Anonymous ID: 1c6086 Oct. 2, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.21696370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6383 >>6459 >>6562 >>6613 >>6666

Victorious Vance and America’s Glimpse Into The Future.. 1/2


Most of the D.C. political class willingly admit that Senator J.D. Vance took the ‘W’ at last night’s Vice Presidential debate on CBS. Make of that what you will. Because the same political class’ pollsters are trying to convince the world it was a draw between Vance and Governor Tim Walz and that independents especially thought Walz did well.That last part is scarcely believable. It wasn’t even close. The gulf in confidence alone was glaring from the outset.


POLITICO had an interesting observation in its Playbook from Wednesday morning, noting: “Both men missed opportunities to go after the other’s greatest weakness; it didn’t help that the CBS moderators missed opportunities to develop what could have been sharper exchanges.”



That last part is especially true. The moderation was bumbling and once again attempted to stack the deck against the MAGA candidate.But this ended up working to Vance’s advantage. His best moments were when he was forced to tackle an issue against three rather than one. When CBS attempted to “fact check” him over the “legal” status of Haitians in towns like Springfield, Ohio.


Vance cooly explained the Biden-Harris government’s abuse of the CBP One app to grant legal status to migrants en masse.Walz, for his part, repeatedly lied from the podium. Two major examples are his own claim about the CBP One app, which he claimed has been used “since the 90s.”


The app came into use in October 2020 and was intended to keep would-be migrants in their home countries while their applications were submitted. Indeed, smartphone apps were not in common use until 2008.



His second big fib (we named him the ‘Walter Mitty of this Election‘ back in August) was claiming to have never scrapped Minnesota laws protecting babies live-born during attempted abortions. As Governor, he did, in fact, sign restrictionless abortion into law.


He also repealed most of the 2015 Born Alive Infants Protection Act.Pro-abortion activists claim that, in practice, this only impacts a handful of cases and basically means doctors can stop allowing parents to form attachments to babies who may have fatal defects due to the failed abortion.


But these excuses fly in the face of their oft-repeated “mind your business” and “freedom for women to choose” mantras that only seem to apply when killing a baby, not when saving it.In terms of each candidate’s worst moment, we saw a bizarre non-answer on Walz’s historic China links, dozens of junkets, and lies about when he was even there.


He kept saying he “misspoke,” but it’s not really the “whether you were there in June or August” that really matters, Mr. Governor. What matters is why you were in China so much. Who did you meet with? Who did you stay in touch with? And critically, who paid for all these trips?


The good news (not for Walz) is that the House Oversight Committee is now investigating these questions. The bad news (not for Walz) is that Republicans in Congress are historically rubbish at doing anything, even when they find wrongdoing.