White Squall
Q won't post until POTUS returns or at the very least after the summit.
Stop posting this, it's been posted 500 times already.
I wouldn't care but we've seen it at least 2735 times by now, not even accounting for halfchan /pol/ days.
Are you a masochist?
It's there.
It was a drudge report article that got posted first, definitely within the last 8 threads. Same thing.
It was posted several times the past 4 threads. The drudge report article says the same thing, look at the article ffs.
It was shoehorned in with all the RR/Mueller sliding, if you missed it you missed it. Don't blame me.
I was talking about the info, not the exact article, please keep acting like a damn fool though just to be argumentative. Pardon my ever-so-slight embellishment on the matter, you insufferable faggot.
Go to bed aflb, you're using his shill lines to try and save face from looking incompetent. The proof is in the articles, they're practically identical. Filtering your pussy ass now.
Read Q's 3rd crumb. It's disinfo, Gowdy wasn't read into the plan back when Comey was under fire and the whole Bengazi fiasco went down. Q was clear that this isn't Republicans vs Democrats and that both Mueller/RR were key players in uranium 1, they're dirty. President likely offered Mueller a chance to stop the case and come clean the day they spoke, just like RR was also offered to "do the right thing" more recently. They didn't, RR redacted the IG report anyways. They're gonna ride the train straight into oblivion because they know their only shot at freedom is to pin something on POTUS.