Anonymous ID: 07ba95 Oct. 3, 2024, 9:31 a.m. No.21701997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028 >>2077 >>2095 >>2103 >>2388 >>2559 >>2625



bringing forward a a collection of notes for anons to study,

noticed even a couple of djt posts were left out of the notables.

baker can add these to this bread notes as last bread notes missed.



all last bread - if anons read through these, there is a clear pattern that hurricane helene is a multi-faceted attack on maga plus a clear lack of duty to safe guard and buy up lands after the elections - deep state weather warfare and asset grab plus election interference at the cost of souls sacrificed - pure evil

>>21700942 dough

>>21700959, >>21700965, >>21701002, >>21698402, >>21698437, >>21698474, >>21698514, >>21698545, >>21701027, >>21701073, >>21701086, >>21701305, >>21701417, >>21701447, >>21701512, >>21701530, >>21701558, >>21701564, hurricane helene bun X posts (some need source)

>>21701082 hurrincane helene - anons opines and digs.

>>21700974, >>21700975, Bank of America Accounts Frozen At $0 As Americans Panic Buy Supplies Amid WWIII, Economic Collapse - zerohedge

>>21701011, kamala and sleepy joe on hurricane response - djt. t.s post

>>21701454 prices are too high - djt t.s post.

>>21701706 On my way to the Great State of Michigan! - djt t.s post and rumble link to rally

>>21701045 Melania message on "individual freedom" & "my body, my choice" - melania twat and mp4 vid.

>>21701139, >>21701755, baker notes bun

>>21701270, >>21701082, >>21701668, >>21701673, >>21701675, >>21701684, hurrincane helene - anons opines and digs. Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit (found X a/c)

Anonymous ID: 07ba95 Oct. 3, 2024, 9:47 a.m. No.21702095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2103 >>2388 >>2559 >>2625


the macintyre report on hurricane helene and flood and dam defenses


Note: if anons read through these, there is a clear pattern that hurricane helene is a multi-faceted attack on maga plus a clear lack of duty to safe guard and buy up lands after the elections - deep state weather warfare and asset grab plus election interference at the cost of souls sacrificed - pure evil

regarding the hurricane helene.

anon has gone back and listened to mark styne who mentioned the problem with the flooding of NC and Georgia.

This needs anons to investigate this hurricane.

did we not have weather anons who used to be here who watched this stuff similiar to planefags.

need someone with access to X to find a account by Stephen Macintyre who put out a tweet explaining the problem with flooding and the fact that those who refused flood defenses and dams is the reason why the river took its natural course and flooded the areas.

Anon believes this was weather warfare,

Trump mentioned it that it was outside tornado season and it was unusual.

it seem to devastate mainly red voting areas

ps it has now 6 days since this happened and fema are nowhere to be seen apart from a few photos of them being retarded.

The death toll is over 120 with thousands missing possibly dead or buried under mud.


>>21701270, >>21701082, >>21701668, >>21701673, >>21701675, >>21701684, hurrincane helene - anons opines and digs. Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit (found X a/c)


Thirty killed in one county after hurricane swamps North Carolina

Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

actually, the lesson from Helene is the opposite from that being promoted.

In 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority was given the mandate for flood control in the valley of the Tennessee River and its tributaries. Over the next 40 years, they built 49 dams, which, for the most part, accomplished their goal. Whereas floods in the Tennessee were once catastrophic, younger people are mostly unaware of them.

The French Broad River (Asheville) is an upstream tributary where flood control dams weren't constructed due to local opposition.

Rather than the devastation of Hurricane Helene on Asheville illustrating the effect of climate change, the success of the flood control dams in other sectors of the Tennessee Valley illustrates the success of the TVA flood control program where it is implemented.

Hurricane Helene did not show the effect of climate change, but what happens to settlements in Tennessee Valley tributaries under "natural" flooding (i.e. where flood control dams have been rejected.)

Chris Martz @ChrisMartzWX


Anonymous ID: 07ba95 Oct. 3, 2024, 9:48 a.m. No.21702103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2388 >>2559 >>2625



To all the people going apeshit about Hurricane Helene and the flooding associated with its remnants, whatever happened to the rule “weather ≠ climate”?

Does that rule only apply to skeptics who [incorrectly] attempt to use cold air outbreaks or snowstorm as evidence against…

Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit

I should add that, in its first 40 years, the TVA built 49 flood control dams, of which 29 were power-generating. In the subsequent 50 years, TVA built 0 flood control dams, However, in the 1980s, they established the Carbon Dioxide Information Centre (CDIAC) under their nuclear division, which sponsored much influential climate research, including the CRU temperature data (Phil Jones) and Michael Mann's fellowship from which Mann et al 1998 derived. In 1990, the parents of Crowdstrike's Dmitri Alperovich moved from Russia to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where his father was a TVA nuclear engineer. Dmitri moved to Tennessee a few years later. One can't help but wonder whether TVA's original mandate for flood control got lost in the executive offices, attracted by more glamorous issues, such as climate change research. If so, one could reasonably say that a factor in the seeming abandonment of TVA efforts to complete its original flood control mandate (e.g. to French Broad River which inundated Asheville) was partly attributable to diversion of TVA interest to climate change research, as opposed to its mandate of flood control.

another thought. As soon as the point is made, it is obvious that flood control dams have reduced flooding. Not just in Appalachia. I've looked at long data for water levels in Great Lakes and the amount of fluctuation (flooding) after dams installed is much reduced.

And yet my recollection of public reporting of climate is that weather extremes, including flooding, is getting worse. But in areas with flood control dams, it obviously //isn't// getting worse than before. It's better. Note to self: check IPCC reports for their specific findings on flooding. … 8623454419