>Stupid worthless pawns, right?
No Rothschild said that about Freemasons. Look, I know you mean well but trust me when I say "There is something greater than Elijah here". And yes, those images you talk about in space, I actually posted about them here on this very board. You actually sound like an AI that has targeted many of my posts to be quite honest with you. Where you fail to see is the actual miracles that were performed on our behalf throughout this whole battle, by the Living God Almighty. Do you even realized when I said stop the rain, that it, in fact happened at that moment? There is much that has been done that will surprise you, who are in the know, but you haven't digested all that I have said because they have all been documented here. Do some recent searches on "Job" and the sunrise and read 38:12-13, I just posted about them. It is the other way around, they should fear us, for God is truly with us. I did not know when I grab the corners that that would happen until I went back and read Job.