and yet he wont admit that the hooker piss scene in the McStain original dossier was a scam perpetrated by my boys at four Chan it involved a McMuffin… our arch enemy at the time… I will never forget, when, Msm first broke the pissgate story- I have never laughed so hard in my life. Wife thought i was haveing a coronary.. I was just in blissfull ecstasy that they were that fucking stupid (realized later they were just desparate)
4chan, fresh off our "wet yourself for feminisim" victory, made that shit up- sent it McMuffin/McStain. they bought it hook line and sinker. We never dreamed they'd go all in and commit to it- there was so much evidence WE made it up….
NYT and WAPO both sent reporters on 4/pol asking us for sauce, but since they didnt show us tits, they got very little.
we made that shit up, never dreamed it coulda been used against GEOTUS, ( no one ever went broke underestimated the stupidity of the americunt public)