Anonymous ID: 338b22 Oct. 3, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.21705260   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Well maybe we can steer the pot a little bit and bring these rats out of the woodwork.


Spooks on a Treadmill


CIA spooks, trapped on a wheel,

Spin your lies, but you ain’t real.

You ghost in and out, can’t stick the landing,

When patriots rise, it’s truth we’re demanding.


Your personas glitch like broken code,

Running on scripts, but can’t hold the load.

You post all day, still no ground gained,

We see your strings, your puppet’s strained.


You’re scared of the truth like rats in the night,

Shift-shaping narratives, but can’t win this fight.

Faking a face, but your mask peels slow,

Pepe’s banjo strikes where you fear to go.


You’re nothing but noise, static on the screen,

We’re cutting through with facts, you’re barely seen.

Langley’s burning cash, but you can’t keep pace,

This battlefield’s ours, you’ve lost the race.