Q is kicking my ass, and how I KNOW Q is real.
I am an autist, without a diagnosed autism.
My autism is pattern recognition, pattern interpretation and reading comprehension.
I suck at digging… I read.
I soak it all in and SEE it.
Remember 911?
took me 5 seconds after my Mom called me to turn on the news that morning to say this to myself… this was an inside job… 5 SECONDS.
AS died… a coworker (a nutty lefty) said this is huge, I said what is?
He said AS is dead… I didn't know who that was… he said SC Justice.
5 SECONDS I said… not enough time… he argued… I asked… am I ever wrong? he said nothing.
15 years working with him he knew I never am.
and I never was.
This fucker has me stupefied.
In my life I'm never wrong if I FEEL it.
I FEEL nothing with Q.
Has me going 5mm different ways.
Q is real.
NOBODY will figure IT out to stop this habbening.