Is it a crime to not report a crime?
It used to be but it no longer is?
So if I see someone breaking into my neighbor's house and I don't report it, I can be charged with a crime?
It's been a long 4 years.
Damn. Isn't that a term from the 60s? I forgot about that one.
And cruising. We used to drive around hanging out the windows looking for cars filled with the opposite sex doing the same.
Back when if you had an open 6 pack in the car and got pulled over by the police, all that happened was that they would confiscate your beer because you were underaged.
Any Catholic person I have ever known has been nutty and superstitious.
Adam lived for 960 years. He died only 60 years before Noah was born.
By that time Humanity had only been around for 1000 years, it had become so depraved that God destroyed everyone but Noah and his family with a flood of water that covered the mountain peaks that were as high as the Rocky Mountains in the US.
Think of the shit that Adam witnessed in his lifetime.
When 0bama was elected as POTUS, I thought that 0bama was the antichrist.
makes me wonder, where are the cruising zones located?
Back in my day, cruising did not involve any guns. It was just a bunch of teenagers driving around with a six pack, looking to hook up with someone from the opposite sex.
I'm fucking old and have been married for 37 years. I'm not gonna go cruising. That's something we did on weekends when I was a teenager back in the 70s.
God works in mysterious ways.
Or that little faggot, Mike Rothschild.
I guess it makes sense that the antichrist would be Jewish. They Jewish people will think that he is their messiah.
The Jews created the Catholic Church to try to Control Christianity. That is why it has so many elements of Pagan superstitions and idolatry folded into it. But God can take the evil plans of men and turn them around into something good. Christianity spread around the world because of Catholicism.
The Jews are at the Tippy Top.
They are Satan's Chosen People.
Satan is their god.
He taught them all of his Dirty Tricks.
Because people have cell phones now.
I suppose some people need that.
God has claimed my soul and He won't let Satan touch it.
Around the World for 1000s of years, every culture of every peoples has believed in an afterlife. There must be something to it. Animals don't have any religions, knowledge of an afterlife, or knowledge of a Creator. Only people have religions.
The problem with some religions though, is that they aren't actually worshipping God, they are worshipping what God has created.
Freewill is a myth pushed by Hollyweird.
God chooses whom he chooses.
Don't question God, He is the Creator of the Universe. He gets to make the rules, we don't.
nice analogy
This is why Satan wants so badly to have a human body.
Go talk to your cat. He will tell you all about it.
Then go talk to some ants, they will also tell you all about it.
And then have a nice little conversation with the next hamburger that you eat. Ask the cow that it came from if it was religious.
>usually. people in the world offline, they dont like to talk about anything deep
That is what is nice about communicating anonymously online, people can be more truthful. IRL people are always concerned about offending someone else or hurting someone's feelings. Always walking on eggshells.
Me too, I have social anxiety and when I am around a bunch of people I feel like I have to put on my fake happy face and make nice small talk. I hate doing that and try to avoid it.
As long as you are alive, it is never too late to turn to God. Repent and believe that all of your sins are forgiven because Jesus Christ (God) paid the penalty Himself.
by Our Rules, they mean Jew Rules
could be
Just in time for a new bread.
I don't kill the babies. The women who choose to have an abortion do that. And their doctors.
Consider the 10 commandments.
Wouldn't the World be a better place if everyone obeyed the 10 Commandments?
>he covets having a body and never will have his own body
Yes, he will have a human body. It will be his last chance at redemption. A human body will give him soul, that will have a chance to repent. But he will blow his chance to repent. Instead of repenting, he will try to pretend that he is God, that he is the Promised Messiah, and will try to fool people. He has always wanted to be God, that was the sin that got him cast out of Heaven. He has not given up on that desire.