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Videotape evidence has gone missing


Recently, the congressman leading the House Republican investigation into Jan. 6 told Just theNews that tapes of the interviews of key witnesses were not preserved by the Jan. 6 Select Committee, instituted by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the riot on that day.


“I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes.He didn’t feel that they had to,”Rep. Loudermilk, whose subcommittee is investigating the January 6 response and the Democratic committee’s work, told the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show last month. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”


Metro Police had plainclothes officers in the crowd, seen exhorting protestors on video


In June, Loudermilk told Just the News that the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department confirmed to Congress that it hadplainclothes officers at the Capitol on January 6 and at least one of those officers was caught on video exhorting the crowd.


Loudermilk confirmed that a video leaked to the Rumble video platform was authentic andconfirmed that MPD officers were in the crowd=. “We know that it is one of their officers and at one point he is encouraging,and it appears he's encouraging, he’s definitely helping people climb the scaffolding, and he's telling them go, go, go,”Loudermilk told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show in June.


You can watch the video here.


Nancy Pelosi's daughter allowed to accompany, videotape her mother during Capitol evacuation


Capitol Police security footage obtained by Just the News in June shows Pelosi, then-House speaker, exited Hollywood-style from the home of Congress thatfateful day with her daughter filming her as security officers tried to guide her through a secret safe passage corridor.


The footage, made available by McCarthy and aired for the first time on the "Just the News, No Noise" television show on Real America's Voice, provides three different angles of Pelosi's evacuation the afternoon of Jan. 6. Each shows her daughter Alexandra roving around her mother's delegation with a camera as they moved briskly through corridors, led by members of the Capitol Police protective detail.


The video shows Pelosi was not in jeopardy after fleeing the breached Capitol chamber, because the footage shows no protesters or rioters penetrated the evacuation route. Capitol Police confirmed to Congress the woman holding the camera in the footage was Alexandra.


Steven Sund, the former Capitol Police chief, who resigned after the Jan. 6 calamity, said he wasdeeply concerned that Pelosi's actions that dayput an unnecessary strain and created a dangerous distraction for her security detail.


"The protective detail isn't there to protect media. And whoever else was there with her for the sole purpose of videotaping creates a major distraction for the protective detail," he added. "You know, they don't train to protect those additional people."