With all due Respect to the FLOTUS AND GEOTUS: The FLOTUS is SMOOOOOKING HOT. I am down right jealous tbh. She gets my vote for Sexiest First Lady EVER
Love the DEL, one of the few rappers that promotes a positive message. Even if at times it seems anti-white.
Indeed, I had a moment of weakness and needed to say it :)
Just a feeling I get from some of his lyrics, but Like I said I love the Del. I've turned a few people onto him because they were like I like rap! You mean that shitty gangster rap that is pretty much entirely responsible for the state of black culture of crime? Here Listen to this, it actually has a positive message of bettering yourself. We need more Del's in the world, thats for sure. :)
Music is music, regardless of your particular tastes. It's just a style of music you don't enjoy.
REAL music is classical music anyway you fag.
Well hopefully they get to dance at the end of a rope with their puppet masters.
Funny, i always thought R was for RENEGADE which is for Hussein.
That isnt a happy smile he has. I can tell he knew too much. May he rest in peace and his killers and those that ordered it rot in hell.
Oh, Don't take it the wrong way Anon, I fucking LOVE METAL
Love those guys! :D
And jeeze anons, It was a fucking joke. Listen/post whatever you fucking want. I'm not board hitler or something.