Depending on who you ask, Romanovs were executed for exposing the plan for world domination.
Depending on who you ask, Romanovs were executed for exposing the plan for world domination.
Yes and the puppet masters were always in the west. Lenins revolution was an experiment to see how far humans could be pushed.
>This place blows. I'm going back to /pol/
You really had to type a message instead of just clicking on your /pol/ tab? Nice play rabbi youre really subverting this board now. Go tell /pol/ to read Siege.
What will you guys try next? Theres multiple shill angles in this one thread alone. But its all so weak im feasting on your tears of failure.
>run out of shill tactics
Nope theyll never stop. Theyll just fall back to "Muh Dick" and FE image spam. Only way this ends is when their bosses and sponsors go to gallows or money dries up.