Anonymous ID: 51e1c1 Oct. 3, 2024, 5:07 p.m. No.21704387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4452 >>4486

Trump called the victims of the hurricane ‘the displaced’. Anyone screenshot that tweet? I did because I knew what it meant but I accidentally a delete.


Here goes why he used that word -‘displaced’. The Displaced refers to The second purge of the Shenandoah valley that forcibly removed freedom fighting ‘hillbillies’ from the area to keep them from uprising again against tyranny.


“In the 1930s, Shenandoah National Park was pieced together from over 3,000 individual tracts of land, purchased or condemned by the Commonwealth of Virginia and presented to the Federal Government. In the process, at least 500 families -described as "almost completely cut off from the current of American life" were displaced in what was considered by some to be an humanitarian act. “


Leading up to the displacement, media pointed out the ‘hillbillies’ were living like dogs and uneducated, and it was for their own good. Newspapers made sure to take the worst photographs that would make the hillbillies appear in a bad light. So no one of the public made an outcry when later, whole towns were rounded up in trucks in the dead of night. The feds burned the homes and farms behind them within their sight so they wouldn’t try to come back. They drove them north and kicked them out into the cities where they had no way of finding anyone else they knew from their home region.


“The "well-known history" (which, is largely unknown to present day park visitors) is that the Shenandoah National Park project involved the removal (via eminent domain) of several thousand families living in Virginia's Blue Ridge mountains. In many cases, these displaced people had been living on the land for generations, the descendants of some of America's first pioneers. They farmed; they were tradesmen; they lived self sufficiently off the land”


And the federal government made most of it a national park. See? For the good of everyone.

But the ghosts of foundations and chimneys are all still there.

Why? Welll as George Washington said (and which the internet has tried to wipe, but you’ll still find it in old books’ and add my enough from AI , “If all fails, , I will make my last stand for among the Scotch-Irish of my native Virginia in the mountains where not a man will suffer tyranny’”

And the Scots Irish stretched into NC and GA- they just wanted to be left alone after the murderous English forced them to flee Scotland, making the wearing of plaid and speaking of Gaelic and more both able to be killed on sight.

There’s LOTS more to this dig. But displaced they were. Over and over. Just a controlled hurricane this time.

The cabal has lit the Scot’s Irish resolve.


Maybe you’re getting a hint of why JD Vance is the VP pick.