Thank you. Baker!
Thank you Boss.
The champion of Kick Arse…
Well, this seems dasting.
Redpill Drifter
The Obamas threw a secret Alice in Wonderland part at the Whitehouse in 2009. They ordered the media to not speak about it. Johnny Depp was the host.
The author of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, was a pedophile who was in love with a young girl named Alice Lidell. We all know what the white rabbit symbolizes.
Obama WH throws secret Alice in Wonderland Party
Lewis Caroll thr pedophile
"And, I hope you and Chris enjoy your time in the Land of ALICE and the MH–all the best from Hanoi–H"
Nothing to See Here.
KEK BOSS, I'm sure the suit will look great on you.
DJT: 4:10:20 Biblical
Daniel 10:20
“Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.”
Daniel 10:21 - But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
Brick Suit
Time to clarify.
I knew President Trump was aware that I was in the front row at Butler because he's mentioned that at other rallies. What I didn't know was the level of detail he was aware of about my actions that day.
That's it. I wasn't speaking in reference to anything else.
That he would notice what I did is pretty incredible to me, and that's why I needed the moment. Then again, he's pretty incredible.
In other news, I have already mentally accepted the challenge of getting a suit made for him. Just have to work out the mechanics and details as expectations must be exceeded. But all that can wait until after the election.
We have to win first.
The Edomites - less the conflated Israelites fake numbers
>Haitians getting dropped off to start the resettlement process
Is that because Hattians are accustomed to 3rd world type destruction?
Sure, send em' in, they're accustomed to the conditions.
A roast long pig leg on the fire and everything is apples.
You need to revise that number after removing Israelites in captivity from Egypt circa 1400 BC till Babylon circa 568 BC.
You know, before Jews existed verbally.
To properly understand the history of the Jews, you need to follow the details of Esau and his descendants.
Otherwise, you're conflating a different nation as the those you speak of.
Which means, you've been fooled.
You don't think you are, because you don't know you are.
How old do you think this psyop is?
Of course, you don't know what you don't know.
But it's not because you're unable to know.
It's because you prefer the lies to the truth.
Your cognitive dissonance is in love with your dunning kruger.
And you're obviously too lazy to meditate and pray for wisdom before you read.