Anonymous ID: dd02e4 Oct. 2, 2024, 12:13 a.m. No.21694845   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4860 >>4865 >>4879


i actually took a 4-year or so hiatus away from all news and politics. it started after biden won in 2020. i was disheartened…crushed. just wanted to tune out and live the life that was in front of my own two eyes. but in the last month or so, i started to get that old feeling…that itch…that hunger. i decided to get back into the fight. i started on Godlike Productions (GLP). but it didn't take me long to realize i needed to be back on 8un/Qresearch. been back here maybe 2-3 weeks. feels good to be back.

Anonymous ID: dd02e4 Oct. 2, 2024, 12:47 a.m. No.21694923   🗄️.is đź”—kun


do more research on him and his family then. he was there with the OSS during WW2 as was Nixon. he was there at the founding of the CIA in '47. his cover was 'an oil man from texas'. he was in dallas on 11/22/63, as was nixon. he was the RNC chm. and had an office near Nixon's oval…along with don rumsfeld and dick cheney. he was director of the CIA in the 70's. to this day, the CIA is called the George Bush Center for Intelligence. he was in texas the day reagan was shot. the shooter, hinckley, was from a texas oil family close to the bushes. hinckley had dinner plans with one of bush's sons the night before reagan was shot. it's a deep rabbit hole if you wanna go down it.

Anonymous ID: dd02e4 Oct. 2, 2024, 1:31 a.m. No.21695038   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5044 >>5045 >>5050


you fucking idol worshiping Catholics kill me. your rules, your adornments, your rituals, on and on and on. Jesus Christ taught us that we were free to worship God anytime, anywhere because God lives within all of us, anytime anywhere. we don't have to go through a priest, or a Pope, or Mary to have a personal, intimate relationship with God. the Catholic Church is nothing more than a band of grifters…teaching you that if you confess your sins to a priest, you are forgiven. well it just doesn't work that way. Jesus taught us that we didn't have to gather in groups and follow a ritual to worship God. He said to go into our prayer closets and worship in private. God lives within all of us anytime anywhere so we can praise Him anytime anywhere.

Anonymous ID: dd02e4 Oct. 2, 2024, 1:59 a.m. No.21695089   🗄️.is đź”—kun




I appreciate 'ritual'. I truly do. I was raised in a Disciples of Christ Christian Church, We were not Bible bangers. We were not Baptists. Our focus was on the second covenant…the new testament. We held communion every Sunday. That was our only ritual. We were taught to pray solitarialy…on our own and in private. When we were called to pray, we prayed individually in silence. We followed up with a group reading of The Lord's Prayer. If we had sinned, we took it up with Jesus directly. Easy peasey. Plain and simple. No fuss no muss. Just always baffled me that other religions would make you jump through a series of hoops to connect to God…who was alive in each and everyone of us.