Anonymous ID: 729f40 Sept. 29, 2024, 5:16 p.m. No.21681064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1376 >>1392

Shadow Organization Committing Large Scale Democrat Election Fraud in Michigan


I have the goods, again, this time it’s a bit personal. My son just got his drivers license and is off to college. Two days ago we received an absentee ballot application, fully completed in his name, having his address and birthdate filled out. Along with that ballot was a political letter appearing to come from Governor Gretchen Whitmer advertising for Democrat issues. The county only needs to verify the signature to accept any application and may only reject based on the signature as well. You can be certain that almost none of these will ever be rejected.


Michigan State laws prohibit sending campaign materials along with ballot application requests.


MCL 168.759 – Absentee Voting; Application for Ballot; Who May Apply; Time of Application; Instructions for Electors; Request by Mail; Forwarding of Ballot; Duties of Clerk


''(1) A qualified and registered elector of this state who is eligible to vote in an election may apply for an absentee voter ballot in person, by mail, or electronically in the manner provided in this section.


(2) The application for an absentee ballot must be signed by the elector and should include the applicant’s address, birth date, and reason for requesting the absentee ballot if requested before the law permitted “no reason” absentee voting. Applications must also include instructions on how to complete the application.


(3) The county, city, or township clerk must supply absentee ballot applications to any voter requesting one. Applications can be submitted to the clerk up to 75 days before the election.


(4) The clerk must ensure that absentee ballot applications do not contain any indication of political party affiliation or preference, and the process for providing absentee ballot applications must remain neutral and free from partisan influence.


(5) Clerks must deliver absentee ballots by mail to electors, and electors may return them via mail or in person. Special provisions are included for delivery and handling.''


At the bottom left of the second page, these are being sent by “The Voter Project Michigan”, an organization which doesn’t exist.


The Voter Project Michigan is a third-party organization involved in sending out absentee ballot applications to Michigan voters. It is unaffiliated with the state or local clerks and has caused some controversy due to its widespread mailing of ballot applications, even to people who are already registered or no longer live at the listed address. Some of these mailings have appeared to be officially endorsed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer — ChatGPT


Someone is being paid a lot of money to send out these ballots all over Michigan. This is an example of vote fraud and may be a violation of the following federal laws as well:


1. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (52 U.S.C. §§ 10301-10702)

Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act prohibits any form of intimidation, coercion, or interference with a person’s right to vote. Sending partisan materials along with ballot applications could be viewed as an attempt to coerce or unduly influence a voter’s decision-making process, especially if it creates confusion or intimidation.

2. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. §§ 20501-20511)

The NVRA governs how voter registration and absentee voting materials are distributed and prohibits any misleading or deceptive practices related to voter registration or participation. Distributing ballot applications with partisan messages could be seen as misleading voters about the nonpartisan nature of official election materials, violating the spirit of this law.

3. The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) (52 U.S.C. §§ 30101-30146)

FECA regulates campaign finance, including the proper use of funds for election-related activities. Sending partisan materials with ballot applications could be viewed as improper electioneering and may trigger campaign finance rules if done using campaign funds. If this violates transparency or financial reporting requirements, it could lead to sanctions under FECA.

4. 18 U.S.C. § 241 – Conspiracy Against Rights

This statute makes it illegal for two or more people to conspire to interfere with someone’s constitutional rights, including the right to vote. If the partisan materials sent with ballot applications are perceived as part of a broader effort to influence or suppress votes, it could be prosecuted under this law.

5. 18 U.S.C. § 595 – Interference by Administrative Employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments

This statute prohibits federal or state employees from using their official authority to interfere with or influence an election. If partisan materials are sent under the guise of official government business, those involved could face penalties under this law.

I have notified the state and federal government. It turns out that the Federalist has also covered this problem but in their case, the documents were slightly different. You can bet that if Republicans were doing this the FBI would already be getting to the bottom of it.

Anonymous ID: 729f40 Sept. 29, 2024, 5:20 p.m. No.21681077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1376 >>1392

$600M East Palestine Settlement Approved Amid Whistleblower Revelations of EPA and Norfolk Southern Cover-Up


An expert witness retained by the plaintiffs in the East Palestine class-action lawsuit has signed a declaration to say independent testing evaluator Scott Smith’s testing results are valid and credible. Stephen Petty was retained by the attorneys that represent the citizens of East Palestine to conduct testing and serve as an expert witness in the case. The attorneys have not released the testing data, which has caused speculation that they are not working on behalf of the residents who are still experiencing significant health effects from the aftermath of the chemical burn in February 2023.


This information came out just before the judge approved the $600 million class-action settlement, which many consider far too low for the residents dealing with ongoing medical issues. Judge Benita Y. Pearson called the settlement “fair, reasonable, and adequate,” and approved $162 million for the attorneys on the case.


Petty has been unable to discuss his own testing results because he signed a non-disclosure agreement. He has now officially signed a declaration to Lesley Pacey of the Government Accountability Project to say that Smith’s testing data is accurate and reliable. Petty’s statement said “I declare under penalty and perjury that the following is true and correct.”


Petty’s statement continued, “I am speaking out today to make a record of my support for independent testing expert and Government Accountability Project whistleblower Scott Smith’s work, who found elevated levels of dioxins, semi volatile organic compounds, and PAHs during multiple rounds of testing in and around East Palestine, Ohio following the train derailment, subsequent burns and open detonation of five trian cars containing vinyl chloride. Following my initial review of Smith’s environmental data and testing methodologies, I have no reasons to question the validity of his environmental testing and sampling work he completed in and around East Palestine, Ohio.”


The HighWire spoke with Smith in June and again in August following the town hall video where Dr. Arch Chip Carson stated that there would be no long term health impacts. Dr. Carson was identified as a “completely independent third party.” He also has a resume that includes Dow Chemical, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and Enbridge. Speculation ensued regarding Dr. Carson’s involvement when the plaintiffs’ lawyers specifically hired Stephen Petty to conduct independent testing. The statements made by Dr. Carson minimize health impacts from the chemical exposure and are more supportive of the defendant, which is Norfolk Southern.


Petty’s declaration stated, “I also was motivated to speak out at this time because toxicologist Dr. Arch Chip Carson, who was hired by platiniffs’ attorneys, told class members in a video shown at a town hall on August 1, 2024 that they can expect no long term health impacts due to the derailment, subsequent fires, and release of multiple chemicals in East Palestine. He was basically saying that there was really nothing to see there. My opinion, based on my long-time knowledge as an exposure expert on hundreds of cases, and a review of publically available data and the lack of supporting analyses he provided, is that his opinions were in general, at best speculation, and at worst simply incorrect.”


The Government Accountability Project submitted a supplemental Administration Procedures Act petition calling upon the EPA to warn residents of the potential harms in the community. The petition includes evidence and statements from four whistleblowers; Scott Smith, Stephen Petty, George Thompson, and an anonymous whistleblower. The HighWire report from August discussed the resident town hall held by independent YouTube channel Status Coup with toxicologist George Thompson and his rebuke of the statements made by Dr. Carson.


The petition includes a new statement from Smith about the EPA intentionally misleading the public about the safety of the environment in East Palestine. Smith said, “I recently, on August 19, 2024, August 26, 2024, and September 11, 2024, uncovered new evidence that the EPA removed and/or altered and/or underreported and/or withheld data on Sulphur Run Creek contamination and other soil and/or sediment data immediately following the derailment on or about February 15, 2023, through March 1, 2023, in East Palestine, Ohio, ultimately providing fraudulent environmental sampling data and misleading the public and the courts about the true extent of contamination in East Palestine, Ohio. This new evidence is in the possession of the EPA but not publicly disclosed on the EPA East Palestine website and, to the best of my knowledge, has never been discussed with or revealed to the affected residents of East Palestine and the public.”


The petition continues, “The EPA withheld its own data exposing sharp levels in contamination concurrent with its high-pressure sprays to remediate creeks and streams, which critics have said was counterproductive. EPA knew that it was. Its records indicate that during the April-July 2023 remediation, contamination levels increased up to 20 times or 1,925 percent higher during the remediation. The concealed findings were consistent with Mr. Smith’s own, from samples taken at approximately the same locations. (Id., time period of April-May 2023 to July-August of 2023).”


The GAP petition says that the EPA told the community that garden crops were safe to eat without doing any testing. The letter refers to high dioxin levels in garlic that was tested by Smith in February of 2024, which was reported by The HighWire in June. The petition states, “Specifically, dioxin Toxic Equivalents (TEQs) as high as 440 parts per trillion (ppt) have been found in garlic samples from residential gardens. This TEQ is more than 12 times higher than the State of Ohio soil cleanup remediation level of 35.8 ppt.”


The GAP refers to the EPA’s “duty to warn” and said the agency has failed to protect the citizens of East Palestine. In addition to the garden crops, the agency quelled any concerns regarding consuming wild game and fish harvested locally. On the EPA website dedicated to the East Palestine train derailment, the agency states, “There is no evidence to indicate there are any human health risks resulting from the train derailment that would limit eating wild game.” The GAP said, “This flagrant disregard for public health and safety is unacceptable.”


The GAP claims that the EPA has violated the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) by not independently testing garden produce and animals. The petition condemns the EPA for failing to respond to a petition sent in June.


The petition also claims that the testing conducted by Arcadis, a contractor hired by Norolk Southern, is unscientific according to dioxin experts. The petition asks the EPA to properly warn residents of potential harms associated with consuming garden produce, wild game, and wild fish. The GAP also requests that the EPA “conduct comprehensive, ongoing independent testing of soil and garden produce” and “implement remediation measures to mitigate health risks.”


Scott Smith said he has been smeared and defamed by people representing the EPA and Norfolk Southern. He said the plaintiffs’ attorneys have also joined in since the settlement was announced in April. Some of these individuals have said Smith does not have the scientific credentials to conduct testing properly. Stephen Petty, in his declaration, defended Smith’s credentials and testing protocols.


“I do not see any particular difference between what he did and what others do based on my 40+ years of experience in this area,” Petty said. “With respect to the criticism that he is not a scientist, I think that is rich coming from people who are lawyers who are, to my knowledge, not scientists themselves. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Smith has 25 patents. The process of developing patent claims requires one to use the scientific method and requires one to have quite a bit of a science background in order have a patent with commercially viable claims issue.”

Anonymous ID: 729f40 Sept. 29, 2024, 5:21 p.m. No.21681086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1151 >>1376 >>1392

AG Marshall warns of Venezuelan gangs crossing the southern border — ‘They make MS-13 look like choir boys’


"We are seeing more of the Haitian side of the numbers, at least right now in Alabama. But yet, you're hearing the stories about Venezuelan gangs. They, by the way, make MS-13 look like choir boys," Marshall said. "And those are now something that very much is on the radar of law enforcement."


He said these bad actors have easily entered the country due to the policies of the Biden-Harris administration and the lack of a proper vetting process.


"It's a huge waiting list. And remember, these are folks who don't have to show up at a border crossing to declare the reason why. They're doing it through an app. They're flying over here in an airplane, going through certain destinations. And then, at that point in time, from what I can tell from the work that we've done since this first came about, there's no follow-up.


"There's no understanding of where people have gone. There's no understanding of where people are employed. There's no follow-up with sponsors to say, what are you doing to live up to the obligation that you submitted to us to take care of the people that are coming over here?"


While people who expressed concern about immigration are deemed racist by the left, Marshall said the illegal migrants coming in are also often victims of abuse by the system.


"[T]his is not fair to those individuals that are coming over from Haiti and other places, because if a sponsor is not there to be able to take care of them, what are they? They're left on their own," he said. "They don't speak the language. They don't understand where to go or what to do. And then they are left potentially to deal with people that aren't there for good reasons, but instead to be able to take advantage of them."


He continued, "And so when we have these broader concerns about the welfare of those that are being brought into this country, that's somehow and other dismissed. And I don't think at all that's lost on the people that are just simply saying, how can government do this to us without us even having knowledge to begin with? Because there's no doubt, I don't think anybody can argue this, that if you're brought in this country and you don't speak the language, there are increased societal costs that will have to be expended to integrate you into society."


The influx of Haitian migrants moving into Alabama continues to be a concern, but Attorney General Steve Marshall warned they're not the only ones flooding the border.


On Wednesday's episode of "1819 News: The Podcast," Marshall warned about Venezuelan gangs invading cities across the U.S. and how Alabama could be next in line.

Anonymous ID: 729f40 Sept. 29, 2024, 5:22 p.m. No.21681089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1376 >>1392

Governor Abbott Announces $5,000 Reward For Information On Tren De Aragua Gang Members


Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the Office of the Governor’s Public Safety Office is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the identification and arrest of known or suspected members of the dangerous Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) who have been or are involved in criminal activity and pose an increasing danger to the public safety of Texans.


“Tren de Aragua has spread terror and carnage in every country they've been in, and Texas will not allow them to gain a foothold in our state,” said Governor Abbott. “Today, I am announcing a reward for any information that leads to the identification and arrest of known or suspected members of this gang who have been or are involved in heinous crimes. Texas will not let these thugs use our state as a base of operations to terrorize our citizens. I encourage anyone with information on Tren de Aragua to call the Texas Crime Stoppers hotline or submit an anonymous tip online. With the public’s help, combined with the hard work of federal, state, and local law enforcement, we will capture these dangerous gang members and put them behind bars for good.”


To be eligible for the cash rewards, tipsters must provide information to authorities using one of the following methods:


Call the Texas Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-252-TIPS (8477)

Submit a tip online through the Texas Department of Public Safety


All tips are anonymous regardless of how they are submitted, and tipsters will be provided a tip number instead of using a name. Callers’ anonymity is guaranteed by law, and you could earn up to $5,000. Fugitives should be considered armed and dangerous. Texans should never try to apprehend a fugitive.


Last week, Governor Abbott launched a comprehensive, statewide operation to aggressively target TdA to disrupt their criminal operations and deny their foothold in the state. The Governor also designated TdA as a foreign terrorist organization and directed the Texas Department of Public Safety to elevate them to a Tier 1 gang and to create a TdA Strike Team that will identify and arrest TdA gang members.

Anonymous ID: 729f40 Sept. 29, 2024, 5:28 p.m. No.21681112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1131 >>1376 >>1392

NYC school superintendent accused of warning ‘no more white principals’ abruptly ousted amid staff complaints


The superintendent of Staten Island public schools was abruptly removed from her post amid ongoing accusations of lashing out against staff and vowing “No more white principals,” The Post has learned.


Marion Wilson, who led District 31 schools for three and a half years, was swept out of her office on Sept. 20, and told to report to the Department of Education’s Tweed headquarters in Manhattan.


Wilson “will be transitioning to a central team,” Danika Rux, deputy chancellor for school leadership, said Monday in an internal announcement, without any explanation for the swift and stunning ouster.


Sources said she will keep her $230,000 salary and serve as “facilitator” in the Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP), which prepares teachers to become principals with a focus on racial equity.


DOE officials refused to explain Wilson’s removal, but a school insider said she was caught on tape denouncing district employees.


“She apparently went off on a Zoom or Teams call demeaning her own principals and staffers, and didn’t know she was unmuted,” the insider said.


Wilson is also dogged by accusations she has made racially offensive comments.


Last year, the Special Commissioner of Investigation for city schools was asked to investigate widely circulated screenshots of texts purportedly written by Wilson.


“No more white principals on my watch!” said one text.


“I need to clean up this island,” another reads.


“White folks need to recognize this is not the boys club anymore. A strong black woman runs this bitch now, and they can either get on board or get out.”


Wilson filed a police report claiming she received threats stemming from “false accusations” that she wrote the texts.


The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force said it would investigate, and gave Wilson a police escort for some time. “The investigation is ongoing,” an NYPD spokesman said Friday.

The SCI closed its case several months later after the texts came to light, saying investigators failed to identify who wrote them, a spokesperson told The Post.


Since then, recordings have emerged purportedly catching Wilson making racially charged remarks to black parents, according to a complainant who sent audio clips to the The Post.


“I said no more white principals. I meant it,” a woman the complainant identified as Wilson says in one recording. In another, she says, “Us black folks got to stick together. Ain’t nobody helping us.”


The SCI says it did not investigate the recordings, but referred them to the DOE’s Office of Equal Opportunity.


“The cases involving these allegations were not substantiated,” said DOE spokesman Nathaniel Styer.


Wilson did not return a request for comment on the recordings.


Meanwhile, a white principal, Heather Jansen, claims in a pending discrimination lawsuit against the DOE that Wilson unfairly removed her as principal of PS 46 in June 2023.


“She probably didn’t know what hit her when they pulled her white ass out,” Wilson allegedly texted, according to a screenshot Jansen submitted as evidence.


In January, Jansen told the judge she filed a police report claiming she was threatened by a man who showed up at her home in Monroe Township, NJ, and warned, “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll drop the case against Marion.”


Monroe Township detectives were unable to identify a suspect, a spokesman said this week.


Wilson leaves the Staten Island community with mixed feelings about her tenure.


“Nobody saw this coming. Nobody wanted it,” said Liz Cianfrone, a volunteer family advocate who works for students with special needs and their parents.


Cianfrone praised Wilson as a “role model, inspiration and true advocate for children,” saying she helped kids and tackled problems that other district officials ignored.


“In her three years as superintendent, I have only known Dr. Wilson to be professional with me and my staff and an ally for our public schools and an advocate for students, parents, and teachers,” said State Assemblyman Michael Reilly, who added he doesn’t know why she was removed.


But Wilson made such a concerted effort to fill vacancies with Black administrators, some principals say, it drove other candidates to leave the district.


“Race was the most important criteria in selecting professionals on her team,” one said.