>>2170341 (lb)
Reminder that Israel supports ISIS.
Israel uses US tax money to support ISIS.
Tell your politicians you want to boycott Israel.
>>2170341 (lb)
Reminder that Israel supports ISIS.
Israel uses US tax money to support ISIS.
Tell your politicians you want to boycott Israel.
Reminder that despite the kike shills insisting that Obongo was against Israel (he wasn't), he made sure he started the civil war in Syria and financed ISIS to advance the jewish supremacist Israeli agenda.
Israel uses US tax money to support ISIS.
Tell your politicians you want to boycott Israel.
Reminder that Israel supports ISIS and uses US tax payer money to support ISIS, which wants Americans to drown in their own blood.
Share this image online everywhere you can after verfying the sources of the claims.
Print this image and spread it everywhere you can.
You can put the paper on car's wind shields, drop it in public spaces and transportation, you can even put it in mail boxes.
You can use flyers, and posters.
To glue the paper to the walls/glasses/posts, use the technique of wheat paste, it is very resistant and it is easely washed away with water, and thus is not vandalism.
Reminder: the problem isn't jews per-se, it's jewish supremacism and subversion going unchecked and legitimate criticisms about jewish supremacism and subversion getting censored EVERYWHERE.
Turning the general public against Israel using verifiable FACTS is key to win the war against the globalist cabal peacefully. When you destroy the jewish supremacist lies, you're always making progress towards a faster great awakening.
Reminder that jewish supremacism is the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.
That is why, eventually, zionism, jewish interest groups and the jewish religion are going to be banned from the West along with islam. A person being a racial jew is no problem if they are pro-activelly and vocally against jewish supremacism and subversion.
All of those (islam, the jewish religion, jewish interest groups and zionism) are threats to the West and as such, all supporters of its presence in the West are enemies of the West.
Vid related is: โDoes the Torah View Goyim as Inferior to Jews? Yes! Says Rabbi Mintz!โ
Description (from the original): โOy Vey! 'Pogroms, Inquisitions, and Holocausts' โ "we are the eternal victims and 'God's Chosen People!'" This Rabbi conflates lies with God as if were His word, but we can be certain it isn't the same god as the Goyim worship โ Behold, the Synagogue of Satanโฆ (Revelation 3:9).โ
If you want to verify why judaism IS jewish supremacism, read this chapter from a book:
Another video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.
Vid related is: โIsraelis: Do you believe that gentiles (goys) will be slaves for the Jews?โ
And for the naive anons and shills who say this
>I see calls for outlawing Judaism and Islam, in direct violation of the First Amendment
They are not religions, they are supremacist political doctrines disguised as religions as a deliberate subversive tactic. And believe me, if they are not removed by peaceful ways, they will be by force. Take your pic, enough of traitors and subverters using our laws to fuck with us.
Kikes are fug.
Yet another enlightening video about jewish supremacism being the defining characteristic of jewish cultural identity.
Vid related is: โJewish Divine Right to Rule Over Goyimโ
Probably, jews are fond of such things, and Israel is pedo haven, soโฆ
โFurious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalemโ
Description is:
Furious Jews threaten to stone us for preaching Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Israeli Defense Forces try to stop us from preaching but admit that we are doing nothing illegal. Two men (one at a later time) tell us that we should be stoned for idolatry. Angry young teenagers pushed me and tried to break the phone I was using to record, and many other things happened. Brother Berto ministered to the Jew who said we should be stoned, and we saw such conviction begin to work in his heart. Brother Jakob spoke to several others and contended for the faith by discussing the holy scriptures. Many wonderful encounters and a great night of evangelism! Please share!
Haha, more jewish fake news.
> Torah the foundation for the Christian
Wrong. Christ only appears in the New Testament, the Torah is the Old Testatment.
Try harder kike, you're making this to easy :)
Reminder that Jesus was not a jew, he was an Israelite who got killed by jews for being against Usury.
If some shill tries to tell you that jews didnโt killed Jesus, it was the Romans, remember this quote from another anon:
โThe Liberal Catholics of our country are now making another concession to Interfaith charity and Brotherhood benevolence. They are saying, "It was not the Jews who crucified Christ; it was the Romans."
I should like to ask these Liberal Catholics a few pointed questions on the subject of Our Lord's death.
Was it the Romans who came out to seize Him in the Garden of Olives with swords and clubs on the night of His Passion, and who brought Him bound to the High Priest, and then to Pontius Pilate, demanding that He should be killed?
Was it a Roman who betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and was it to Romans He was sold for thirty pieces of silver?
Was the High Priest a Roman, who rent his garments and accused Our Lord of blasphemy when He declared Himself to be the Eternal Son of God?
Was it a Roman crowd which stood before the tribunal of Pontius Pilate and shouted: "If this man were not a malefactor we would not have handed Him over to you โฆ His blood be upon us and upon our children!"
Was it the Romans who disowned Jesus as the King of the Jews, and did not want the inscription placed over His head on the Cross when He hung, crowned with thorns, and with nails in His hands and His feet?
Was it God's judgement in Heaven that the Romans had killed Christ, and was that why the Power of the Almighty some thirty years later razed the Temple of Jerusalem to the ground, and left not one stone upon a stone, and has never allowed it to be rebuilt from that day to this?
In the prayers of the Mass for Good Friday of Holy Week, the priest refers to the "perfidious Jews" as the ones who betrayed and crucified Christ. Should he be saying the "perfidious Romans"? And has it been wrong for the Church to put it the first way for as long as her history?
When Our Lord hung upon the Cross, His first recorded words were, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
Do the Liberal Catholics really think Our Lord was referring to the Jews when He said, "They know not what they do"? Was it the Jewish Chief Priests, the Scribes, and the Ancients, with whom He sat daily teaching in the Temple and who, when He was crucified, wagged their heads and mocked Him and shouted: "He saved others; himself He cannot save" โ was it these who knew not what they did, and whom Our Lord asked the Father to forgive?
Saint Luke tells us clearly that Jesus said this of the Roman soldiers who "dividing his garments, cast lots." And Saint Matthew tells us that these same Romans, after Jesus expired on the Cross, cried out in one voice with their Centurion, "Indeed, this was the Son of God!".โ
And if a shill tries to tell you jews didnโt exist during Jesus time (they have said that moronish lie to me), just point them to this link and laugh at them:
And also, if some shill tries to tell you that jews didnโt killed Jesus, they had him sacrificed, call him out on his attempt to use pilpul to obfuscate the facts. Pic related 2. He sacrificed Himself for us. Jews meant to murder Him and they tried because of their greed and love for Usury (pic related 3 is a sample from one chapter of the book โWhen Victims Ruleโ, in case you want to learn more about Usury).
Pic related 4 is how in the talmud jews claim to have hanged Jesus.
You're jewish lies are only digging your grave deeper kike shill :)
Israel is a genocidal ever expanding nuclear rogue state that is the biggest haven for pedos and biggest hub for human and organ trafficking in the world right now.
Israel is the HQ of the cabal.
Speaking of goat fuckers.
Thanks for the tip.
A race (although many racial jews reject judaism);
A religion (although many religious jews are not racially jews);
The bloodline of Abraham who made a pact with God in the Old Testament (Torah) to cut the tip of the benis of all man child of his tribe in order to aquire the God's chose status.
Read more here:
You're a lying kike and you've been exposed.
You claimed that the Torah (which is the Old Testament, which the written oral traditional interpretation of it was the origin of the Talmud) is the base of Christianity, and that is a lie, because Christ only appears in the Bible (which includes the Old Testament and the New Testament) in the New Testament.
Better pop a xanax and ip hop faggot yid :)
Genocidal hubris.
Jews killed JFK.
Judaism is a supremacist ideology.
In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance: "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His (((Chosen People))) and place them under His protection โฆ God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:
"God โฆ said to Abraham โฆ You shall circumcise the flesh of
the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me
and you." GENESIS: 17:9-13
With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, โno male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew โฆ it reminds him of the doctrine of the (((chosen people))).โ [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, (((Chosen)))," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?
"Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that โ if they obeyed the laws and demands of God โ they would someday be as "numerous as the stars."
Try harder kike :)
Don't worry kike, judaism, zionism and islam are all going to be banned in the West :)
Reminder that Israel has millions of treasonous non-Israeli jewish Mossad collaborators spread world-wide. They are called the Sayanim (plural of the word Sayan, which is also the hebrew word for โcollaboratorโ).
Videos related:
โJacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad's volunteer agents)โ
โHow the Mossad Recruit a Network of Helpers (SAYANIM)โ
The Rothchilds' order the execution by the Jewish Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family. The attempts by Rothschilds to assassinate all the Tsars of Romanov's bloodline continued non-stop until the entire Romanov bloodline was destroyed. Pic related.
It's not the country that sucks, it's the parasites that suck on it (jews) that make it not live to its full potential.
Qte if true.
As long as judaism, islam and zionism get banned from the West for the threats they are, ok.
P sitting in the throne makes sense from that perspective, if they have infiltrated the Vatican.
Cry more kike, I'm glad my fully sourced verifiable facts about jewish supremacism and subversion are hurting your Israel first sensibilities :)
Have some more truths.
Germany could contribute 500 million more if they admitted that the official version of the holocaust a lie.
David Cole, jewish historian tells the truth about some of the holocaust lies. In 8 minutes, your world is going to be rocked by verifiable factual information coming from a brave jewish historian that had to go into hiding for a while for his commitment to the TRUTH.
Must see.
He also wrote this list of questions addressed to the Holocaust Museum that received no response (because the holocaust official version is a lie). Read the list of questions here:
Also note that he received death threats from jew supremacists for his work. You can read about the David Cole Affair here:
Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilizationโฆ
Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to โsurvivorsโ coming from German tax payerโs pockets each and every year.
You were replying to me then, I posted that.
> christian fags are the weak-link by following the religion created by the "Self-declared Enemies of Humanity"
Lie. Don't worry, judaism, islam and zionism are going to be banned from the West.
Now go pop another xanax kike shill :)
Thanks for the kind words anon!
I would add to your script and pics the passage names and numbers and a link to a digital version of the talmud archived on archive.is for ease of verification of the claims. People tend to be lazy and most of them will not go verify unless you help make it easier for them.
Also, I would not call it "Jewish Supremacy", that implies that they are supreme, I would call it "Jewish Supremacism", which is correct and implies they are ATTEMPTING to be supreme.
Otherwise, great job!
>If this is their religion, then synagogues are training camps, the same as mosques. Some Goyim know, but the rest need to know too. Then, maybe the problem can finally go away, perhaps Israel will take them. Of course we'll still have the "infidel'' issue, but I'm hoping this great awakening momentum hits a double header and cleans them both out.
Indeed. And cricumcision causes permanent brain damage on kids, so it will be easy to push for its banning too.
I disagree.
Hijack it.
Cry more kike :)
>impressive knowledge and precision
You give me way too much credit, but thanks for the kind words.
> I have a layout design in mind for a presentation that can reach everyone. But I lack all the resources to do it all myself. Would you possibly be interested?
The only way I can help you is by answering your posts if I happen to be here when you post them. In that regard I will help you as best as I can.
I don't have skills in photoshop nor anything like that.
A resource I recommend to you is this:
It's 2000 pages of fully sourced info on jewish religion, history and subversion.
People need to make noise about jewish supremacism taking away their 1st amend.
We can talk here. I am here everyday, the time of the day always changes thou.
To be easier to communicate, you can write what you want me to read on doc document and then make a pic from that (posts have character limit), or you can use pastebin.com to write as much as you can and then send me a link.
Take it easy, we have time, its better to make haste slowly, and relax, we are winning, Trump is making great progress.