Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.2170413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0426 >>0526 >>0873


In honor of your wise and wonderful words, I gift you my sheep, please use them in battle wisely. Q is a LARP...fuckin A of course it's a LARP..whose LARP? I've not quite decided..but it's most certainly a LARP.


Go forth and dig in honor of the best fuckin POTUS this country has ever seen...and wield the sheep sword bravely..for many will try to shill you to death!

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.2170441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0456


>We've done the digging.

>Let's fight the fight.

KEK..I ain't fighting nothing…I will support POTUS until my dying day unless he starts instituting a state religion. I will continue to work and do my best in my life, and continue to live the best way I can. NOTHING Q says or fails to say will change that.


I'd love to see the evil punished, but in this world, in reality, there's usually not…not saying it cannot change, but I've learned a long time ago that holding expectations only leads to disappointment. So hope for the best, prepare…for the worst.

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.2170491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0522

>>2170254 (pb)

>Can I get a link or some pics related to that pls?

Sorry I didn't save it. I was reposting the links because the JIDF was fighting it so hard..I don't save things I already know.


It's the same group that got kicked out of Uruguay for pedo shit..Chabad lev? something in NY, just research it, the article was just gak…almost all Hasidim boys can be guaranteed to have been sexually abused. That's how bad it is. WITH full approval..those who don't or try to fight back, don't last long.

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2170524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2170207 (pb)

>So you're saying truth is relative and there are no absolutes?


YOU clearly are not a thinker. Perhaps a black and white television is more your type.


Philosophers have been struggling with this for literally centuries. I took particular umbrage with the concept of Eudaimonia. In fact it was quite easy to tear that apart, despite the fact that some pretty big heavy weights argued this, their arguments were much too narrow.


Eudaimonia is a fallacy for the singular fact that defining pleasure and happiness through virtue simply cannot be done along a straight line. I realize you're going to have to dash off and duck duck this, and you'll likely concoct a hasty, religion-based retort, which I shall rip apart in five seconds, so do not bother. You are not well armed for this battle.

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.2170632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>And btw how do we expect to win anything with those kinds of attitudes.

I have already won. No one controls my life, I owe no one anything. I do not need Q to drop something for me to know what's what. Q hasn't dropped a single thing that was not already known, JAYSUS FUCKING H CHRIST the emails were more informative on actual what's what. DID Q spark the sleepy sheepy to grab onto some hope and start spreading information? YES. KEK..those sheep that still used social media..not me. Those sheep that still care what other people think, not me. SO I don't really have a battle that needs to be won. I've protested wars, cults, resident evil, I've written endless letters, called endless reps, lost jobs, and guess what? Nothing. Ever. Changes. There are two layers of life we're dealing with here..a top layer that is a law unto itself…a layer we have very tenuous contact with, a Truman's World kind of contact where we are shown what we wish to see, and we gulp back our big gulps and shuffle off to work knowing somewhere somehow, someone else is doing something…about something wrong, somewhere.


THIS is the truth. I don't know what sort of 'justice' you all are expecting. I've seen every special interest group in the possible world here pleading for Q to attend to their specific requests and needs.

Tend to yourself. If you fuck up your life don't expect someone else to fix it? (Like the debt tards, except for medical debt, you got no excuses and you're NOT getting a reset)…that sort of thing.


I have done and will continue to do real world shit to affect the world and people around me. To be of service the best way I can…and enjoy this beautiful earth until we've ass raped her into oblivion in our greed. That's what i think. I don't fucking need Q to give me hope. I AM HOPE all by myself.

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 10:07 p.m. No.2170666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0694


>I pledge to wield the sheep sword bravely

I give you one more arrow for your quiver…this shalt thou use-eth on filterfags….liberally.


yeah.. think so (crumbs at qanonpub). I read the "crumbs" when they're dropped..mostly I giggle, sometimes I hope..but mostly giggle. If it happens, praise KEK..if it doesn't…se la vie.

Anonymous ID: 46564d July 15, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.2171039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>emotional investment it has caused.

exactly..the sheeple fail to recognize their own emotional manipulation all the while pointing out how the leftards are being emotionally manipulated. good on you for knowing this…an running with it anyway.


bbBUUUTTT Q said PRAY…butttt Q quoted the bible..buttt Q said…


Whomever is doing this better recognize they are dealing with VERY fragile minds, equally as fragile as the left, just in a different direction. ALL that hpe of individual agendas being met From the alien tards…(fuckin Q and his ET troll) to the FE tards begging for "the truth", the religitards hoping to reinstitute the middles via xian sharia, because they know best…PRAY (prey)…I'm grateful for Q having shown me the fragility, I'm actually stronger because I see it. I don't want to be "that person" who falls apart, who NEEDS Q to post so 'I don't look crazy to my friends and family'. Pro tip you're crazy…this time it's crazy for a good cause…but what about next time someone promises you the stars and delivers you…the shiter.


I believe POTUS is doing his best. I also believe he had no idea it was THIS bad. I'm grateful for Q's ability to open eyes, but Q must realize the second these eyes don't get what they feel they were promised…there's gonna be some jumpers. And Q is going to be held responsible for that.


Someone once asked "what would most people do if they were shown absolute proof that something they believe in was untrue"…the answer is for both the left and the right…they would simply double down and say "bernie can still win, here's how".


SO I hope Q has a ethical withdrawal plan…or a means of riding this out to completion. Because this cannot go on forever. One can only excuse the fails with "enjoy the show" and "trolling is fun" … "and the Oscar goes to"…and I swear if Q is Bannon, I hope Israel is blown up by an asteroid in punishment.



>While ya'll are on here jerking off - there is a significant name drop going on via Twitter of UK pedos.


Literally NOT significant. ALL this is public record. Are you guys just bored or does it really take this little to excite you?