People need to understand what a VP does these days, or what they at least used to be mainly in charge of. You DON'T want comp'd corrupt people in that position.
The interesting thing is, he DIDN'T say JFK jr's BODY.
Yeah sure, that's why Iran keeps being assholes and beating their chests and the media does nothing but blame Israel every time someone drops a bomb or invades them. Are you stupid? WHO exactly keeps trying to push Israel out of the land? Israel herself? You're an idiot.
Fuck YOU. See, no one cares.
Fuck Iran, fuck "Palestine", fuck all the fuck wads who keep stirring up shit all because they are too stupid to just get along.
That's funny, I've been craving a blt for a few days now. Got any?
In fact, make it a BLT on toasted wheat bread, some miracle whip, and fresh avocado. That should do the trick.
I don't care what you call it, I call it yummy.
Makes ya wonder which Clinton he was talking about. I think he is out for his own country, who isn't, but when you have "allies" like Clinton and Bidet, it probably tends to make you less agreeable. I personally don't necessarily agree with everything Israel does, but I don't live in Israel so….
Sounds pretty accurate.
Eh, either way, onions would be good depending on my mood. On the other hand, if it's grilled onions, pile 'em on.
Well, I guess I will wait till the 5th and see what there is to see.
Look Adolph, we here in America have our own fucking crooks to deal with. So pull your fucking thumb out of your ass and go suck it somewhere else.
Oh sorry, my mistake. Take your HEAD out of your ass. You make no sense.
I find it interesting how you argue like all nut bag leftists do. If I don't agree with your nazi paradigm, I'm automatically Jewish? Is that how that works? Anyone that disagrees with you is a Jew? I'm not Jewish, but I'm sure that won't matter to you.
What's up with all the references to "white?" Race bait much?
I watched AND read the captions. He was talking about people like Clinton, SPECIFICALLY by name. Did YOU watch it? Seems you only heard what you wanted to hear.
The only thing you own is your smegma collection.
Sure I do. I choked you with it just last night.
KEK. I wonder if he was thinking of OUR storm.
Yeah, probably not too far off. The second half of those 7 years.
It may not be a question of need necessarily. Pretty sure he is more of a liability these days. I suspect he may have a fatal accident one of these days just so they can "secure" that hatch.
Ask yourself a question. Who really runs Europe? I mean REALLY runs it? Who has had control of all the royal families for centuries? Who is the ONLY one that can declare a "king" emperor?
This whole hurricane thing seems to be mainly a distraction. It sucks, but what is the democrat motto? Never let a good disaster go to waste.
Looks like a thud.