Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.2169601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968

>>2169201 (lb)

> Jason got off easy

OK let's go to Jason…I knew he was comp'd too..said so..and the HOWLING intensified. Turned out I was right..but recall he and Gowdy were playing tag team fake bad guys?




Q has said a LOT of things, including "trolling is fun" and disinformation is necessary. In what possible world do we follow the pied piper over the cliff and NOT consider those words were for ANON too–and I am NOT including the newfags..'been here since October" kek…fuckers would follow anyone off a cliff as long as he told them what they wanted to hear.


We need to get ANON back to being ANON, what we were when Q first came. Critical thinking suspicious as fuck, prove it, and double prove it… we are "all we like sheep"…we need our herd of cats back. NEWFAGS on the internet H8 machine telling us who to follow, who to believe, and to be nice.


What the actual fuck.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.2169663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207


>BS.. Truth is truth, good is good, and evil is evil. They are absolutes.

NO fucktard, truth is a matter of perspective especially when its based on "beliefs"...religion as an example.


FUCKIN A I want my old ANON back. We're currently populated by Somalians.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:20 p.m. No.2169687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9804

>>2169258 (lb)

>Trump has balls.

My feelings about POTUS have not changed at all. But this sheepy attitude around here that Q is godlike..bullshit. THIS is a fucking psyop and if they're too stupid to realize "good guys" run them too then there's literally nothing to be done about it.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.2169711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9722

>>2169372 (lb)

>We have everything

no, no we don't that is another epic trolling to scare the literal fuck out of them..but no, no we fucking do not have everything and that witch knows it or she would not be jetting about planning to run for president in '20. FUCKING idiots cannot apply logic.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.2169796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Excellent anon.

>Too much blind following of selective Q posts on here.

It's like a flock..sheep are actually quite stupid which is why they're used in allegorys about stupidity…all the time..if the shepherd doesn't tell them what to do they literally would fall off a cliff or be lost..the bible..ALL WE< LIKE SHEEP HAVE GONE ASTRAY


KEK talk about trufax. BAAAA where's Q…BAAA we need Q….BAAAA BAAAAA…not an independent thought in their heads.


Q has not posted a single damn thing that I did not already know..literally not a single thing. And there's lots of OLDTYME Anons who will say the same thing. So good…someone lit a fire..good red pills…whee. But the complete and total lack of common sense….frightening.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.2169801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2169143 (lb)

>Many people on the internet think the claim was that the dossier came from half, not realizing, it was just the golden shower part…

>Which oddly, is even greater power.


DUDE was legit impressed at what they added to it.



WTAF is with you sheep thinking British_fight is 'doing something"? They're publishing a list of PUBLIC shit. I don't even.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.2169875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2169003 (pbs)

inB4 he shoots himself in the back of the head, twice.


>Yeah, watching that too. Doesn't seem they are getting anywhere with it. Then they bash Q.

>Dead give away.


I'll tell you what's a dead giveaway. The frightened panic posts of SHILL SHILL SHILL don't think DO NOT THINK...each time people start thinking...wait, wut, this shit don't make any's like you don't think POTUS can do his job without fucking Q. Like you don't think he can do his job without your specialness...fucktard. POTUS is nothing to do with some herd of sheep baaaing after ever word...of a literal ghost.


What's next eh? Bannon is Q? Cause that will literally be the end of this shit...people concocting entire belief sets around what they want to believe versus what is fucking actually HAPPENING.


OPEN your fucking eyes. Enjoy the movie. Brilliant. You will NEVER be able to find your center...trolling is fun, enjoy the show, and the OSCAR goes to?, disinformation is necessary...ALL Q quotes.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.2170017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is a “good psyop.” But no one should think this is some form of renegade action. It’s calculated, and it’s working.

OHH so…as long as the psyops is for "OUR SIDE"…now you do realize, as a critical thinker…that we have just trained them to us us against us…right? Slippery Slope..which is likely why half ran him off.


We're basically cheerleaders for has done good (or given hope, false or not) to Iranians..and others….but you just remember this…because what can be used FOR you, can and will be used against you.


The Somalians on here who live and breath every letter Q types as some literal truth… goes like this..I saw what I saw when the twin towers fell. i thought what i thought (explosions, controlled demolitions..THAT DAY)..and for HOW many years have people been trying to tell me that what I saw was wrong?


NOW, what I see is Obama flitting about pretending hes still president without a single fucking care in the world..hedging this Q says…oh, well, he will seek refuge in Kenya and won't come home…as with this entire LARP maybe, maybe not..>RIGHT?


Hillary is so frightened that we have it all, that she's plotting her 2020 run despite the fact that most demorats are making the sign of the cross at her and telling her NOOO just go away….

What do we see, versus what we are being told to think about it, why are we being told to think something entirely different than what we see..enjoy the show…WTF is Hillary now a part of the movie?


Some things defy even the most bendy of minds. I do not believe most of the shit Q puts out. I believe most of it is to mind fuck the opposition. Is it working? Well…maybe on the libtards in the wild…but absofukinglutely it is NOT working on anyone else..recall Chucky..waaaa bathroom Q post? What actually changed with Chucky? WHAT actually changed?




So while I agree with the masses mobilization, I find this sort of shit dangerous in practice. We've let them see into ANON (real anon, not this shit place full of newfags)…and trust me that's something they've been trying to do for least in 2005 when JAG told me they were teaching ANON at naval war college.


SO…here we go, how do we keep sheep in line? SHILL, original ANON becoming silent afraid to speak up..spirit of ANON completely gone…instead of CATS we've got sheep.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 8:56 p.m. No.2170068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He must have something to hide himself. Not like he is a creditable source.

excuse me? He wrote Art of the Deal..not credible source..KEK… he's lying, but he is a credible source. Do you get the difference Sir Head in Sand?

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.2170115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>So, I guess the BB article wasn't posted 500 times and in Notables like you said

things that might appear not to support Q are not looked on fondly here and discussing them with common sense will turn the flock…if we're clever we'd be able to aim them at a cliff, post a fake Q and watch them run over.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2170187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Rudy admitted Obama is a decent man? NOT /ourguy/…I've got a feeling Rudy is like an Iranian taxi driver during the fall of the Shah…a picture of the Shah, a picture of the Ayatollah…and whomever was "winning" that day got their picture in the window..having the right picture in the window meant the difference between getting your taxi firebombed and being about to go about business as usual.

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.2170235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0254


easy now…the fungus was banning people for posting about Chabad…whatever pedophiles in NY…that interview is one of the grossest i've ever read and that NY politicians/judges protect them from prosecution. Sick fucks. Pedos in every group, only one group appears to be protected…shhhh can't mention "THE CHOSEN"….

Anonymous ID: 65f264 July 15, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.2170262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"And then Uncle Bibi said, "I'm going to send a fedX truck to pick them up."

OH fucking liars, that was an inside job…don't ask me how I know this..but kikes have people on the inside. ..and I knew they'd done Stuxnet the day they did it…but just now sorta admitting to.



>POTUS was handed something when he landed in Helsinki ahead of the Putin meeting


Hi, Somalian…it appears the ambassador handed POTUS his translation earpiece.