For you, Baker.
6am eastern, anon.
Cya, faggot.
I've noticed this as well, they're probably getting a pay cut and run out of shill tactics. The saddest part is they shit up slow breads with their weak attempts.
These shills aren't right.
I meant new tactics, should've specified. Even normies wouldn't fall for their shit nowadays.
Check the catalog for the R thread for your answer, fren.
Well, in 4hrs we will see what the summit brings.
I've been feeling anxious since the start of this month and I'm starting to feel a lot calmer now. Who knows what information may be passed onto Trump/the world during this meeting. Strap in for the ride, anon. Bring out the popcorn and watch the show.
No one is asking that of you, anon. Taking down the cabal that's been in power for over a century if not longer isn't a quick or easy task. We have to be patient and hold onto the hope that Q and POTUS have given us. They are fighting a tough fight for us, the people who have been suffering under the rule of the sick bastards.