Anonymous ID: 89b80e Oct. 2, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.21695755   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5760 >>5764 >>5811 >>5876 >>5918


note: will collect djt statements, due to start at 2.30pm e.t


LIVE: President Trump in Waunakee, WI

rsbn full

djt youtube

djt rumble



President Trump: We were up here on Saturday; we had a group, I think it was maybe fifty or sixty thousand people, and because we were not afforded the luxury of having enough security; not because of Secret Service, but because of Washington, I spoke in front of about seven hundred people…that was the political opponents saying we don't want him to have a crowd like that.

President Trump: The world right now is spiraling out of control…a short time ago, Iran launched a hundred and eighty-one ballistic missiles at Israel; I've been talking about World War III for a long time, and I don't want to make predictions, 'cause the predictions always come true, but they are very close to global catastrophe. We have a non-existent president, and a non-existent vice president who should be in charge, but nobody knows what's going on…no one is in charge of our country, and it's not even clear, really who is in charge between the two of them.

President Trump: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made Iran rich in a very short period; three and a half years, they have three hundred billion dollars now.

President Trump: Kamala flooded them [Iran] with American cash, and even now they're flooding them with cash…ever since, Iran has been exporting terror all over the world, and it's been, just unraveling. The whole middle-east has been unraveling, but of course, the whole world has been unraveling since we left office.

djt: full metal jacket stanley kubrik

djt: he was supposed to get the oscar but he was not one of those guys. (comms)

President Trump: Now, war, or the threat of war, is raging everywhere, and the two incompetent people running our country; I don't actually think they are even running it, are leading us to the brink of World War III, a war like no other. This is what the policies of weakness and appeasement have brought to the world. As I have been saying for a long time, terrible things can happen.

>>21690097 djt: but he is guilty X10 - Qdrops

Trump: Remember when he (Biden) called his sister his wife?

i dont wanna talk about him cause he's gonzo, he's gonzo in many ways

>>21690153 djt: crooked hillary, i wonder where she is right now.

President Trump: As catastrophic as Kamala's failures are, the good news is we have a plan to fix it, we're gonna fix it fast. We have to get these people out, all these criminals that are coming into our country and destroying the fabric of our country. An really, an extraordinary future is within our grasp. We can do it. If we don't do it this time, I think it's gonna be gonzo. I'm not even sure you'll have another election. This group, they're sick

President Trump: If Kamala Harris gets four more years, instead of a Golden Age, America will be condemned to a fate of decline, desperation, and despair. That's where we are right now, Your family finances will be permanently destroyed, your borders will be gone forever, tens of millions more illegal aliens will invade your cities and towns…Medicare and Social Security will buckle and collapse, because these people are going onto your Social Security rolls…they can't speak English, they came here illegally, and they're destroying Social Security, and I will never let it happen.


Anonymous ID: 89b80e Oct. 2, 2024, 6:08 a.m. No.21695760   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5764 >>5811 >>5876 >>5918


President Trump: They wanted ninety-three trillion dollars [Green New Scam]…they wanted to rip down all the buildings in Manhattan, those gorgeous buildings with those big beautiful windows, and they wanted to rebuild them without windows, because without widows is more energy efficient…these people are crazy. Take a look at, some of them; you gotta see the bathrooms that they project for people. I can't talk to you about it because it's so gross, but basically water-free bathrooms. Water-free. No water. This is not good. These people are crazy.

President Trump: Amazingly, this is one of the biggest hurricanes anyone's ever seen. Late in the season; very unusual…very late in the season, you almost don't even think of it as hurricane season.

President Trump: 8.4 million Americans are now working second jobs, the highest in more than thirty-eight years, and you now have to make one hundred and eleven thousand dollars a year to afford an average home. A forty-six percent increase since when I was president…and that's not even including the cost of interest, because interest went from two percent to eleven percent. And you can't get the money at eleven percent, so it's not eleven, it's much higher than that.

President Trump: Perhaps worse of all, Kamala's mass-migrant invasion will destroy our economy, importing tens of millions of; think of it, more illegal aliens than we've ever even thought about taking in…she allowed twenty-one plus people to come in…Kamala grants them all amnesty, and she's promised that they're going into Medicare and Social Security. If they go into Medicare and Social Security, then she's gonna kill Medicare and Social Security, and we're not gonna let her do that…I didn't let anything happen to either of them during my four years. We didn't raise the age for Social Security, they're gonna end up raising it by six or seven years if they get in.

President Trump: We did a great job with the pandemic, never got the credit we deserved. But we did an amazing job. Operation Warp Speed is being studied by many, many, schools, both militarily and business-wise…it's ripped the world apart [COVID], every country got ripped apart…probably sixty trillion dollars in damage, caused by the Wuhan lab. I said that from the beginning. Came out of Wuhan. The Wuhan lab. It wasn't from bats in a cave, that was two thousand miles away. It wasn't from Italy, it wasn't from France. They blamed everybody. It's really the China Virus.

POTUS: ' I think that 39 states could be the equivalent of Norway and Denmark '

President Trump: You know, you have to do the school choice thing, because right now, we are just about at the bottom of every list, and yet we're number one on every list of cost per pupil. Cost per student, we're number one, and if you look at a list of the top forty nations, we are at the bottom of the list…one of the things we'll be doing is moving education back into the states.


Anonymous ID: 89b80e Oct. 2, 2024, 6:09 a.m. No.21695764   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5811 >>5876 >>5918



POTUS: ' Its not confirmed.. but he signed a document yesterday youre not allowed to ask a voter for any kind of any idea.. ask whether or not.. anything to do with identification.. its considered virtually a crime.. only one thing thats done is cuz they want to cheat on elections… '

President Trump: Only sixteen percent of Milwaukee school students are reading at grade level, and only ten percent can do math at grade level…school choice gives Milwaukee children a lifeline to a better education.

POTUS: ' Every building you pass in Washington says Department of Education '

POTUS: ' Start teaching a language that we dont want them to teach …we are going to take it all out of Washington and send it all back to the states '

President Trump: If you want a better education for your child, Kamala Harris stands in your way. Kamala and the radical-left democrat party want to keep black and Hispanic children trapped in family government.

President Trump: Even as they fail to educate our youth, our opponents are using government schools to indoctrinate children, pushing radical transgender ideology on children, and changing the child's gender without even parental consent. All of that's changing. It's changing immediately.

President Trump: I think it's the most dangerous time we've had, certainly since the end of the second World War. I think it could end up being a World War. You have two hot spots, and you'll probably have a third, maybe, with Taiwan.

Reporter: If you were president right now, after Iran launched more than two hundred missiles towards Israel…how would you handle Iran right now?

President Trump: Let's assume I'm not around, the president of the United States should blow that country to smithereens, because you can't do that, and the president should make a statement to that effect.

President Trump: I think that he [Zelenskyy] will make a deal. I think; look, it would have been a lot better before, because the cities now are all blown up. I mean, they're all blown up except for Kiev.. You have the cities are; those beautiful Golden Towers, they're ancient gold, they're all laying on their sides, smashed to smithereens.

President Trump: They did a lot of bad things [2020 election], including not getting legislative approval for some of the things they did. But I think that people are watching this time, we have lots of lawyers watching.

President Trump: Biden shouldn't have let that happen [port strike]. Not that he should have ended it, he should have worked out a deal between them and the others. He could have worked out a deal. That's an easy deal to work out, because you have a certain power being the United States. A lot of these are foreign ship owners…it's a devastating event for the economy.

Reporter; What advice do you give J.D. Vance ahead of his debate tonight?

President Trump: Have fun!


donald j trump youtube channl.

LIVE: President Trump in Milwaukee, WI

note: God a bit confused yesterday, these are both notes mixed togather

dough below.