Shrieking and convulsing DeeMeat
MasonClown ShitPigs led into the woods, blindfolded, power tools and woodchippers reduced badged travellers into fertilizer
Daffy Charlie Comped ShitClown
Trillions hemorrhaging from prog commies endeavors, billions flee by the minute.
A silly and ridiculous human being
Could this individual turn a profit at a lawnmower shop?
Amazing things happen when stupid and horrible commie and DeepState AlphBum shitbags are t allowed with a mile of children
Everybody feels, the world sees it
Stupid fuckin commies and their worthless and cowardly fuckhead DeepState Alphabet are to be eradicated completely and totally
Stupid and ugly progressive cunts can't dress, cook or provide a stable home life
They suck
A Harvard education is worth less than a CDL
Imagine not being able to be funny
Aesthetically horrific culture of disfigurement and self rape
A banal and vacuous ethos of obvious fraud and deception held together with blackmail and drug addiction fell apart overnight?
No shit.
Pathetic Intel brass tinsel dick child molesting faggots, unworthy of title, pension, respect of r mercy.
Moribund travelers begging for death
Spys are supposed to smart, survive and not die in prison shower stalls, Langley Kidnapping motherfuckers