Ugly Michelle Obama.
Ugly Michelle Obama.
>>2169629 I have believed for many years that the Obamas were in it strictly for the money. They are so tacky, it is unbelievable.
Why do you say Huxley wrote Alice?
>>2169654 Someone sounds threatened.
Well, thank you. That was interesting. But he just wrote the screenplay for Disney. Don't get me wrong, I am no fan of Huxley.
>>2169707 Okay. Agree. He definitely had a huge influence on our culture. In my opinion, he did a lot of damage.
>>2169780 Wow. That is really weird. CS was a great guy.
>>2169783 I do not know who the third guy from the left is. On the other three, I agree with you.
>>2169794 Either way, you are always right. Psychology is anchorless.
>>2169951 Hillary is Veruka Salt.