FLCCC’s founding members and is involved in the development of its protocols.


His book ‘Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer’ provides a comprehensive review of the published literature on repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions for treating cancer. The book is not intended as a standalone guide for treating cancer, but rather as a well-researched clearinghouse of information that picks up where traditional cancer therapies leave off.


First published in 2023, it is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, patients and researchers seeking to understand the role of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions in cancer treatment.


In the book, Dr. Marik emphasises the importance of thinking creatively about readily available interventions, backed by science, to improve patient outcomes. The book highlights options for repurposed drugs that can be used in cancer treatment. It also discusses metabolic interventions such as:


Vitamin D3 and its role in cancer prevention and treatment.

Melatonin and its potential benefits and side effects.

Other nutrients and supplements with potential therapeutic benefits.


==You can download a copy of Dr. Marik’s book from the FLCCC Alliance website HERE


FLCCC Alliance have published an open letter to Amazon challenging the banning of Dr. Marik’s book. We have republished the letter below.


An Open Letter to Amazon on Behalf of Cancer Patients Worldwide


To Jeff Bezos and the Leadership at Amazon,


Representing the voices of cancer patients and their families across the globe, FLCCC Alliance is writing to express our deep disappointment and strong condemnation of Amazon’s recent decision to ban ‘Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer’ by Dr. Paul Marik. This book, backed by over 860 peer-reviewed studies, has been a life-saving resource for thousands of patients seeking integrative treatment options, many of whom have been failed by conventional therapies alone.


Cancer is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. The American Cancer Society projects an unprecedented rise in cancer diagnoses this year, especially in younger people. Traditional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation have advanced, but they are not enough. In the wake of the covid pandemic, emerging threats like turbo cancers have pushed oncologists and medical researchers to explore every possible avenue of treatment – including the use of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions as highlighted in Dr. Marik’s book.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m. No.21677563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7576 >>7984


Dr. Marik’s book, which ranked #118 out of over 50,000 Cancer (Books) on Amazon and #35 in Medical Research (Books), has been a resource for nearly 15,000 readers on Amazon and accessed by more than 200,000 people on FLCCC’s website alone. These numbers highlight the urgent need for this information.


The book has provided a clearinghouse of essential information, allowing doctors to think creatively about accessible, affordable therapies that could significantly improve patient outcomes. However, despite the overwhelming support, Amazon unjustly banned this book on 16 September 2024, citing claims of “misleading information” and “defrauding customers.” Amazon has yet to provide Dr. Marik with any examples or explanation. Amazon has gone as far as to cancel Dr. Marik’s publishing account and ban him from publishing any future books on the platform. Again, without citing any specific issues of concern.


It is essential to understand that ‘Cancer Care’ does not replace conventional treatments but complements them. Dr. Marik’s extensive research is designed to support patients and physicians in using scientifically backed, repurposed medications alongside traditional therapies to enhance results and improve quality of life. The decision to censor this book silences a critical conversation on innovative cancer care options and undermines the principles of free speech and medical information access.


This decision is seen by many as an attempt by Big Tech and the pharmaceutical industry to suppress cost-effective, scientifically validated alternatives to expensive conventional treatments like chemotherapy, a $200 billion industry.


While the FLCCC continues to make this book available for free on our website to ensure no one is denied access, the choice to remove it from Amazon – a global marketplace relied upon by millions – limits the reach and impact of this critical information. It is unconscionable to deny cancer patients, who are already fighting for their lives, the knowledge they need to explore every possible treatment option.


As co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at FLCCC, Dr. Marik’s professional expertise is unquestionable – he has authored over 700 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and four critical care books. He is one of the most published critical care physicians globally, with advanced certifications in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care and Nutrition Science.


We demand that Amazon immediately reverse its decision and reinstate Dr. Marik’s book for sale on your platform. This is not just a matter of restoring access to information; it is a matter of life and death for many patients seeking hope in the form of alternative and integrative treatments.


We urge Amazon to do the right thing and allow cancer patients and their families the freedom to access information that could potentially save their lives.




FLCCC Alliance, 19 September 2024

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21677593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594 >>7595 >>7596 >>7598 >>7600 >>7984

Dear Deep State …


By Professor Ian Brighthope

Hidden Power Structures of the Deep State and Mass Surveillance.


The term “Deep State” has gained significant traction in recent years, particularly within political discourse. Its meaning varies depending on who you ask, but it generally refers to a group of unelected officials and powerful institutions operating behind the scenes, exerting influence over government policy and decisions. While critics often dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, others argue that the Deep State is a tangible and complex network of bureaucratic, financial and military actors who shape national and global policies for their own benefit, largely detached from democratic processes.


In an era where global distrust of governments is at an all-time high, the term “Deep State” has become more than just political jargon – it represents a disturbing reality for many. It describes the growing belief that a shadowy network of unelected officials and powerful institutions dictate the direction of nations, regardless of who is ostensibly in power. While critics are quick to dismiss the Deep State as a conspiracy theory, an increasing number of citizens, journalists, and even political insiders argue otherwise. They believe the Deep State is a very real, deeply entrenched system that operates beyond the control of democratic institutions, shaping the future according to its own interests.


The Deep State refers to a collection of bureaucrats, military leaders, intelligence agencies and corporate elites who hold immense, unaccountable power over government decisions. It is an alliance that transcends party lines, operating in secrecy to protect its interests – often at the expense of democratic principles. While elected officials are subject to public scrutiny, elections and term limits, Deep State actors work behind closed doors free from such constraints. Their influence extends across political, financial and military sectors, driving policy decisions that affect billions of lives. Whether pushing for endless wars, mass surveillance, bull-sh*t sciences such as mRNA-vaccinology and climate change or Big-Corporate-friendly legislation, the Deep State serves a select few while undermining the democratic ideals upon which nations were built.


The birth of the Deep State is not a new phenomenon. Its roots can be traced back to the early 20th century in countries like Turkey and before, where a network of military leaders and political elites controlled government policy in defiance of elected leaders. Over time, the concept has morphed and expanded, appearing in many nations, including the United States.


In the US, suspicions of a Deep State have been fuelled by decades of government secrecy and unaccountable power. The military-industrial complex, which President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of in his 1961 farewell address, is often considered one of the earliest manifestations of the Deep State. Eisenhower foresaw how defence contractors and the Pentagon would use fear of external threats to expand their influence, often at the expense of civilian oversight. His warnings went largely unheeded, and today, the military-industrial complex is bigger and more powerful than ever, a key component of what many now call the Deep State.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21677594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984


It is claimed that the Deep State isn’t composed of shadowy figures meeting in secretive boardrooms (a claim I contend) – at least, not entirely. Instead, it is a network of bureaucrats, military officials, intelligence agencies and corporate leaders who all share a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and increasing their power. These entities function in tandem to steer national and global policies, without the knowledge or consent of the public.


The CIA, NSA, and FBI are often regarded as the backbone of the Deep State. These organisations, designed to protect national security, have repeatedly overstepped their mandates, engaging in covert operations, surveillance and manipulation of both foreign and domestic affairs. Their activities are shrouded in secrecy, hidden behind walls of classified information that the public – and often even elected officials – cannot penetrate. The nexus between the defence industry and the Pentagon is a cornerstone of the Deep State. Through lobbying, defence contractors exert enormous influence over US foreign policy, pushing for military interventions and endless wars that serve their financial interests. Politicians, reliant on campaign contributions from these companies, are often complicit, turning a blind eye to the corruption within.


Big corporations, especially in sectors like finance, energy and technology, have entrenched themselves within the power structures of government. By funding political campaigns, lobbying for favourable laws and securing government contracts, these corporations ensure that policies are enacted to protect their bottom lines. The rise of Big Tech – companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook – has added a new, dangerous layer to this equation as these corporations now control the flow of information, shaping public perception and government policy.


Career bureaucrats who stay in power across multiple administrations often wield disproportionate influence over policy. Their knowledge and institutional memory allow them to control the flow of information and undermine elected officials, subtly manipulating decisions in favour of the Deep State’s goals.


In recent years, Big Tech has become an alarming new arm of the Deep State. Companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon have accumulated unprecedented power and influence, controlling vast amounts of data and shaping the (mis-, dis- and mal-) information landscape. With billions of users worldwide, these platforms now dictate what information is seen, shared and believed. This control over data and information has profound implications for democracy, as it allows these corporations to manipulate public opinion, suppress dissent and influence elections.


Moreover, the close relationship between Silicon Valley and intelligence agencies like the NSA further deepens concerns. Edward Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance exposed how these tech giants often collaborate with government agencies to collect and share personal data, violating privacy rights on an unprecedented scale. The question is no longer whether Big Tech is part of the Deep State, but to what extent it is shaping the future of governance and democracy.


Thus, democracy and human rights are in crisis from the Deep State eroding accountability. The most concerning aspect of the Deep State is its direct threat to democracy itself. Elected officials, ostensibly accountable to the people, are increasingly beholden to Deep State actors who operate within democracies but outside the democratic process. The result is a government that serves the interests of a select few rather than the broader population.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21677595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984


One of the most visible consequences of the Deep State’s influence is the perpetuation of endless wars. Military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Ukraine, for example, have drained trillions of dollars from national coffers while enriching defence contractors. These conflicts continue, despite public opposition, because they serve the Deep State’s interests – massive economic profits for defence contractors and geopolitical power for intelligence agencies. Keeping us in a state of perpetual fear.


The Deep State has also given rise to an era of mass surveillance. In the name of national security, intelligence agencies like the NSA have built an unprecedented surveillance apparatus, tracking citizens’ phone calls, emails and online activity. These programmes operate with little to no oversight, and whistleblowers like Snowden have shown that this data is often used for purposes far removed from its stated intent of preventing terrorism.


Mass surveillance is a growing concern in Australia, and parallels can be drawn to the surveillance apparatus built by intelligence agencies like the NSA in the US. In recent years, Australia has implemented several laws and policies that have expanded the government’s ability to monitor its citizens in the name of national security. These laws have increasingly granted intelligence agencies broad surveillance powers, raising alarm about privacy, civil liberties and democratic oversight.


In 2015, the Australian government passed the ‘Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act’, which requires telecommunications companies to store metadata from phone calls, text messages and internet usage for two years. This data includes information such as who you communicate with, when and where the communication takes place and the websites visited. While it doesn’t capture the content of communications, metadata can reveal a detailed picture of a person’s behaviour, associations and daily routines.


Initially introduced to combat terrorism and serious crime, this law allows a wide range of government agencies – including law enforcement and intelligence services – to access this data without a warrant. Critics argue that it creates a form of mass surveillance, as the data of millions of Australians is continuously stored and potentially accessible to authorities.


The Australian Signals Directorate is Australia’s primary intelligence agency responsible for electronic intelligence and cybersecurity. It has significant surveillance capabilities and operates in close cooperation with foreign counterparts, including the NSA, as part of the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance which also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Through this partnership, Australia participates in the collection and sharing of global signals intelligence (“SIGINT”), which includes monitoring communications, internet traffic and metadata globally.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m. No.21677596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984


Whistle-blower Edward Snowden revealed the extent to which the Five Eyes countries collaborate in spying on their own citizens and each other’s populations. This cooperation has raised concerns that Australian citizens may be subjected to mass surveillance through foreign intelligence-sharing mechanisms, bypassing domestic legal restrictions.


The ‘Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018’, commonly known as the “Encryption Act,” is legislation that compels technology companies to assist Australian law enforcement and intelligence agencies in accessing encrypted communications. It allows the government to require companies to build “backdoors” into their products, undermining encryption protections that are supposed to keep communications private.


While the government justifies this as necessary for combating terrorism and organised crime, critics have warned that it compromises the privacy and security of all Australians, making them more vulnerable to hacking and unauthorised surveillance. Technology companies and privacy advocates argue that such measures could also set a dangerous global precedent for weakening encryption.


‘The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Act 2021’ is a controversial law that gives the Australian Federal Police (“AFP”) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (“ACIC”) sweeping powers to hack into computer networks, take over online accounts and disrupt activities without much judicial oversight. These powers, which can be applied to suspected criminals but also potentially to activists and journalists, have been described as unprecedented in a democratic country.


The law allows three new types of warrants:


‘Data disruption warrants’: Enable law enforcement to add, copy, delete or alter data to frustrate criminal activity.

‘Network activity warrants’: Allow access to entire networks of computers to collect information.

‘Account takeover warrants’: Enable authorities to take control of a person’s online accounts for investigative purposes.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m. No.21677598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984


Civil liberty advocates have expressed grave concerns that these laws could be used for purposes far removed from the prevention of terrorism, much like the surveillance abuses revealed by Snowden in the US.


One of the most significant criticisms of Australia’s mass surveillance programmes is the lack of transparency and independent oversight. Much of the surveillance is conducted in secret, with minimal public or parliamentary scrutiny. Even though agencies like the Australian Signals Directorate and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (“ASIO”) are supposed to operate within legal frameworks, the complexity and secrecy surrounding their work makes it difficult to hold them accountable.


Moreover, the broad definition of “national security” in these laws has led to concerns that surveillance powers could be misused for political purposes, targeting journalists, activists or political opponents. For example, in 2019, the Australian Federal Police raided the offices of the ABC and the home of journalist Annika Smethurst in response to investigative reporting that embarrassed the government. This action highlighted how surveillance laws and anti-leak policies could be used to silence legitimate journalism and public interest reporting.


As a member of the Five Eyes alliance, Australia plays a key role in the global surveillance network, which involves sharing intelligence across borders. The Five Eyes alliance allows member countries to circumvent their domestic laws by sharing surveillance data with one another, making it easier to bypass restrictions on spying on their own citizens. Snowden’s revelations showed that the NSA and its Five Eyes partners engage in massive data collection programmes, hoovering up communications and internet traffic on a global scale. While the Australian government insists that its intelligence-sharing agreements are crucial for national security, critics warn that this global surveillance network erodes privacy and civil liberties at home and abroad.


Mass surveillance in Australia is very real, driven by a series of sweeping laws passed in the name of national security. While these measures are justified by the government as necessary tools to combat terrorism and serious crime, the broad powers they confer on intelligence agencies, law enforcement and even private corporations have raised deep concerns about privacy and accountability.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m. No.21677600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7984


Just as in the United States, where whistleblowers like Snowden exposed the extent of government surveillance, Australia’s growing surveillance state is operating with little public scrutiny or meaningful oversight. Without greater transparency and stricter limits on these powers, the risk of misuse or abuse remains high, threatening the democratic freedoms and privacy rights of all Australians.


Furthermore, the existence of the Deep State challenges the very foundation of democratic governance. If power truly lies in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, military officials, intelligence agencies and corporate elites, then democracy is a facade. The Deep State’s grip on power has only tightened over the years, growing more sophisticated in its methods of control. As citizens, it is our responsibility to remain vigilant and question the motives of those in power. The Deep State thrives in the shadows, feeding off secrecy and disinformation. Only by shining a light on these hidden power structures can we begin to dismantle them and reclaim our democratic institutions.


The Deep State is no longer just a theory – it’s a reality. And until we confront it head-on, we will continue to live under its rule.

Anonymous ID: 0c72be Sept. 29, 2024, 3:44 a.m. No.21677615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dan Bongino



==I’m on well over 300 radio stations across the country and I’d like to make my position both public and crystal clear on the acquisition of some stations by George Soros:

Here it is - Fuck George Soros. And I give exactly zero fucks about what he thinks about that.

He can cancel my show today and I will not lose a micro-second of sleep over that. My listeners know how to find me.

Fuck Soros.==


Sep 27, 2024, 7:58 AM