Anonymous ID: 660893 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:12 p.m. No.21687588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Red October is here, Pinch Punch, first day of the month

20 post(s) found containing "Oct 01".

Anonymous ID: 660893 Oct. 1, 2024, 1:41 a.m. No.21687786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7790 >>7801 >>7813

what anon is getting from julian assange is that every nation is vassal state now.

He still believes that the law applies.

he even stated his mistake was to believe that law still exists.

since his release anons have found out a much bigger picture of a nwo run by the b.i.s and the w.e.f and central banksters.

Anon wishes him well for his sacrifice and his belief for the right of free journalism.

they have sold out long ago along with every single institution from food, pharma and military complex.

He has earned the right to retire and live out his life in peace if that is possible.

Anonymous ID: 660893 Oct. 1, 2024, 1:58 a.m. No.21687822   🗄️.is 🔗kun

julian assange explaining how artificial intelligence used for assassinations.

interesting take and suspected all along.

used to carry out mass collateral damage just to get a target.

very much in the realm of terminator.

Anonymous ID: 660893 Oct. 1, 2024, 2:03 a.m. No.21687837   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Note: Will collect any important issues bought up, this is about his treatment at the hands of the u.k parliament and his human rights.

LIVE: Julian Assange speaks at the Council of Europe | REUTERS


WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange speaks at the Council of Europe, his first public appearance since being freed from a British jail.


j.a: I am free today not because justice was serviced, i was incarcerated for years, i pled guilty to journalism. i see more secrecy, more censorship and more control.

If I could go back and have a lot more resources, we could have impacted even further than we have. - Julian Assange, when asked if he would do the same again.

J.A: My naivete was believing in the law

ja. trump in 2017, he appointed two wolfs maga hats in mike pompeo and william barr

ja; this is testimony from 31 c.i.a whistleblowers exposed in written dispositions.

sounds like the c.i.a are blaming trump for targeting assange.

this feels like a coming narrative shift to attack trump.

ja: the usa has set a precendent that only us citizens have free speech anywhere, europeons do not have free speech laws, so the usa can extrudate anyone for speaking out against the usa, this sets that precedent that other despot states can also do that.

ja: lets us do out part in ensuring that the voices of the many are not silenced by the few.

end of statement.

Q and A next.

anons opine on assange statement and Q and A

what anon is getting from julian assange is that every nation is vassal state now.

He still believes that the law applies.

he even stated his mistake was to believe that law still exists.

since his release anons have found out a much bigger picture of a nwo run by the b.i.s and the w.e.f and central banksters.

Anon wishes him well for his sacrifice and his belief for the right of free journalism.

they have sold out long ago along with every single institution from food, pharma and military complex.

He has earned the right to retire and live out his life in peace if that is possible.

julian assange explaining how artificial intelligence used for assassinations.

interesting take and suspected all along.

used to carry out mass collateral damage just to get a target.

very much in the realm of terminator.

ja: final statemetment KEEP UP THE FIGHT

Note this is just brief notes, it is worth watching in full.