Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 10:33 p.m. No.21687488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541

Best way to eradicate the false idol 'dialectic' aka inconsistent code as virtue, as it advances the interests of the source of the dialectical ('knowingly') opposites that are allegedly operating as exclusively by an 'ultimate power' syntactical naming conventions at most, referencing what mathematically exclusively applies to the one unified and non internally inconsistent absolute one source of everything that was abls to externalize a benevolent gift of life at all instead of a Shastarevichian "death instinct" where the only possible way to do away with death is to no longer on this Earth in the first place…for some…while the always self inconsistent proves to itself that its own inconsistencies were both true over the course of time, and all the while blithely arrogating to the dialectic 'seer' an exclusive to self escape hatch from their own absolutist seeking of truth and false as somehow said to be best described as "movements" in a power over the other to the non being, leaving one last human as the closest to an 'absolute incarnate' ubermenachen, to blithely arrogate to themselves alleged 'perception' denied to everyone else (whose connsistencies are of course naturally inconsistent from the incoherent and logical explosion of all inconsistent systems, about an Absolute Idea capable of being held or known as unified within their finite incomplete selves in their bodies they were gifted with, a Godelian impossibility?


Huh, good luck with that WEF.



Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 10:51 p.m. No.21687541   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The best way to eradicate the false idol is to stop trying to create an opposite extreme "to stop" a previous extreme within the same false idol of "dialectical God" that advances internal inconsistency as primal or dominant or whatever…


Just need to use much better enlightenment style common sense that at least depended on a loving benevolent one source of it all, that gifted the universe with finely tuned constants mathematical impossibility absence of intelligence that will never and cannot negate itself for it is also the absolute ultimate consistency of all thoughts and statements, no inconsistent system can permanently sublate what doesnt belong to it, the people's own minds, gifts from their creator, with seeking consistency as a virtue. Child of light.


The law of non contradiction is the absolutist of all absolutes. The more anything is saying something better about something, is and must be and is observed as a coherent, self consistent reference to ontological movements independent of that same consciousness, otherwise it would be sending a message of only its personal inner experience, something it of course cannot openly admit lest the whole false idol scam fall apart.


All we have to do is no longer participate in any ritual just because some 18th/19th century young hegelians were wanting to become Gods and saw themselves as of course exempt from all their thunderous pronouncements about what they believed were observations outside themselves, and yet still encouraging thoughts of controlling all au sequent movements of itself…


Best way is to use mathematical and systems logic that seeks consistent code as good code and inconsistent, aka buggy, code not as a guiding path to duplicate, but to overwrite previous bad code with better code, and so must be more powerful if power as such is the goal, for the divisive internally inconsistent dialectical God and see the truth of a unified one source of it all that loved enough to make human consciousnesses possible at all.

The number one scarcity is us.

Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:16 p.m. No.21687594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7596

Not everything and nothing is in fact a dialectic movement of opposites as everywhere.

It's from within the same human source speaking and doing inconsistent with each other yet self escaping its own inconsistency with enough additional inconsistencies to "shape" how other human communication sounds are "allowed" to be said.

Beat way is not to participate in the darkness game of the "gift" of power to the death, inconsistencies as virtues, sources of inconsistencies also posturing itself as final word on both its own and your consciousness of intent and what truly motivates you as you know yourself.

A globalist's inconsitent codebase cannot logically be fixed by adding more inconsistent rhetoric energy, lest the fixers become what needed fixing in the first place.

Gaze into the abyss long enough, philosophisizing about one extreme 'woke left' long enough, and the dialectical trap of fulfilling own prior prophecy of transcending /sublating it, the abyss will stare back at you from within the you you just thought would improve your own system that is begging you for consistency from and within you, internally and externally.

Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:30 p.m. No.21687614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When Q+ says "one hour", sounds like code for how fast the whole globalist network can be dismantled by Executive approval, or arresting all 15000 murderers the human trafficking bastards illegally flew in knowingly and deliberately filling the nation's streets with convicted murderers.

What we NAME The Democrat Party, and their handlers of whom they always answer the phone when the shadow directors call, THEY ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL FAMILIES, CHILDREN, all because of adhering to inconsistency for the sake of power and fiat profit, an inconsistent system that can only expand if the rest of the world is destroyed, so it seeks to kill and destroy…to "change history" as allegedly opposed to and allegedly better than observing it…

When the ugly reality of an absolutist inconsistency that turns back in on itself and starts to knowingly eliminate new births of everyone else except of course itself and its genetic dialectical transendence in intellect…


An intellect that relies on, necessarily, deception and inconsistency outwards from within itself and spoken as referencing alleged inconsistencies in the consistent mind independent from it, gifted by no human intelligence or any Earthly intelligence.

Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:37 p.m. No.21687623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

$60 billion wired immediately to Ukraine - Biden.


Nothing to the families who paid that $60 billikn who just experienced death and destruction from a hurricane.

They are paying for the privilege of having their lives ruined and their taxes to fund deaths from war.


Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Sept. 30, 2024, 11:55 p.m. No.21687645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One could call this a negation of the negation of the negation.

Proof the woke mind virus wreaks destruction on its trusted.

Anonymous ID: dc6a92 Oct. 1, 2024, 12:04 a.m. No.21687653   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When the same people who formerly demanded vaccine ID for travel are demanding no ID for voting.


Dialectic explosion exposure of inconaiatencies is happening so fast in the historical development that the divisive opposing statements are occurring from the mouths of the same individual bodies for the world to see it happening…with their own eyes.

What would a system launching death throes look like if it were experiencing a threat to its historical prolongation of inconsistencies that it launched more and faster inconsistent "movements" in praxis and speech, in "history", an acceleration in its own dialectical inconsistencies as virtues into the sequence of events, that we are now seeing a formerly planned gradualism over multiple human bodies, is now so fast its showing up in one election cycle?

Beat way to handle an unrelenting inconsistent system, is to allow witness to its own self-dissolution when it loses its dependency host, a real consistent new life it feeds off to prolong its inward and outward parasitiam and destruction.